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Author Topic: Targeting CA with Laser, Sniper and a Minigun. Average values.  (Read 19602 times)

Re: Targeting CA with Laser, Sniper and a Minigun. Average values.
« Reply #75 on: March 05, 2012, 04:11:29 pm »

Players that do not belong to a "big faction" aren't worthy enough?

Alright , let's rephrase that to " from experienced factions " the gang might be small but has very experienced players in terms of PvP and everything around it , that just might have the player who can contribute in constructive discussions and add the two cents necessary to build up a consensus that leads to logical , reasonable choices for the right course of action. Two heads are wiser than one , this would benefit everyone both the developers and the community , saving time and nerves if done right and properly , no more " i'm guessing that will be balanced " facts , experience , real practice how things work in game this is what hand picked players can provide , this way the most efficiently. Most of the suggestions about weapons and balance in public forum leads nowhere , due to wrong persons participating in good suggestions , providing false , incorrect information that leads to confusion about the actual topic.

i dotn like t888 but ...

I'm the " arrogant bitch " center of the world ... just kidding i feel the love in the air !
« Last Edit: March 05, 2012, 04:18:42 pm by T-888 »
Re: Targeting CA with Laser, Sniper and a Minigun. Average values.
« Reply #76 on: March 06, 2012, 12:50:09 am »

Players that do not belong to a "big faction" aren't worthy enough?
It's more than hard to do tc without getting into one of the major gangs. Reno pvp and tc pvp are two different things, it's only natural that people who never did tc shouldn't provide feedback on it.

Also, I was talking about organised feedback. By letting each gang speak for itself you already have a "condensed" feedback and you know what it's worth. How likely is it that a loner has sufficient amounts of tc experience with every weapon class in every town?


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Re: Targeting CA with Laser, Sniper and a Minigun. Average values.
« Reply #77 on: March 06, 2012, 01:46:31 am »

I'm the " arrogant bitch " center of the world ... just kidding i feel the love in the air !

you are ruskie, so it is more like love between human and animal...and i am walking on two legs ;]

Rage master

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Re: Targeting CA with Laser, Sniper and a Minigun. Average values.
« Reply #78 on: March 07, 2012, 03:43:07 am »

Make f update and change tc and give us armors


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Re: Targeting CA with Laser, Sniper and a Minigun. Average values.
« Reply #79 on: March 07, 2012, 03:52:37 pm »

Players that do not belong to a "big faction" aren't worthy enough?
So, if you were to make a competitive beat-em up game, would you rather hire Justin Wong to balance it out, or would you go with your school buddies who sometimes play Tekken when they're drunk? If you were to make a competitive shooter, would you hire fatal1ty, or would you go with your friend Bubba who sometimes beats a bot on hardcore in q3? If you were to make a competitive RTS, would you talk to SlayerS`BoxeR`, or Mike who likes to play Settlers 1 on his Amiga emulator due to nostalgia? I hope the answer is obvious and you realize now how silly your question was.


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Re: Targeting CA with Laser, Sniper and a Minigun. Average values.
« Reply #80 on: March 07, 2012, 03:56:33 pm »

would you talk to SlayerS`BoxeR

I'd talk to Lee Young Ho (AKA By.FlaSh). BoxeR's time is more or less over.
“And we passed through the cavern of rats.

And we passed through the path of streaming flamethrowers.

And we passed through the faction of the blind.

And we passed through the slough of swarm.

And we passed through the vale of tears.

And we came, finally, to the ice caverns.
Re: Targeting CA with Laser, Sniper and a Minigun. Average values.
« Reply #81 on: March 08, 2012, 08:28:19 pm »

crap even admins are trolling
FO by sadists for sadomasochists
Re: Targeting CA with Laser, Sniper and a Minigun. Average values.
« Reply #82 on: March 10, 2012, 08:45:45 pm »

making fineese not have +30%dr on EVERY critical is stupid and i demand it to change...
just buff rbte thats all !
dlaczego muzyka black metalowa jest szybka?  bo gdy sie czlowiek spieszy to sie diabel cieszy :)


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Re: Targeting CA with Laser, Sniper and a Minigun. Average values.
« Reply #83 on: March 15, 2012, 04:10:36 pm »

I've done some tests. Tested the character with 3 x bonus ranged damage and 200% big guns against character wearing combat armor and with 2 x toughness perks. Avenger with AP ammo did 79 damage, m60 did 69 damage, light support weapon did 27 damage.
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