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Author Topic: Plasma rifle build  (Read 3162 times)

Plasma rifle build
« on: March 29, 2012, 03:39:08 pm »

Like topic says I need good pvp drug build for Plasma Rifle

Need 12 AP (two aimed in the eyes shots)  and not less than 180... 170 hp
"every" shot critical, if possible

Please help me guys :)
« Last Edit: March 29, 2012, 03:43:29 pm by likeyoucare »
Re: Plasma rifle build
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2012, 04:00:05 pm »

What about drugs? If you're able to use any drugs, then there's no problems in creating super-puper-build, then problem is annoying playing by always eating tones of drugs. If clean build, then of course you'll have some weaknesses and you have to choose which ones are better for you.

Ok, now I can read drug build,

Plasma Rifle
Need 12 AP
and not less than 180... 170 hp
"every" shot critical, if possible

3 +1 Pyscho +2 Buffout -2 Jet +2 Weapon handling = 6
5 +1 cigs -2 Psycho = 4
8 +2 Psycho = 10 (for anti-crits, if it matters)
10 +1-1 nuka-buffout = 10
small frame
chem reliant

EW ~220%
FA 38%
Doc ~100%

With 4 PE on max plasma rifle range in the eyes with 95% to hit you need to have 219% EW skill.

weapon handling @4
even more critical @6
even tougher @9
better critical @12
more critical @15
BRoF @18
RBtE @21 (if it will work properly)
Lifegiver @24

Btw I think it'll have too low HP, but max possible crit chance, x2 shots in the eyes with 95% change to hit in the eyes on 24 hexes from plasma rifle, also you will even have positive DR under Jet, because of Psycho and even tougher.

Edit#2: 186 HP, forgot to say.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2012, 04:23:50 pm by RavenousRat »
Re: Plasma rifle build
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2012, 04:15:43 pm »

What about drugs? If you're able to use any drugs, then there's no problems in creating super-puper-build, then problem is annoying playing by always eating tones of drugs. If clean build, then of course you'll have some weaknesses and you have to choose which ones are better for you.

jet, psycho and nuka. maybe cigs too
anyway what is plasma rifle range? Opera's character planner says 30... wiki 24. I'm asking beacause i never used plasma rifle before
Re: Plasma rifle build
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2012, 04:22:19 pm »

anyway what is plasma rifle range? Opera's character planner says 30... wiki 24. I'm asking beacause i never used plasma rifle before
Oh.. I don't know, I haven't played for EW after wipe, may be it was changed...

Need to think a bit more about build, I think you need to make 10 EN x3 Lifegiver build, one LG can be taken instead of RBtE, another instead of more critical.
Still need to think about 2 SPECIAL, one can be removed from IN, another one.. don't know.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2012, 04:31:02 pm by RavenousRat »
Re: Plasma rifle build
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2012, 04:30:49 pm »

I really like this build :O
but one think i dont is low PE... with 4 i will be blind ;(
I just like to know what happens around me
Re: Plasma rifle build
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2012, 04:32:53 pm »

what about finesse?
Re: Plasma rifle build
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2012, 04:38:16 pm »

Oh, I forgot about LK...
You can try this:

small frame & chem reliant

EW 216% (92% chance to hit in the eyes on 24 hexes from plasma rifle...)
FA 36%
Doc 41%

WH @4
even more crit @6
even tougher @9
LG @12
Better crit @15
BRoF @18
LG+ @21
LG++ @24

283 HP

what about finesse?
I don't know how it will work after update and.. after-after update, currently it works like before, it doesn't ignore +30% DR if critical, while it may be will ignore, if it will, then of course take Finesse instead of Chem Reliant.
Re: Plasma rifle build
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2012, 04:54:23 pm »

Don't forget plasma has 30 hex max range, 92% hit chance on 24 hexes is too low.
Re: Plasma rifle build
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2012, 04:55:15 pm »

Oh, I forgot about LK...
You can try this:

small frame & chem reliant

EW 216% (92% chance to hit in the eyes on 24 hexes from plasma rifle...)
FA 36%
Doc 41%

WH @4
even more crit @6
even tougher @9
LG @12
Better crit @15
BRoF @18
LG+ @21
LG++ @24

283 HP

I don't know how it will work after update and.. after-after update, currently it works like before, it doesn't ignore +30% DR if critical, while it may be will ignore, if it will, then of course take Finesse instead of Chem Reliant.

Thanks for your help Ravenous.
The problem is i need 6 INT to take WH or more crits at level 3, beacause I need 100% of gun skill ;/
I'll fix something :D thanks again

Re: Plasma rifle build
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2012, 05:02:05 pm »

Don't forget plasma has 30 hex max range, 92% hit chance on 24 hexes is too low.
30 already? Isn't it too much?
Well then it's 4*6=24 more skill needed into EW. It's 24/2*6=72 more skill points to increase beyond 200%, it's 72/46=1.5 -> 2 more IN needed,
or... 24-16=8 more skill in EW if make +1 PE, means no need more IN, or on 1 IN more.

Also you can make 8 AG for 11 AP, there's a difference of course, but no so critical, you still can make 2nd shot pretty fast, also 8 EN could be enough, but still x3 LG.
So, in the end, you can have:
3 +all drugs = 6
6 +all drugs = 5
8 +all drugs = 10
8 +all drugs = 8

You'll have on 23 HP less with 8 EN, means 283-23=260 HP.
70% critical chance in the eyes.
~90% or 95% chance to hit in the eyes on 30 hexes.
11 AP.

Thanks for your help Ravenous.
The problem is i need 6 INT to take WH or more crits at level 3, beacause I need 100% of gun skill ;/
I'll fix something :D thanks again
WH @4
That's why I typed on @4, just wait 1 level :D
Re: Plasma rifle build
« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2012, 05:40:05 pm »

im one step from create pvp monster, but still cant decide - finesse or not ;/
Re: Plasma rifle build
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2012, 05:40:53 pm »

Current update - no, no finesse, after update? Don't know.
Re: Plasma rifle build
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2012, 06:14:28 pm »

nobody knows what up with this freakin fineese
i also wonder about it
solar said change is already(?) in game ,but maybe not
if they change it every crit build will suck thats horrifing :(
dlaczego muzyka black metalowa jest szybka?  bo gdy sie czlowiek spieszy to sie diabel cieszy :)
Re: Plasma rifle build
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2012, 06:16:46 pm »

solar said change is already(?) in game
Impossible, I saw a guy constantly crit'ing in the eyes for no damage with magneto laser pistol, the only explanation here - Finesse, and it was 1 or 2 days ago.
Re: Plasma rifle build
« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2012, 06:21:19 pm »

fuck, 4 int is tooo low, cuz i can get only 232% EW :/
with 232% i got for example 66% chance to hit (in the eyes) running target (30 AC) from 26 hexes.
240% is needed...
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