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Author Topic: Town raids  (Read 2058 times)


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Town raids
« on: April 16, 2012, 05:32:08 pm »

Town raids is name for pvp action similar to Town control, BUT it is not replacement, but supplement only.

 Mechanism: Beacon, faction related, time windows.

 Output: Recruits  =  If succeeded, faction would be allowed to create new char with boosted basic SPECIAL or skills or perk or other stat. Boost would be related to origin of recruit. I.e. mining cities boost strenght (+1 ST), Klamath SG and Outdoorsman skill (+50 from beginning), The Den gives longer effect of drugs, Modoc gives + 20 HP. Or you can propose something else, if you like this idea., Gecko nothing because of ghouls cannot be recrutable  :'(

 The catch is, that +1 ST in Redding = +1 AG in (or other special point) in other cities, because you just save one special point. So the output should not be only special point.
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Re: Town raids
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2012, 05:58:39 pm »

I like idea of town raids but I don't think game needs to make TC PvP gangs even more powerful compared to anyone else. They are strong enough because of numbers IMHO, don't fill them with characters that others would not be able to compete with.

And if it's gang alt it probably would be shared character which is stupid in the first place, character is not an item to share it IMO ;)
« Last Edit: April 16, 2012, 06:04:28 pm by JovankaB »


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Re: Town raids
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2012, 06:14:14 pm »

I intentionaly suggested minor bonuses to avoid "must have effect" and overpowered builds. In fact what i would like to see is player competition between players (factions) for the prizes of de facto minor perks.

 Something like, "Hey, teamates, i want to create new sniper character, can you help me to get recruit?".
 Answer: "Goofy Lordus, please."
 The fact that competition itself is reduced on player killing is sad. It would be nice, if thiefs, lockpickers, ... could compete too somehow.
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Re: Town raids
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2012, 10:41:52 pm »

Permanent additions to PC is not a minor bonus, every powerbuilder will try to get them. If he cant, he gonna whine on forum.
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[19:41:06] <@JovankaB> einstein said we dont need name colorizing


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Re: Town raids
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2012, 10:52:47 pm »,8385.msg74049.html

I don't think this will happen.

It just seems like too much hassle, the whole thing.

p.s.  You didn't explain exactly what the raiding gang would have to do.  They are raiding after-all, kill, loot etc.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
Re: Town raids
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2012, 10:56:02 pm »

I dont know if it's just me, but the first post just reads like 80% of it is actually missing. Like, you just give some keywords and dont explain anything.

In any case, the bonuses should be temporary if anything, maybe something like a flat 20hp for every faction member for a few hours. Reminds me of the baron buff in LoL. But what we need is an incentive to do tc, it will automatically make everyone come back from the typical "waiting for wipe update" state

edit: come to think of it, to prevent the enemy from just waiting your bonus out, there should be a proper reward to killing these buffed guys as well
« Last Edit: April 16, 2012, 11:02:14 pm by John Porno »


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Re: Town raids
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2012, 11:32:47 pm »

Sorry, i will extend it.

 The idea is this.

 As a faction you enter city, talk with some NPC and tell him that your faction want recruit from their city. Something like: "We are bad guys and give us your youth", or "Borrow us your youth, we will give him education and after 20 years, we will send him back (maybe in pieces)." There could be similar requirements like previous session in TC. So party of 4-5 players with some gear. He would refuse you, if you dont have enough players or gear.

 The gear itself could be predefined, leather armor, low tier weapons only, or not, does not matter.

 When you fulfill the NPC authority requiremets, you will start beacon. Beacon is the well known thing you know from previous sessions. "Faction XYZ taking city ABC." Now, little modified: "Faction XYZ are stealing kids in Modoc, help us".

 Now you would need to get recruit. I dont have idea what exactly you would need to do, but you would be limited by time during you can be killed and lost the possibility to get recruit. Maybe recriut would just spawn after few minutes from start of beacon and you would need to safely get him from town. He would be weak (do you remember Counter strike "assault mod"?).

 Recruit could be npc that would go with you into your base where it would disapear and your next lvl 1 added character would get that bonus.
So long and THANKS for all the fish!
Re: Town raids
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2012, 12:00:50 am »

i very much dont like the idea

such character would be unballanced
it will couse unnecesary confusion in game
plus it would only make bigger the difference betwen biggest gangs and rest
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Re: Town raids
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2012, 12:24:56 am »

i always like time windows.. so it could be limited by those windows.. one two windows per a day => 14 per week. How many chars are registred? 10 000? 15 000? And sorry, 1 point to special is not unbalancing element. It is less than if you dont take drugs. And in PvP, there are a lot of non drug builds.

