Can we quit bitching?
Everyone here has been sniped/bursted/flat out damaged in a 2 or 3 shot. It's part of the game... LUCK. Everyone is striving for 'TEH PERFECT PVP BELD' yet needs to remember what the developers sought to create with this: a Fallout world we could play with each other and do just about anything within the constraints of the game.
Go figure out your perfect 2 shot builds and bitch about minor changes in your respective faction forums. Let the devs continue producing the great product they've provided for us.
EDIT: We're lucky Solar is providing us with this great information at all... quit complainin!
I do not see anybody bitching about anything. I do not really see the point of this post other than to troll? Part of that fallout world is PvP and many would like it to be balanced. This session release was very... rushed and buggy and unbalanced. This session is OK for PvP but there is a lot that needs to be reworked. And its not like this is a great big huge ground breaking information that a player couldn't figure out themselves. BIG INFORMATION WHOA A DEVELOPER DID SOME MATH THAT AN 8 YEAR OLD CAN DO! I would have called this great information if the algebraic formula in regards to causing critical was posted or the critical table on players was posted.
I agree with paladin we both play snipers. The sniper is a bit weak this session, I mean on average 50 damage you shoot twice on a big gunner that is 100 damage, by time action points regenerate the chance that next shot is another 50 damage the big gunner is in range kills sniper in 2 shots, I mean if we average this no bypasses no power shots that 5-6 shots a sniper has to do to kill a big gunner. A sniper simply cannot pull off 6 shots by the time a big gunner runs up 14 hexes, but at least a big gunner is blind and cannot see where the shots are coming from.
The sniper doesn't have the same feel as it did last wipe it just doesn't seem like it causes enough knock outs or knockdown like it did last wipe and the criticals seem off.
Also no test on plasma, ;\ plasma is a 30 ranged laser rifle now it does same damage as laser rifle as far as criticals go. Should have tested plasma I would have liked to see damage in comparison.
But you know the big gunner has it all high hp hard to kill most damage average, bonehead with anti-critical perks kind of overkill. I think bonehead offset the sniper balance honestly. And these averages solar we do not know if these are limb shots normal shot or an average of shooting each body part or what or if bonehead was taken into consideration for laser or sniper.
But it seems the dilemma all are having is big gunners are complaining about sniper builds and snipers complain about big gunners.
I guess the issue and where the bitching is that people want versatility in builds the power house gattling laser or big gun tank builds gets old. It seems this wipe the power house builds are ew snipers, gattling bg tanks the sniper is a bit weak this session, and I guess the sniper is more of a support build but the knock outs and crippling doesn't happen as much. I would trade off for snipers owning everybody in 2-3 shots for ability to do more crippling the sniper rifle does the least amount of crippling shots when compared to other small guns.
And this is referring to the current state of playing sniper, this session has changed a lot snipers were really over powered with RBtE when it did boosted crit power mod.
But you know this information is limited and not every detailed does not take into consideration what the build was other than the mini-gun was calcuated with brd perks? Is this on average out of 10 shots 100 shots 5 shots? Combat armor and no toughness is only thing we know about these averages.
Snipers: More Critical, Even More Critical, RBtE, Better Criticals, BRoF
I mean sure these are average perks all snipers have for a head/eye shooter build but what is the luck and perception of the character and chance to hit max range? I would hope that this is calculated with 10 luck. Also finesse or no finesse? I'm assuming no finesse if average came out to be 50.