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Author Topic: Another New FOnline?  (Read 110442 times)


  • New Vegas fanatic =)
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Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #285 on: May 08, 2012, 08:27:39 am »

Smells like Counter Strike o.0
Yes but that would be cool. Something new, ctf we have in towns, bomb planting we wil have on events.
Anyway, protec VIP - one player must be transported, second team must catch VIP and dont kill him. He can caught by knock, freeze weapon only for this event, if VIP lie someone must use a rope on him and time start 2 minutes for end round.
Basic config:
-big map with sewers
-VIP respawn near teamA but first they must find him and travel to escape
-VIP is random player from teamA and he doesnt have any weapon, armor
-teamB few players get knockdown, freeze weapon (random), others have normal items which gm give them
-teamB can put some traps before match (10 normal mines, 5 freeze mines)
-after match team changes - now bos is attacking, enclave must protect etc
-round ended when VIP is dead by own team, frozen and later killed by enemy team or if only VIP is still live, time start for escape (2 minutes) if VIP wont escape round win enemy

I think its to much to do (scripts, new VERY big map) but that kind of event would be epic and we will play different gameplay. Tell me what do you think about this and earlier "bomb planting" suggestion.


  • Hardkorowy Koksu + Pudzian = Ja
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Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #286 on: May 08, 2012, 08:54:02 am »

Not bad idea :d

I didn't have time to play but today I finaly must play :d From ss it looks very nice :)
Nie ma opierdalania się! - Hardkorowy Koksu.


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Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #287 on: May 08, 2012, 10:03:29 am »

i would like to try that but before intalling i really would like to read somewhere how this server works
i read throug all this topic but still dont have an idea
i think website for it and forum is needed

  • perks requirements are like in old 2238 sesion (6luck and other...)
  • you are getting exp for making damage on npc or militia -1hp : 3exp
  • max lvl is 30 but perks cap is on lvl 24rd
  • you have 3 modes of fighting defesive, normal, agresive and special skill tactica fighting to make it even better
  • def mode : you cant run but you get +15% norm resist
  • norm is normal
  • agresive : -5% normal resist , +15% critical chance +damage, no aimed shots
  • you can prone and crouch and for each you get +armor class points
  • you can get stuff from faction terminal but you have cool downs for it
  • there are 4 lvl of faction crafting and to improve on next lvl you need holodiscs (sg,ew,bg,armor,med) and to take better stuff you need more hero points
  • you can get here points by killing enemy militia or taking enemy city or shooting enemy faction
  • hero points can be used to send global messages to all or to your faction
  • you can make 3 bases in ramdom encounters using book icon
  • anima is main value and you need to take it and never allow to drop  below 0 because you will lost your alt for ever (permanent death)
  • main faction is bos and enclave
  • bg require 8ap but with fast shot only 7ap
  • on max lvl we have pa/apa vindicators, gauss rifles, pulse rifles and g11e and coockies and anty jet
  • every day server is updted and dev team is implementing new idea to game or players suggestions
  • in future there will be 3rd faction : mutants where players will be ghouls in mariposa
  • cars will be driveable in cities and they will be used as blockades or battering ram
  • +server is evolwing and you have more real players than other servers
  • 1min cool down to relog on 2nd alt
  • you can trade with 1ch
  • you can shoot in selected hex with rocket launcher
  • in future you will be able to hire robots mercs
  • you can run your own gang in faction
  • probably npc taxi
« Last Edit: May 09, 2012, 09:58:11 am by FOT »
Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #288 on: May 08, 2012, 10:55:22 am »

you are getting exp for making damage on npc or militia -1hp : 3exp
Can NPCs have negative HP like in SDK and here, on 2238? Or you can just cripple all arms of some NPC and punch+FA 24/7 him in toilet.

you can get here points by killing enemy militia or taking enemy city or shooting enemy faction
What was made to prevent player abuse (friends from enclave and bos)?

1min cool down to relog on 2nd alt
And no one found out how to avoid it yet? (a rhetorical question)

you can shoot in selected hex with rocket launcher
1st level bazooka trolls? (even if you need something like faction points etc. for bazooka, your friend can give you that) Or you changed bazooka miss and if you miss rocket flies in random direction? Or you can't loot/give items gained from faction points, and these 1st level trolls will need to get it somehow? Anyway, in other case, bazooka can be as 2nd gun for every character, regardless of their BG skill, as it can be used on it's max hex range or targets near walls, especially if you're blinded+can't doc for some reason, as you don't care about change to hit with bazooka.


