Alright, last session, laser rifle had about the same average dmg done to eyes than sg snipers, the 5hex range were a good tradeoff for the higher rate of fire (being 2 shot at less costs) and the higher peak dmg.
On targetted on head however, laser sucks balls.
If now even the dmg on head is bigger than the sg snipers damage, something is wrong. This is the simple reason why laser seems op this season and it could easily be fixed. Lasers are just even less about average dmg, they are about deadly eyeshots.
And solar, are you implying that every sniper took 3mc last session?
Last session standard build:
150-170hp, 75% critchance, 12ap with brof, 11-12PE
Last session's doubleshot build.
150hp, 61-63% critchance, 14ap with brof, 10PE
some went down to 110 hp to either compensate for crit or for PE
This session standard:
137hp, 85% raw (no rbte) 14ap with brof, 12PE
with CA helmet that's down to the usual 75% that we are used to, rbte would act as a third mc and most people who made their snipers in the first weeks of the session took mc over rbte.
What im trying to say is, that the critchance already are the same as last session. In fact, snipers got a huge buff by being able to create doubleshot builds more comfortably. We also know that noone actually uses all those anticrit perks except for the bonehead (and only because BG's have leftover special points with the current system).
As far as traits are concerned, I feel even less forced to have to take a certain trait that last season. I actually went with only chem reliant and loner for pure convenience due to lack of general information.
Now coming to the final point: Why the hell alter finesse? Apart from the fact that the whole server would have to remake every kind of sniper/melee build, I don't see why it has to be changed so desperately.
The HP of bg's didnt change, snipers hp dropped a bit and the general dmg output is higher. Snipers are forced to use their range more effectively but are really deadly. The only off things are the laser rifle dmg as pointed out before and the fact that sniper rifle and 223 pistol have the same average damage, that also is not true to the way it has been since f2.
So as a final question to you solar, what exactly is the reason that makes you want to change finesse so drastically?