Tonight i will make update,
-stuff in depot visible for all if tech.progress is confirm
-drugs fix,
-relog timeout to 20sec.,
-critical new alghoritm(will need some suggestions to balance):
else // if hit
isHit = true;
if( isHthAttack && cr.Perk[ PE_SLAYER ] != 0 )
isCritical = true;
isCritical = ( Random( 1, 100 ) <= cr.Stat[ ST_CRITICAL_CHANCE ] + margin / 10 + GetHitAim( aim ) );
if( !isCritical && weaponSubtype == WS_GUN && cr.Perk[ PE_SNIPER ] != 0 )
isCritical = ( Random( 1, 10 ) <= cr.Stat[ ST_LUCK ] );
if( !isCritical && isUnarmed )
isCritical = Random( 1, 100 ) <= weapon.Weapon_UnarmedCriticalBonus;
int count = target.Perk[PE_CRITICAL_RESISTANCE];
if(target.StatBase[ST_TACTIC]==1)//defensive tactic
if(target.StatBase[ST_POSITION] > 0) //1 - crouch, 2 - prone, 0 - stand
for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
int critconfirm = Random( 1, 4 );
if(critconfirm == 4)
isCritical = false;
-maby fix npc guard system in cities(wrong hp, many bug in serv. logs)
, and strings repair about who won the battle, and where.(that can take time)
-worldmap battle error fix with teleport to encouter
what next? i am waiting for sugestions, and good propositions.
my suggestions:
-automatic events battle system
-better encounters configuration
-maby some website and community
basicly log give me only one error scripted by my friend, and server is close to stable,
need only change to another hoster with better pings ;-)