Avv your reply just shows you've never actually made a HH char. Just a list of reason you are wrong.
-Standing around in unguarded town is just stupid, especially during pvp.
-HH means crits are useless, so there is no benefit to to using haymaker over powerfist since you are going for raw damage. 23 dmg max before armour reductions means you'll be taking like 10 damage a punch, all it takes is one miss to run away and never be caught again. It's almost impossible to catch someone running away unless they run into a dead end.
-Only way to get close is to sneak meaning you need 10 int, only way to get max knockdown is 10 str and only way to hit often enough to chainstun means 10 agi. Pretty high point investment required to be effective.
-pretty much every other weapon in the game is more dangerous, every build has pros and cons but when people don't make the build they just see the pros and conveniently forget everything else.
-Stealth builds are easily 1 hexed, if someone knocks you down when you aren't paying attention you have full ap, all it takes is 1 miss and you can kill your attacker.
-Stonewall and quick recovery are going to affect HH on the next update
In summary, quit whining about heavy handed it's not op. If you die it's because you didn't move. You would have died faster doing the same thing from most other builds.