Smells like Counter Strike o.0
Yes but that would be cool. Something new, ctf we have in towns, bomb planting we wil have on events.
Anyway, protec VIP - one player must be transported, second team must catch VIP and dont kill him. He can caught by knock, freeze weapon only for this event, if VIP lie someone must use a rope on him and time start 2 minutes for end round.
Basic config:
-big map with sewers
-VIP respawn near teamA but first they must find him and travel to escape
-VIP is random player from teamA and he doesnt have any weapon, armor
-teamB few players get knockdown, freeze weapon (random), others have normal items which gm give them
-teamB can put some traps before match (10 normal mines, 5 freeze mines)
-after match team changes - now bos is attacking, enclave must protect etc
-round ended when VIP is dead by own team, frozen and later killed by enemy team or if only VIP is still live, time start for escape (2 minutes) if VIP wont escape round win enemy
I think its to much to do (scripts, new VERY big map) but that kind of event would be epic and we will play different gameplay. Tell me what do you think about this and earlier "bomb planting" suggestion.