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Changelog 13/01/2012

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You're telling me that you took away even that crappy pieces of metal (armor) that was giving mediocre protection value, went into "broken" state after meeting with 6+ manti/rats/other crap and gave almost nothing for dismantling it?


PS. seriously finding armor there was just a small bonus... don't nerf anything you can just because you can ...sheesh!

That's about the size of it.

It was a small bonus once or twice. Just gathering up hundreds of free armours that were lying around on the floor wasn't small.

Its not too much to make people kill what's inside the armour before getting it, really :P


--- Quote from: LagMaster on January 14, 2012, 10:29:07 am ---so last 2 wipes there was FOffline
last wipe was FEmptyline
now it's FBugline

--- End quote ---
Worst joke ever

--- Quote from: Solar on January 14, 2012, 10:38:40 pm ---Its not too much to make people kill what's inside the armour before getting it, really :P

--- End quote ---
lol people FARMS armour, wich means that they just wait to get x vs x encounter and then took stuff from the remains, its even easier than kill mutated molerats.


--- Quote from: Solar on January 14, 2012, 10:38:40 pm ---That's about the size of it.

It was a small bonus once or twice. Just gathering up hundreds of free armours that were lying around on the floor wasn't small.

Its not too much to make people kill what's inside the armour before getting it, really :P

--- End quote ---

Those armor were practically non usable for protection purpose... Moreover their yield from dismantling was nothing compared to going to a mine to gather resources. Those armors were just a small bonus


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