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Author Topic: What do you think of the auto knock down from heavy handed?  (Read 15168 times)


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Re: What do you think of the auto knock down from heavy handed?
« Reply #60 on: January 21, 2012, 12:17:33 am »

and dunno about removing AC max cap but mark my words if it happens u will have hords of blue trolls running around wasting ur ammo looting stuff and gangbanging single loners not smart enough to run away when they see 2-3 blue pajama guys, if u kill the troll he will be back in a minute, we have seen it before and its gonna be even worse
Since when you are taking care of loners so much?

Also here, have some spare dots: ................
Use them wisely.
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Re: What do you think of the auto knock down from heavy handed?
« Reply #61 on: April 16, 2012, 05:50:40 pm »

HH is a bad thing it shouldnt be possible to punch everything outta the game , with probably no stuff or some stone in hand . i like that idea about using MPF or PF then they would be forced tu use high tier stuff too if they wanna kick high tier BG outta the game its so annyoing feature man
Re: What do you think of the auto knock down from heavy handed?
« Reply #62 on: April 16, 2012, 06:40:11 pm »

I've made a lot of unarmed chars over the years and HH is the only thing that makes them viable. It's less effective then sneak nading, sneak bursting, sneak sd pistol. Why are you standing around in unguarded areas anyways? A lvl 24 char with a good build should be able to kill something, without HH this isn't possible. Next people will be saying bb gun is op because you can instacrit with something that takes 2 junk to make.


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Re: What do you think of the auto knock down from heavy handed?
« Reply #63 on: April 16, 2012, 07:20:53 pm »

Why are you standing around in unguarded areas anyways?

To do pvp.

A lvl 24 char with a good build should be able to kill something,

But not for free. What makes pvp exciting is that players have something to lose, which is their gear. If you're hh fighter with no gear, you got nothing to lose. Fighting against enemies that have nothing to lose is tiresome, boring and just makes you want to go and do something else.

without HH this isn't possible.

Well too bad. It can never work without being overpowered. Avenger on onehex does over 300 damage. To be equally good, for example mega powerfist should do over 600 to compensate its range. Can't work. Besides, the big guns skill does 0 damage if you don't have a weapon. Why should unarmed do any damage if you only have your fists? With that logic all big gunners should have unlootable flamers stuck in their hands.

Next people will be saying bb gun is op because you can instacrit with something that takes 2 junk to make.

Nobody's saying bb gun is op, but many have mentioned that instas aren't something that should remain in the game. Besides, at least you have to craft and regear after you lose that bb gun. You never lose your hh fists.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: What do you think of the auto knock down from heavy handed?
« Reply #64 on: April 16, 2012, 07:48:30 pm »

very good reply avv , why i stand in unguarded areas hmmm let me think well to get some stuff for crafting this season is more challenging because all stuff that needed is in unguarded areas , if i were able to get these stuff at ncr let me know then ...  e.g. toxic caves thats were i was killed yesterday by a HH fighter and i am lvl24 bg 2 time burster build so come on please ...
Re: What do you think of the auto knock down from heavy handed?
« Reply #65 on: April 16, 2012, 07:53:32 pm »

I think the idea was good, you're a close range fighter, you're supposed to be better than others at close range, but 100% knockdown seems to be a bit over kill, I think making perks like stonewall reduce the chance (not negate) would make HH balanced


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Re: What do you think of the auto knock down from heavy handed?
« Reply #66 on: April 16, 2012, 08:17:22 pm »

Why shotguns, at least few types, not give knockback efect. So you would be able to throw him away, but not kill him.
So long and THANKS for all the fish!
Re: What do you think of the auto knock down from heavy handed?
« Reply #67 on: April 16, 2012, 08:44:44 pm »

Avv your reply just shows you've never actually made a HH char. Just a list of reason you are wrong.

-Standing around in unguarded town is just stupid, especially during pvp.

-HH means crits are useless, so there is no benefit to to using haymaker over powerfist since you are going for raw damage. 23 dmg max before armour reductions means you'll be taking like 10 damage a punch, all it takes is one miss to run away and never be caught again. It's almost impossible to catch someone running away unless they run into a dead end.

-Only way to get close is to sneak meaning you need 10 int, only way to get max knockdown is 10 str and only way to hit often enough to chainstun means 10 agi. Pretty high point investment required to be effective.

-pretty much every other weapon in the game is more dangerous, every build has pros and cons but when people don't make the build they just see the pros and conveniently forget everything else.

-Stealth builds are easily 1 hexed, if someone knocks you down when you aren't paying attention you have full ap, all it takes is 1 miss and you can kill your attacker.

-Stonewall and quick recovery are going to affect HH on the next update

In summary, quit whining about heavy handed it's not op. If you die it's because you didn't move. You would have died faster doing the same thing from most other builds.