 The point is, that factions would not fight only for stuff like they do, but even for recruits. And dont forget.. You have to level that recruit. There is no need for major gangs to have 100 recruits. I think that oposite to TC, even smaller factions would  have chance.
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Re: Town raids
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2012, 02:19:01 am »

Add specjal items with +specials
Glasses +1pe , magic ball +1luck, easter egg +1str
Re: Town raids
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2012, 03:31:03 am »

Mechanism: Beacon, faction related, time windows.


No to everything else. I don't think such bonuses would bring provide anything good , nor they would be fitting.
Re: Town raids
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2012, 01:08:39 pm »

Add specjal items with +specials
Glasses +1pe , magic ball +1luck, easter egg +1str
actually, that idea has potential. After holding a town for a certain amount of time, you'd get one item that makes your character a little little little stronger. This item could probably have some of these hinkley mechanics, meaning it will despawn after a set time, but it can also be looted.

The time that you need to hold a town should be quite long to have long battles and prevent overnight-farming.

I'm afraid that lordus' idea is too impractical. The poor kids gonna get plasma-sd'd anyway and the escorting team would rage about the AI.


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Re: Town raids
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2012, 04:15:12 pm »

actually, that idea has potential. After holding a town for a certain amount of time, you'd get one item that makes your character a little little little stronger. This item could probably have some of these hinkley mechanics, meaning it will despawn after a set time, but it can also be looted.

The time that you need to hold a town should be quite long to have long battles and prevent overnight-farming.

I'm afraid that lordus' idea is too impractical. The poor kids gonna get plasma-sd'd anyway and the escorting team would rage about the AI.

 1) items that boost your special = old drug system, without consumation. Also i do like it, because they are ordinary items that would be stored at your base. The strongest team would have huge amount of them and they would be even stronger.

 Recruit needs time to level up. You cannon simply store them in base. Simply. I suggested, that after you succesfully get recruit, you have to bring him into the base, NPC would disapear, and NEXT lvl 1 char added to computer would get that recruit bonus. So no stockpile.

 2) Escorting team would need to defend his recruit. It is wasteland. You want better char, you need to defend him. => its new kind of gameplay.
So long and THANKS for all the fish!
Re: Town raids
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2012, 01:59:07 am »

1: my system: gang has to hold town for X hours, gets 1 item at a time which despawns X hours later.

everything temporary.

2: your system: People farm recruits over night because they'd just get c4'ed, sd'd, sniped during actual peak hours and then make a whole new team of buffed alts for the rest of the season.

So let me get this right: Temporary items that despawn after x hours is "stockpiling" while permantly gaining character bonuses for a gang is not?


no offense but this doesnt sway me at all


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Re: Town raids
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2012, 03:02:50 am »

 John Porno, i like time windows. They  have good effect that concetrate players at certain time in certain location, if the purpose of concetration is entertaining and useful for players.

 So i can imagine 2-3 time windows for recruiting during a day (afternoon, night and after midnight) for players from different timezones. That means that maximum avaible recruits could be strictly limited. Of course, better team wins, but you can form alliances, or just ruin best TR attempts of huge teams etc.

 Permanent effect is not so high, that it would ruin whole balance of game. This and previous era, you were able to use non drug char in PVP and replace absence of drugs or best armors by your human skill. I know that +1 special point could make whole new build, but not ultimate one and not for everyone.

 Also i think that competion with very different outcome, recruits, is new motivation for players, who likes to test new PVP builds. Look, my whole team left fonline because there is not any new challenge. We collected every possible item, tested every quest, participate on every multiplayer element of the game and we are bored.

 Town raids with recruits and TC multiplayer parts of fonline could coexist together, but first or second has different purpose and different gameplay. And everyhing could be changed, if there is better idea.

 Also another thing, if there exist only one multiplayer game mod = TC, it is good enough for certain types of players. Also it could be bugged, unfair, .. . Two game mods offers more variety. Also i dont want to create something absolutely new, that needs a hard days of scripting and testing. Every single mechanism i suggested is or was already implemented in fonline. Time windows, controlable NPC, beacon, perks..
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