I'm guessing thats a picture, which is blocked at work 
Anyway, anymore thoughts on this before I go and pester scripters to do stuff?
Yes. Everyone wants the old window time system to return to the game, however, the way I see it, everytime a faction takes town, it's locked for, let's say 4 hours, during which the town cannot be taken over by a different gang. The reason for this is to mitigate the timezone difference and in the end have more players participate in TC at any given time of the day.
Also, every faction member should get a warning if an enemy gang enter a town under their management(if they meet the influence requirement, that is) with a group of five or more people(that's the minimum to start the countdown, no?).
And please, for God's sake, do something with this darn mass fast relogging issue. Jovanka had a pretty good idea with a weakened state after logging into the game, though it could be easily bypassed with additional clients, however, what if...
Team A controls the town,
Team B comes over, starts the countdown
Team A and C are ready to enter the town from the world map
Team A comes in with full force, town is locked for the rest of the countdown or until either of the forces emerges victorious, whichever comes first
Team C misses the opportunity to enter the town, can't participate in the battle
Team B wins over Team A, successfully wiping out the majority of the force(less than five men survive)
Team C, seeing as the town is unlocked, joins the fight and locks it once more
Team C wins the fight and starts their own countdown
Even though it might look complicated, it's not and does not require much work on your part.
PS: Give mercs some kind of three, five second cooldown on attacking upon entering any map, it'll work miracles.