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Author Topic: TC system  (Read 34002 times)


  • The Evil Butchers
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Re: TC system
« Reply #240 on: February 04, 2012, 10:43:50 am »

I think change influenc on % of influence can change tc. Now is somethink like brahmin shit.
Re: TC system
« Reply #241 on: February 04, 2012, 11:33:54 am »

I actually like the idea of the windows being *for* something.

Say you went to talk to the town leader, he then had a small pool of things the town wanted which were chosen from randomly.

He'd pick "Clear out the Mine", "Fix the reactor", "Defeat incoming Raiders" for you.
-> Message goes out telling everyone who is trying to do what and timer begins
-> Other gangs could come in and stop it
-> Influnece +/- based on who succeeds in what (-ve for gang stopping you, +for doing the mission)
-> If you have succeeded you get the loot which depends on your overall influence level.
Quests are mostly repetive... Sorry but as long as quests will be based on NPCs, they will i think always repetive... A lot better would be player based gains i think. A possibility could be to give the "only want to pvp" players 1 or 2 cities with simpler rules, like old timer that strongly encuraged pvp with its "king of the hill" gameplay?

I think more things like if a, neutral player goes in and trades or mines or sell slaves and walks out alive, should give influence towards the faction (more influence the more players online at current moment maybe). There also must be limits in this, like a set little amount of influence the faction gain from each of those neutrals per hour/day, so it wont get abused by gang alts. If this neutral player attacks controlling faction member or anyone in town (if he starts a fight) he should be also excluded from any negative influence towards controlling faction for a day, or even two (maybe random between 1 and 3 days), so controlling faction can dispose him without any negative gains. Also, players that attack should be remembered by militia... Lets stop this sneaker suicide madness please.

If you're talking about WWP, you should take a cold shower, that will wake you up.

Haha, dude, i suggest taking a cold shower yourself... Ernest said "Sarmatians"... Have you even played last wipe or you just showed up here talking about something you have no idea about?

I just say, when Ernest says "Sarmatians" why would he mean "WWP"? If he ment "WWP" i am sure he would have said "WWP" ;P BHH was WWP too for you i guess  ;D
« Last Edit: February 04, 2012, 11:54:58 am by kttdestroyer »
Re: TC system
« Reply #242 on: February 04, 2012, 01:23:52 pm »

And yet you don't bring any of ideas to fix TC, but keep the trolling up. High five, Mr Troll :>

Turn off influence, get back last session tc system, for me could be all to play, and don`t care about mili or mercs.


  • Zmikundik
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Re: TC system
« Reply #243 on: February 04, 2012, 04:39:28 pm »

I agree with statements written together by Hovinko and pti4ka, except the excluding of buildings. I dont see nothing wrong with camping in buildings, most of the time, its a deathtrap to those who are inside and there are numerous ways how to clean them out.

I like the idea of receiving reward both while in the city and while not, but the ratio should be around 1:7 (1 hour of camping inside the city nets you same stuff as being 7 hours not in the city).

Even your butthurt about small-gangs-not-being-able-to-control-city annoys me falloutdude, this last suggestions sounds interesting. Big gang sets a small gang as a deputy, so both gangs gain profit. Big gang doesnt have to be inside the city to receive more stuff, while small gang receives a small portion of it.

Lastly I must say I like the new TC, just for the sake of having something new and fresh. TC shouldnt be like ping-pong when a town changes its owner every hour. By having considerable influence in it, some (AFK) gang shouldnt be able to take it during the night. Most of you are there for the beacon, not for controlling the city itself and this can be accomplished even without frequent change of the owner.
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[19:41:06] <@JovankaB> einstein said we dont need name colorizing


  • The Evil Butchers
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Re: TC system
« Reply #244 on: February 04, 2012, 04:42:38 pm »

militia isnt problem, mercs too but problem is proxies. Militia is good thing but if defen 15 proxies its insane.
Re: TC system
« Reply #245 on: February 04, 2012, 07:31:47 pm »

problem is influence system...most of us dont have time and will to stay few h in 1 place with out any reason. 15min was long enought and now 15h and still you have no idea you can take it...set max infl to 20. 7.5 u capture the town 10 u can buy 5/10 militians, and evey next 2 infl u can buy antother 1/2. and when someone took city every other gang infl is cleared to basic 0 again. simple and quick.
Re: TC system
« Reply #246 on: February 04, 2012, 07:49:04 pm »

militia isnt problem, mercs too but problem is proxies. Militia is good thing but if defen 15 proxies its insane.

How do you defend militia with 15 proxies , tell me about this magic i don't have such a spell in my wizardry book ? How players can come up with something like that ...


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Re: TC system
« Reply #247 on: February 04, 2012, 09:14:43 pm »

 Boys, devs,
 i think changes that have been suggested by Hovinka, Pti4ka and Sarakin are acceptable and very needed for active playing players, but they still dont solve other main problems.

