Starting FOnline (version 0417-E9)...
Engine initialization...
Sprite manager initialization...
Sprite manager initialization complete.
Sound manager initialization...
Sound manager initialization complete.
Loaded<325> critter types.
Load scripts...
Bind reserved functions...
Bind reserved functions complete.
Load scripts complete.
Interface initialization.
Load data.
Signature<IntFix> not found.
Signature<GmapFix> not found.
Signature<FixMain> not found.
Signature<FixScrUp> not found.
Signature<FixScrDn> not found.
Signature<FixDone> not found.
Signature<FixWin> not found.
Signature<FixFix> not found.
Load sprites.
File<none.png> not found.
File<none_x.png> not found.
File<none_x.png> not found.
Signature<IntFixPicDn> not found.
File<none.png> not found.
File<none_x.png> not found.
File<none_x.png> not found.
File<login_x.png> not found.
File<options_singleplayer_x.png> not found.
File<moptbtn_x.png> not found.
File<moptbtn_x.png> not found.
File<none_x.png> not found.
File<none_x.png> not found.
File<none_x.png> not found.
File<cha_name_singleplayer.png> not found.
File<wm_tab_x.png> not found.
File<wm_blanktab_x.png> not found.
File<none_x.png> not found.
File<none_x.png> not found.
Signature<GmapFixPicDn> not found.
File<none.png> not found.
File<none_x.png> not found.
Signature<FixMainPic> not found.
File<none.png> not found.
Signature<FixScrUpPicDn> not found.
File<none.png> not found.
Signature<FixScrDnPicDn> not found.
File<none.png> not found.
Signature<FixDonePicDn> not found.
File<none.png> not found.
Signature<FixFixPicDn> not found.
File<none.png> not found.
File<input_box.png> not found.
File<save_load.png> not found.
Interface initialization complete.
Item manager initialization...
Item manager initialization complete.
Hex field initialization...
Hex field initialization complete.
Engine initialization complete.
Network init...
Connecting to server<>.
Connecting successful.
Network init successful.
Loaded<326> critter types.
Load scripts...
Bind reserved functions...
Bind reserved functions complete.
Load scripts complete.
Interface initialization.
Load data.
Signature<IntFix> not found.
Signature<GmapFix> not found.
Signature<FixMain> not found.
Signature<FixScrUp> not found.
Signature<FixScrDn> not found.
Signature<FixDone> not found.
Signature<FixWin> not found.
Signature<FixFix> not found.
Load sprites.
File<none.png> not found.
File<none_x.png> not found.
File<none_x.png> not found.
Signature<IntFixPicDn> not found.
File<none.png> not found.
File<none_x.png> not found.
File<none_x.png> not found.
File<login_x.png> not found.
File<options_singleplayer_x.png> not found.
File<moptbtn_x.png> not found.
File<moptbtn_x.png> not found.
File<none_x.png> not found.
File<none_x.png> not found.
File<none_x.png> not found.
File<cha_name_singleplayer.png> not found.
File<wm_tab_x.png> not found.
File<wm_blanktab_x.png> not found.
File<none_x.png> not found.
File<none_x.png> not found.
Signature<GmapFixPicDn> not found.
File<none.png> not found.
File<none_x.png> not found.
Signature<FixMainPic> not found.
File<none.png> not found.
Signature<FixScrUpPicDn> not found.
File<none.png> not found.
Signature<FixScrDnPicDn> not found.
File<none.png> not found.
Signature<FixDonePicDn> not found.
File<none.png> not found.
Signature<FixFixPicDn> not found.
File<none.png> not found.
File<input_box.png> not found.
File<save_load.png> not found.
Interface initialization complete.
Auntification success.
Change map...
Get hash of map, pid<58>...Load map<map58> from cache fail.
Get map...58...New: Tiles Walls Scenery Old:. Map saved.
Change map...
Get hash of map, pid<58>...complete.
Load map...Load map success.
Local map loaded.
Chosen parameters...complete.
Please help me, my game crash in New Reno gas station.