Don't forget plasma has 30 hex max range, 92% hit chance on 24 hexes is too low.
30 already? Isn't it too much?
Well then it's 4*6=24 more skill needed into EW. It's 24/2*6=72 more skill points to increase beyond 200%, it's 72/46=1.5 -> 2 more IN needed,
or... 24-16=8 more skill in EW if make +1 PE, means no need more IN, or on 1 IN more.
Also you can make 8 AG for 11 AP, there's a difference of course, but no so critical, you still can make 2nd shot pretty fast, also 8 EN could be enough, but still x3 LG.
So, in the end, you can have:
3 +all drugs = 6
6 +all drugs = 5
8 +all drugs = 10
8 +all drugs = 8
You'll have on 23 HP less with 8 EN, means 283-23=260 HP.
70% critical chance in the eyes.
~90% or 95% chance to hit in the eyes on 30 hexes.
11 AP.
Thanks for your help Ravenous.
The problem is i need 6 INT to take WH or more crits at level 3, beacause I need 100% of gun skill ;/
I'll fix something
thanks again
WH @4
That's why I typed on @4, just wait 1 level