  • New Vegas fanatic =)
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Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #289 on: May 08, 2012, 11:14:59 am »

Can NPCs have negative HP like in SDK and here, on 2238? Or you can just cripple all arms of some NPC and punch+FA 24/7 him in toilet.
What was made to prevent player abuse (friends from enclave and bos)?
And no one found out how to avoid it yet? (a rhetorical question)
1st level bazooka trolls? (even if you need something like faction points etc. for bazooka, your friend can give you that) Or you changed bazooka miss and if you miss rocket flies in random direction? Or you can't loot/give items gained from faction points, and these 1st level trolls will need to get it somehow? Anyway, in other case, bazooka can be as 2nd gun for every character, regardless of their BG skill, as it can be used on it's max hex range or targets near walls, especially if you're blinded+can't doc for some reason, as you don't care about change to hit with bazooka.

Why these questions? Lol, I just played them few days and I dont need exploits, cheating on this server. Exping is nice, not agony. FA exping is suck because you can faster exp on encounter deathclaws, mutants and etc. Not needed exploits, for what?


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Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #290 on: May 08, 2012, 11:23:57 am »

it is 2238 to cheat to get better stuf ;]
well i dont see reason why you have to cheat in this sesion. yes npc can have -hp. i reported it to xenom what is wrong with hero points and he will think on solutoin. troll bazooka are switched off.


  • New Vegas fanatic =)
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Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #291 on: May 08, 2012, 11:30:08 am »

You need normal skill bg. Do you think about hex shooting? It works only max range of bazooka (default 40 hex), not like FODE when you can shoot outside range. Your skill is needed to normal shoot.
Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #292 on: May 08, 2012, 11:30:56 am »

RavenousRat-post was deleted
I don't afraid about bad words to my site, and my and my friends project :P.
In close time i will fix FA, and we will start to add mutants 3rd faction with locations like fallout1 (great master base, underground system). (Maby 4th Cannibals/raiders too we will add. there will be possible to eat death enemy body parts).

Day by day we are much more powerfull, add more and more possibilities for gamers. we started as PvP server, but that will be fabular server with many, many solutions.
You will see many advanteges to end of this year, nothing can stop us, becouse we have now not many, but very nice players, and they are give us many good ideas for gameplay.
Together we are masters of wasteland, everyone can hate us, but everyone must respect us. War, war never changes!
Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #293 on: May 08, 2012, 11:38:38 am »

I don't afraid about bad words to my site, and my and my friends project :P
A post where I ask mods to delete it was a question about bazooka, as post before my was on 2nd page and I didn't see it. But now I see that it's switched off. Anyway you can just change it to work like grenades, if you miss, a rocket will fly in random direction in something like 90 degrees radius, may be even more and explode at random range from 1 to max hexes, the it won't be used by non-BGers much.


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Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #294 on: May 08, 2012, 11:40:03 am »

xenom not many? almost 80 players at 4rth day is very good. i see more and more people downloading this client and best part is you are listening to players ideas. ultra quick updates and fixes, even if serv crash you can take him back in 2min not 3-5h like on 2238.
Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #295 on: May 08, 2012, 11:58:45 am »

xenom not many? almost 80 players at 4rth day is very good.
that was joke :P
and best part is you are listening to players ideas. ultra quick updates and fixes, even if serv crash you can take him back in 2min not 3-5h like on 2238.
I am try but not always i can see online status of server, than server is back only when i see info about crash and have computer close me ;)


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Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #296 on: May 08, 2012, 12:14:09 pm »

74 players online on saturday. ask wesan ;]
yesterday about 66 and it was monday...maby at weekend we will have over 100


  • Soldiers of Thunderstorm
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Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #297 on: May 08, 2012, 12:40:18 pm »

74 players online on saturday. ask wesan ;]
yesterday about 66 and it was monday...maby at weekend we will have over 100

make a some website + forum, perklist and basic info in english/russian langauge and you will have much more then 100. half of fonline pvp players are russians which are playing on different servers. that always was a problem becouse there was no way to convice them to move on 2238 and vice versa - damn no runing in cmbt! :o and now we have opportinity to play on one server and have some good fights!

FOT might be the server which we all been waited for. everything is great but i there is one small thing - behavior of some players, probably chosen soldiers. constant spaming thoes global messages where they insulting sot, and other side - enclave. guys seriously? dont act like fucking kids again, dont fuck another server please - its not 2238.


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Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #298 on: May 08, 2012, 12:45:42 pm »

relax is just game and no one care about global messages. but yes i dont want to let fot be troll server.


  • New Vegas fanatic =)
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Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #299 on: May 08, 2012, 12:55:37 pm »

Yeah insult its not nice but I think we could take it easy - its troll roleplay but maybe we will do better rp...
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