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Author Topic: Another New FOnline?  (Read 110401 times)

Killer Rabbit

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Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #195 on: May 04, 2012, 08:33:54 pm »

you are increasing crafing lvl for all faction but to get better equipment you need higher lvl of "honor points" <-- button M or ask someone for help from your faction.

t-888 i killed myself almost all of you in 2nd street and you were lucky i didnt finished you ;/ 2 bad my team died so fast ;/
rocket powa!!!
Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #196 on: May 05, 2012, 01:10:24 am »


Why everybody takes pictures of Triple8

Well, maybe because she pwned  BoS Atacking the casino ;)
Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #197 on: May 05, 2012, 02:46:09 am »

Well, maybe because she it/he pwned  BoS Atacking the casino ;)


I was taking BH back with few guys , my character has stonewall ( 8 endurance ) and those guards did KD , KO's on at least 1/3 of the shots made on me , that was quite annoying and the time spent for being unconscious is ridiculously high too. So my question are those guards in cities for enclave and brotherhood of steel specially made strong ? I hope critical hits aren't OP in general.

By the way there is a perk for some critical resistance , could you please provide some description ? I want to know what it gives , reduces roll , or just raw crit chance of opponent ?


  • Chosen Soldiers
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Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #198 on: May 05, 2012, 06:50:17 am »

So my question are those guards in cities for enclave and brotherhood of steel specially made strong ? I hope critical hits aren't OP in general.

"Militia" in town have now lower critical chance.
Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #199 on: May 05, 2012, 07:27:12 am »


I was taking BH back with few guys , my character has stonewall ( 8 endurance ) and those guards did KD , KO's on at least 1/3 of the shots made on me , that was quite annoying and the time spent for being unconscious is ridiculously high too. So my question are those guards in cities for enclave and brotherhood of steel specially made strong ? I hope critical hits aren't OP in general.

By the way there is a perk for some critical resistance , could you please provide some description ? I want to know what it gives , reduces roll , or just raw crit chance of opponent ?
Yeah, but you must kill to replace militia with  reconfigured new militia. In game is critical resistence, but it work hmm hard to describe:

Code: [Select]
if(GetHitAim(aim) == 0) isCritical = Random(1,100) <= (cr.Stat[ST_CRITICAL_CHANCE] -4- (target.Perk[PE_CRITICAL_RESISTANCE]*4) + margin/10 - target.Stat[ST_ENDURANCE]);
else if(GetHitAim(aim) >= 50) isCritical = Random(1,100) <= (cr.Stat[ST_CRITICAL_CHANCE]  + margin/10 + (GetHitAim(aim)*0.35 - target.Stat[ST_ENDURANCE]*0.5-5-(target.Perk[PE_CRITICAL_RESISTANCE]*5))*2);
else if(GetHitAim(aim) <= 20) isCritical = Random(1,100) <= (cr.Stat[ST_CRITICAL_CHANCE]  + margin/10 + (GetHitAim(aim)*0.5 - target.Stat[ST_ENDURANCE]*0.4-3-(target.Perk[PE_CRITICAL_RESISTANCE]*3))*2);
else isCritical = Random(1,100) <= (cr.Stat[ST_CRITICAL_CHANCE]  + margin/10 + (GetHitAim(aim)*0.45 - target.Stat[ST_ENDURANCE]*0.5 -4- (target.Perk[PE_CRITICAL_RESISTANCE]*4))*2);
if(GetHitAim(aim) == 0) isCritical = Random(1,100) <= (cr.Stat[ST_CRITICAL_CHANCE] - (target.Perk[PE_CRITICAL_RESISTANCE]*4) + margin/10 - target.Stat[ST_ENDURANCE]);
else if(GetHitAim(aim) >= 50) isCritical = Random(1,100) <= (cr.Stat[ST_CRITICAL_CHANCE]  + margin/10 + (GetHitAim(aim)*0.35 - target.Stat[ST_ENDURANCE]*0.5 - (target.Perk[PE_CRITICAL_RESISTANCE]*5))*2);
else if(GetHitAim(aim) <= 20) isCritical = Random(1,100) <= (cr.Stat[ST_CRITICAL_CHANCE]  + margin/10 + (GetHitAim(aim)*0.5 - target.Stat[ST_ENDURANCE]*0.4 - (target.Perk[PE_CRITICAL_RESISTANCE]*3))*2);
else isCritical = Random(1,100) <= (cr.Stat[ST_CRITICAL_CHANCE]  + margin/10 + (GetHitAim(aim)*0.45 - target.Stat[ST_ENDURANCE]*0.5 - (target.Perk[PE_CRITICAL_RESISTANCE]*4))*2);


  • New Vegas fanatic =)
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Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #200 on: May 05, 2012, 07:46:16 am »

Do you wanna make update today? Fixes, improves etc?


  • Chosen Soldiers
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Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #201 on: May 05, 2012, 07:49:04 am »

Barter, if u dont want bugs, write, what do u see
« Last Edit: May 05, 2012, 08:21:00 am by DaroPL »
Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #202 on: May 05, 2012, 09:03:19 am »

We are making updates every day but we need you to report them...


  • New Vegas fanatic =)
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Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #203 on: May 05, 2012, 10:26:15 am »

I have already reported few.

1. Animations (reload while crough and many other).
2. "Float Dialogs" missing some "."
3. While push F you can see "1/1" from FixBoy.
4. Reloading, please make "R" using.


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Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #204 on: May 05, 2012, 10:57:54 am »

1. Animations (reload while crough and many other).
AFAIK FoT doesn't even had any animations describing reload.


  • New Vegas fanatic =)
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Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #205 on: May 05, 2012, 11:32:36 am »

I mean when you crouch and reload your weapon you stand while reloading and back to crouch position.


  • Chosen Soldiers
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Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #206 on: May 05, 2012, 12:01:36 pm »

4. Reloading, please make "R" using.

Bug ? U can use Binds.
Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #207 on: May 05, 2012, 12:19:01 pm »

We are making updates every day but we need you to report them...

There is a common bug with Nuka Cola , when you just can't use it ( nothing happens , character makes animation , but no further progress , item is unused ) and usually need to restart client to make it work and sometimes even that doesn't help. I have no idea how to produce this bug , it just happens randomly.

Then there is a another random bug concerning critical chance , sometimes critical chance in character sheet increases by 15% , so i have 6 lk but critical chance 21% it ( my team mate had 1 luck and sometimes has 16% critical chance shown ). How it appears and how to reproduce it ? I have no idea. I am not the only one to experience this.
Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #208 on: May 05, 2012, 12:40:18 pm »

Torrent link

Why is no-one seeding this? Can't download the client from speedy share without a premium account now.
Re: Another New FOnline?
« Reply #209 on: May 05, 2012, 02:02:26 pm »

I see that bugs, I report all from player. In max 1-2 weeks bugs with drugs, stats will be fixed, and i will make some website with community :-)
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