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FOnline as a social game.
You missed my point. I'm saying that devs lack in: organization, communication, work ethics, leadership, dependability, responsibility, adaptability, and more.
I know developing fonline is their hobby, but you have to have passion for your hobby.
Whatever great ideas you would come up with in this thread will ultimately be ignored by the developers.
This game is what you make of it, really. I've had plenty of positive interaction with other players (plenty of negative also, but we already knew that).
If you want interaction, go looking for it. You'll likely find it. The good people are still here, but you won't find them if you're avoiding contact with everyone else on the server but the people you already know.
If you run into a PK, well, you just lose a little gear. It happens. You got what you lost from somewhere once, you can replace it. All the friends I've made are worth much more than what I was carrying when I met them.
Urban Monkey:
--- Quote from: chocolate_chip_cookies on March 29, 2012, 05:06:33 am ---You missed my point. I'm saying that devs lack in: organization, communication, work ethics, leadership, dependability, responsibility, adaptability, and more.
I know developing fonline is their hobby, but you have to have passion for your hobby.
Whatever great ideas you would come up with in this thread will ultimately be ignored by the developers.
--- End quote ---
This is not anything new and most players would agree, and the most feedback is just trolls saying stop complaining and cry babying when you suggest a change or don't like something. We know this nothing new doesn't need to be discussed. The topic is about making game social and part of the social experience was factions holding towns for places to be social and it was ruined, and one particular faction basically ruined this with their sick obsession with winning at all costs. Factions who are about making towns social and roleplaying are generally not that great at pvp, and generally don't care if they are good or bad pvp players.
If you complain whine about certian features of the game and then respond back to trolls you just get the ban hammer so yes there is no point really.
We already know this game is for trolls by trolls, the developers aren't professional neither are the moderators it is what we have to deal with. Like I say its not new information that the developers are high on crack when they develope their game and most don't report bugs and things that are OP in the CBT so they can abuse it themselves. This issue has nothing to do with the social aspect of this game other than the town control system because differnt factions have differnt missions. Some want to dominate in PvP and others want to make the towns fun and social. But the current town control system is complete donkey shit and does not allow for factions to rotate in towns.
The 499/500 influence system makes a huge difference in the social aspect of this game. I get your point, I agree with everything you say, but its off topic, and even if another thread was made to discuss this they would delete it, lock it, and ban your forum account if you argue with some stupid troll who says stop cry babying.
Pretty much it's all been said before, but to reiterate... Socializing is a process that you need to get involved in, go out and meet people, don't be a recluse. You will die horribly, you will get cheated, stabbed in the back and lied to. After you have figured out who those people are (a good 2/3 of the population) you may find a few decent souls worth socializing with, value them more than caps! Don't ever go around or invite people to more than your willing to risk losing. Don't immediately take the first person you befriended in NCR to your tent/base. Use a little common sense. Don't put all your eggs in one basket, diversify your holdings, keep caps off base in tent. Don't take hardly anybody to your tent (even better, nobody). I don't mind doing random RP things in game, and they're certainly is the opportunity if you just make an effort to do so. Instead of trying to convince everybody to RP the right way by not suicide bursting you in ncr, just take it as a fact of life, NCR is dangerous... In all honestly 9 times out of 10, if I see a lone wanderer in low tier gear hunting random shit, I would prefer to ask if you would like company rather than put a bullet in your head and take your 7 gecko pelts a knife 3 broken leather jackets and a mauser. On the other hand, if I'm with my crew and we are farming and you drop in with 2 or 3 buddies, it's on. If I'm leveling in Molerats and encounter anybody and I think i have at least a 50/50 shot at killing you, I will. The people leveling in Molerats are 99% of the time faction pussies leveling there new pvp characters, they expect to fight and give no quarter, he who shoots first has a distinct advantage of surviving the encounter. So if you think oh neato, I am newbie won kenobi and I have just found out how to level on molerats, this is your heads up, everyone their will kill you. If you hang around NCR, I will most likely at some point kill you, not for your gear or your caps or because I dislike you. No, I have no other motivation than it merely makes me gleefully giggle evertime I kill someone, I know it's not right, shouldn't be allowed, blah blah blah, but hey I just <3 it. Others share this proclivity. Social interaction is possible but just understand whats what and whos who and you might get some great socializing adventures.
u say 200 players online ? how many of them are double and more logs, proxies etc.. how many people are looking for bp using 3 and more acc at the same time ? There is no more than 100 players playing this game, quite an achievement - great changes, great updates, great devs, great gms, congratulation
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