I represent the part of players community, where players don't have any time to loitering in cities. I could find some spare time for leveling of my character, accumulating neccesary stuff to support my pvp character. But then i expect that this game could grant me opportunity to PvP without loitering in cities. I dont want start theoretical discussion about other aspects of Fonline 2238. I did most of quest, blahblah, i just want to do what most of PvP players wants. Teamplay gameplay with my mates and "virtual friends" against "virtual enemies." Fonline offered this possibility, but now it is gone. Not only because of absence of beacons, but even because of absence of TC windows and similar "organized features."

 Even current TC is fixed, there exists several questions, that should be answered:

 What is the sense of loitering in cities? It is the oposite of sense of good gameplay. Play = activity. TC = loitering = absence of activity. Imagine TC as a top of activity of every faction, what you can see: it starts by creating and leveling chars, then founding factions and bases, crafting, trading, exploring wasteland and finnaly => loitering. Eh, what? Absurd!

 Only activity, that offers (or offered) TC is organized PvP. Until this session. No beacon = more loitering. One faction could control more cities = less comparable enemy factions. Absence of TC windows = more wasted time. Militia = strong faction is stronger, weak is still weak.

 I think that neccesary thing that devs should do, is to split roleplay, economical and PVP element of TC into separe systems, because the hybrid that games offers is obstacle for everyone. I understand, that devs dont want to eliminate some scripts and works they hardly balanced, but it is absurd. Working elements are gone (namecolorizing, tc windows, ...), nonsenses remains.

 My ideas:

 a) roleplay city for roleplayers = if any faction wants to create their own roleplay city, they should create their own map. Map would be visible on worldmap, with laser or similar turrents killing on sight everyone who is not member of "city faction". Once you get citizenship, everyone can do what he wants, even kill other citizens, turrets will not kill him. Only law would be other citizens. So no more raids from enemy and a lot of opportunity to loitering for kids and unemploeyd players.

 b) NPC in northern cities from time to time "drops" some stuff (= in conversation because they are afraid of PvP build) => players are motivated to visit those cities and fight with each other. Best is, that you can meet weaker, stronger or equivalent enemies. Better than miracle TC boxes.

 c) From time to time, some messege window would inform everyone about some special reward "enclave vertbird will emergency land somewhere, not well protected, you can get tier max weapons or even parts of apa armors" and similar.

 Or something even different, but not loitering OMG.
So long and THANKS for all the fish!
Re: TC system
« Reply #248 on: February 04, 2012, 10:51:15 pm »

For bringing peace in north towns faction controlling it must just recieve some small rewards, like % from digged in BH and Reddind, % from slaves trading in Den. And you will see that faction controlling town will defend town and random people coming to trade/dig.
Re: TC system
« Reply #249 on: February 04, 2012, 11:00:27 pm »

leave rpg project in south...north is for pvp not rpg and "hello stranger are you new in town" some gang did in redding
i spended 2 many hours of digging crafting and exping to stay another few h in city to start a fight or get something from it. next problem is in few months infl lvl will be so high like greece debt so it will be pointels go on tc with new gang or gang who never try that city...devs give us oportunity to fight not just stand and count infl lvl...i miss times when in 2-3h i fought in each city in few fights, or when i waited in best city to defend since larger gang-gangs were taking one by one our when i have 400 inf lvl i can say...ok i am going sleep and maby in the morning i can start fight with them...change it or give us special places where we can fight and take rangom low-high loot as reward for something...good example req serv - catedra or mariposa


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Re: TC system
« Reply #250 on: February 05, 2012, 06:13:32 am »

leave rpg project in south
Skycast told about noobs/crafters ect not about some armed guys who coming for pvp. If some gang will come there will be PvP
But if some noob coming to dug ore on trading TC gang will have choice: kill him or cover and get some % from his deals.
Maybe it's not too easy to realize but It will change game-play too much for the better.

ps. We are forgot:
10) Militia not disappearing after each crash/restart of the server.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2012, 11:32:42 am by pti4ka »
Re: TC system
« Reply #251 on: February 05, 2012, 10:00:57 am »

Ehm leaving rpg out of a Fallout based game?
Like it or not but its based on Fallout 1-2 and not on fallout 3 which is mindless shooting.
Its true game contains lots of pvp but if you can't see but that only then its your loss. This game is way more deeper then some pew pew I killed you. And TC is getting to a shape that shows some deepness I like this new infulence system there are problem with it ofcourse there are the wipe wasn't months ago everything is fresh.
About places to fight there is Hinkly (you don't even need to have gear) and Reno people always find a fight there and you can get the stuffs from your victim.
Re: TC system
« Reply #252 on: February 05, 2012, 03:05:23 pm »

north is war zone not pleyers friendly place


  • Zmikundik
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Re: TC system
« Reply #253 on: February 05, 2012, 05:47:13 pm »

Why is that in the first place ? Just because people got accustomed to that, it doesnt mean that it cant be (or shouldnt be) changed.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2012, 06:45:54 pm by Sarakin »
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[19:41:06] <@JovankaB> einstein said we dont need name colorizing
Re: TC system
« Reply #254 on: February 05, 2012, 07:06:45 pm »

sure...same with south...remove guards in south and i will be happy. what you dont like this idea?
i would like to kill someone in ncr or hub but i cant with guards walking around...
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