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Re: What do you think of the auto knock down from heavy handed?
« Reply #68 on: April 16, 2012, 09:00:41 pm »

Either way, HH is free weapon and you lose nothing if you die. That's against what pvp is based on. We can argue over details and strategies and present all sorts of what if situations but the fact is HH provides method to harass geared players without any risk of losing gear oneself. If fonline pvp wasn't based on risking, it loses its meaning. Since we aren't afraid to lose our lives, we are afraid to lose our gear. If you wear no gear, there's no excitement. If death costed player 1k caps, nobody would sure as hell spam locations over and over with his hh char.

I don't care if HH build gets 1 kill per 100 deaths because he still risked nothing and comes back to harass the geared players.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: What do you think of the auto knock down from heavy handed?
« Reply #69 on: April 16, 2012, 09:09:28 pm »

Either way, HH is free weapon and you lose nothing if you die. That's against what pvp is based on.
Sorry to interrupt. I'm no unarmed expert but I think the solution is making HH work with only power fists.
Re: What do you think of the auto knock down from heavy handed?
« Reply #70 on: April 16, 2012, 09:12:46 pm »

Either way, HH is free weapon and you lose nothing if you die. That's against what pvp is based on. We can argue over details and strategies and present all sorts of what if situations but the fact is HH provides method to harass geared players without any risk of losing gear oneself. If fonline pvp wasn't based on risking, it loses its meaning. Since we aren't afraid to lose our lives, we are afraid to lose our gear. If you wear no gear, there's no excitement. If death costed player 1k caps, nobody would sure as hell spam locations over and over with his hh char.

I don't care if HH build gets 1 kill per 100 deaths because he still risked nothing and comes back to harass the geared players.

Next time try reading, only way to kill is with powerfist, which is no easier to farm than any of the gear you use. PVP players have huge stockpiles of gear so don't go whining about how hard it is to get, pretty much everything is easy to farm if you know how so the loss isn't much more significant. If a build that has a 1% success rate is OP by your standards you obviously misunderstand the concept of "over powered". Also if someone keeps respawning and coming back he is either weakened and low health or barehanded and not a real threat, I'd say logging fully geared alts from wm (which is allowed) is a way cheaper tactic. Never thought I'd see the day when burster tanks would be crying about unarmed chars being so powerful. Try learning how to play instead of blaming your lack of skill on game mechanics.


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Re: What do you think of the auto knock down from heavy handed?
« Reply #71 on: April 16, 2012, 09:14:59 pm »

Sorry to interrupt. I'm no unarmed expert but I think the solution is making HH work with only power fists.

Re: What do you think of the auto knock down from heavy handed?
« Reply #72 on: April 16, 2012, 09:17:34 pm »

Sorry to interrupt. I'm no unarmed expert but I think the solution is making HH work with only power fists.
I would prefer knock-down only on power fists, except for criticals which should always knock-down/knock-out.


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Re: What do you think of the auto knock down from heavy handed?
« Reply #73 on: April 16, 2012, 09:24:06 pm »

Next time try reading, only way to kill is with powerfist, which is no easier to farm than any of the gear you use. PVP players have huge stockpiles of gear so don't go whining about how hard it is to get, pretty much everything is easy to farm if you know how so the loss isn't much more significant. If a build that has a 1% success rate is OP by your standards you obviously misunderstand the concept of "over powered". Also if someone keeps respawning and coming back he is either weakened and low health or barehanded and not a real threat, I'd say logging fully geared alts from wm (which is allowed) is a way cheaper tactic. Never thought I'd see the day when burster tanks would be crying about unarmed chars being so powerful. Try learning how to play instead of blaming your lack of skill on game mechanics.

If gear is so easy to get, how come all HH chars I see wear no gear at all?

What I'm trying to explain to you is that if you yourself risk nothing, you shouldn't be able to inflict risk on others. It's like playing poker without putting any money yourself but still having a chance to win what your opponent bets. Would you agree on such terms?
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: What do you think of the auto knock down from heavy handed?
« Reply #74 on: April 16, 2012, 09:28:44 pm »

If gear is so easy to get, how come all HH chars I see wear no gear at all?

What I'm trying to explain to you is that if you yourself risk nothing, you shouldn't be able to inflict risk on others. It's like playing poker without putting any money yourself but still having a chance to win what your opponent bets. Would you agree on such terms?

Look if someone manages to kill you HH with no weapons the deserve a medal and you deserve to be shamed. As i've explained to you over and over again, the only way to be successful is with powerfist. Only time ive been pked by heavy handed the guy was using a powerfist and if he hadn't been able to kill me in 4 punches he would have died. I've had people try to do it unarmed and they failed miserably. You don't know a build until you've made it, stop opening you mouth about things you know nothing about.
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