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Author Topic: Vault 8 apartments  (Read 2821 times)

The Greaser

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Vault 8 apartments
« on: April 10, 2012, 11:15:57 pm »

 The vault within Vault City needs to have apartments. I mean, a vault is for rooms and such for the inhabitants to live in, correct? My character is currently a citizen of Vault City and I need to store my goods before heading out of the city and into the wastelands. There should be a change on the second level of Vault with beds, lockers, fridges, etcetera etcetera in each apartment. On the otherhand, using a terminal or key to access your apartment is quite nice. Also, asking a NPC to give you a apartment (which is permanent unless that this apartment hasn't been used for over 50 days which will reset the apartment) for a fee ofcourse.

 TL;DR : We need apartments in Vault 8 of Vault City to store stashes and living space.

 Positive and negative criticism is welcome against the subject.
Re: Vault 8 apartments
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2012, 11:24:21 pm »

I think apartments are an outdated feature because of tents and bases that aren't limited.
There's problems with apartments in BH used for advantage in TC.
In the 2238 of today I don't see a place for apartments and think they'll be removed. Or completely reworked.


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Re: Vault 8 apartments
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2012, 09:50:39 am »

free tent for 50 days for 50caps? :D dont make me laugh


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Re: Vault 8 apartments
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2012, 10:18:17 am »

I'll probably transform them into rentable rooms, like the houses in NCR.

Hects Hakal

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Re: Vault 8 apartments
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2012, 12:29:18 pm »

Didnt you played the game? Vault is leaved because the mission of citizens is to rebuild world-and the first citizen sayid that unless another atom bomb fall the vault will not be used for living-just as a storage of data,items and a hospital
Re: Vault 8 apartments
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2012, 02:19:21 pm »

Fix the rent system first, please.


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Re: Vault 8 apartments
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2012, 04:21:05 pm »

I don't know what is to fix there + I am not a scripter anyway.

Didnt you played the game? Vault is leaved because the mission of citizens is to rebuild world-and the first citizen sayid that unless another atom bomb fall the vault will not be used for living-just as a storage of data,items and a hospital

Quite a few things in 2238 are different anyway.
Re: Vault 8 apartments
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2012, 04:24:37 pm »

Sometimes it's better to take a detour off cannon , for the sake of the game play. Otherwise we wouldn't have so much locations , nor encounters and many other features.


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Re: Vault 8 apartments
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2012, 04:39:13 pm »

A real problem of most advanced bases and current idea of VC vault rooms is absence ergonomics.

 Lookt at Vault Base. I know that it is on bad place, not ideal for PVP. And all of us know (hope devs too), that PVP activities need a lot of stuff, you have to put somewhere stuff and take fast, if is needed. So Vault base fails from ergonomics, because you have to walk a lot to get inside. So i can guarantee, if Vault Base would be relocated somewhere near PVP cities, if Vault Base would be more cheaper (even first base in base hierarchy), most factions would put all stuff outside the vault on ground and inside areas would be used as common crafting material resources and few hi tech items storage.

 In TLA or Requiem, there exists already solution for this. 2 types of accesses and exits. One long, thru surface place (similar like outside area in VBase), second, for members, direct enter and exit in or out the base to world map. Of course, that direct access leads directly into place with a lot of cabinets and other storages.

 So idea that you can buy your own room in VC, but you would need to travel across 4 maps (suburb, inner city, vault surface level and finaly vault underground level) two times (in and back) is, know.

« Last Edit: April 11, 2012, 04:43:27 pm by Lordus »
So long and THANKS for all the fish!
Re: Vault 8 apartments
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2012, 08:30:16 pm »

@Lexx Pardon, i didn't knew you developer guys separate the tasks. You must be the boss mapper, i guess?

A lot of VC citizens are a peaceful bunch i guess, Lordus. And speaking about PvP ergonomy, how about some military camp base, an outpost of some kind for the PvP oriented factions?

I'm not very good at planning and mapping... Could Lexx perhaps say, as our honorable developer, how he would imagine such a PvP camp?


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Re: Vault 8 apartments
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2012, 09:17:57 pm »

A lot of VC citizens are a peaceful bunch i guess, Lordus. And speaking about PvP ergonomy, how about some military camp base, an outpost of some kind for the PvP oriented factions?

I'm not very good at planning and mapping... Could Lexx perhaps say, as our honorable developer, how he would imagine such a PvP camp?

 VC apartments.. i have described the ergonomy problem, it is not only about requirements of PVP, but i have used PVP requirements only as an example of the whole problem.

 Most players uses outside ground area of cave map not because it is Falloutish, but because it is quick solution. You want to do something, you can take your stuff from ground and leave in cca 10-15 seconds + you can very fast load and unload cargo from your car. If you have items in caves (vaults), you have to spend another time (20-30) seconds to go in and out. After few weeks and months it started to be annoying.

 So adding possibility to live in vault, but with need to run thru cca 5 map locations is absolutely annoying (and imagine situation, when you forget something and you have to return). So fast entrance and exit into VC apartments is necessary, if someone wants to use this reguraly.

 And again, if someone wants to regulary use Vault Base, adding new fast entrance and exit way is necessary. (+ add ability to "find" vault base on north, + solve the problem with "moving" items from first base, + add more cabines, chest, ...).

 And again, the very same problem is already solve on russian fonlines (TLA, Requiem), just google it.
So long and THANKS for all the fish!


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Re: Vault 8 apartments
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2012, 11:54:33 am »

I like it more if you tell us the solution instead of throwing "just google it" around.
Re: Vault 8 apartments
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2012, 12:52:17 pm »

As far i remember, the old TLA base had one public entrance, one entrance inside the base and a emergency exit grid inside the last level.

The base was also in a public view and could be besieged from outside, but members could also use the other entrance and maintain the shields and cannons from inside.
Wasteland is a tricky business.


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Re: Vault 8 apartments
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2012, 03:53:25 am »

I like it more if you tell us the solution instead of throwing "just google it" around.

 I already started similar topic a long time before, when a base with similar mechanism was introduced on TLA server (1,5 year ago?). But i cant findthat topic, and even their or Requiem map. So i have made a very ugly schematics about direct entrance and exit. It can be used similary to VCity Ap. or in other projects.


 P.S.: Dont laugh, it is schematics.
So long and THANKS for all the fish!

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Re: Vault 8 apartments
« Reply #14 on: April 13, 2012, 09:36:33 am »

i allways wanted shelter with lot of lockers and chests
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