Now seriously. Here's a link: try some of them, but please don't ragepost nonesense here again.
He is quite right because for newcomers it's so hard to dig and craft. But anyway build some character with high outdoorsman, find hides build tent, (100 outdoorsman will give you tent with workbench). Start digging and so on. Nothing difficult.
this isnt a rage post lol it was me telling my true feeling and opinions of the server at this point in time
You dont get the point, do you? Less and less people play this game and new ones quit after few hours, and "wasteland is harsh play hello kity" or whatever is not gonna fix the problem, unless one day u want to log in and play "singleplayer" fo2238, sigh the server will be closed before that happen - no people no donations , life is harsh
You are just making up excuses for not being able to figure the game out now.You don't need any of the things you mentioned. I play alone this session and I have fun.
I will give you my original post then. You are making excuses for being a spoiled idiot.If you are a self proclaimed "pvp maniac", you can be just that without crafting or farming. It's possible because I do it.But if you cannot make any progress after HOURS of playing, there is probably no hope for you.
I started in 2009 and nowadays I see almost the same faces. No one new. Something is wrong.
What I liked the most were "open TC towns" projects (Rogue+BHH/BHH Broken Hills / WWP Redding / Sarmatians Redding).Both PvP apes and newbies had something to do there.Convince SoT to organize something like this in Redding or BH (other towns don't make sense becausethey don't have enough incentives to come there - no HQ ore). It doesn't mean there won't be PvP there,quite the contrary.