just making sure it's understood - That's what I meant in American Slang.
Also, I might suggest a seperate topic? With downloads and such on main page than rooting through all this random ones?
Oh thx, for explain.

Epic day, in the morning enclave has been controling all wasteland. Later we will get more power bos and get back cities. Very good play and small roleplay, hah! Evening events, hehehe very nice. If you need idea about new events I have a suggestion:
Bomb planting - one faction must plant bomb on the A, B or C. Team put bomb on the ground near object and time will start. Event is 5 rounds, each 10 minutes. If player die, he/she respawn in lobby room and wait for next round (spec mode).
Reward are: holodics, weapons, anima.
Tell me what do you think.