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Author Topic: Changelog 10/01/2012  (Read 12261 times)


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Changelog 10/01/2012
« on: January 10, 2012, 07:21:17 am »

- NCR and Boneyard train station player spawnpoints moved a bit. Let's see if people still fall out of trains and die.
- Resources regeneration.
- Weapon dismantling no longer spawns extra ammo.
- Quest: Junktown Powerhouse, Mr. Handy takes away the motivator unit now; increased the Repair timeout for the generators, but it is only applied every five skill uses (successful or not).
- Added guard scripts to some of the critters that were supposed to have it.
- Skill requirements for Bonus HtH Attacks and Bonus Rate of Fire decreased to 180% (from 225%).
- Partial fix to turn based mode which is now restored, but the sequence order will not work properly. In case the server resumes crashing, this fix will be reverted and TB disabled again. It did.

- Changed the prices formula; increased the reputation's influence, reduced barter's influence, and set the minimum (player) selling price to 25% (before possible price decrease due to selling unwanted item, as it worked before).
- Some encounter guards now warn the player when he or she comes into 5 hexes range instead of 2. They also spawn few hexes more far from the player to compensate.
- Conscious and not otherwise engaged encounter critters are now removed 10 (or more) minutes after they are spawned.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2012, 03:00:34 pm by Lexx »


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Re: Changelog 10/01/2012
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2012, 07:33:57 am »

everything is good but this 5 hex from guards.this is hard to properly do when trying to loot or even when trying to get to exit grid.
Roaming the waste again.


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Re: Changelog 10/01/2012
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2012, 07:44:14 am »

So turn based mode still isn't working?
Good you decreased brof+HtH attacks requirements :)

5 hexes makes guards warn players :/ isn't that too much?


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Re: Changelog 10/01/2012
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2012, 08:00:34 am »

everything is good but this 5 hex from guards.this is hard to properly do when trying to loot or even when trying to get to exit grid.

Disable that at all... you cannot even use first aid on them if you want to (for some karma rise)

Thanks for fixing BROF and BHTHA

craft, Craft, CRAFT! (armors)
sometimes repair dismantle stuff
...and most of all; DEATH TO NERFING!!!


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Re: Changelog 10/01/2012
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2012, 09:56:53 am »

- Some encounter guards now warn the player when he or she comes into 5 hexes range instead of 2. They also spawn few hexes more far from the player to compensate.

You sometimes spawn right next to them (e.g. VC patrol), when it is a big encounter (e.g. Slavers+VC patrol+ghouls encounter), so they (e.g. VC patrol) might start to attack you.
Re: Changelog 10/01/2012
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2012, 10:20:05 am »

You sometimes spawn right next to them (e.g. VC patrol), when it is a big encounter (e.g. Slavers+VC patrol+ghouls encounter), so they (e.g. VC patrol) might start to attack you.
Oh come on, with these resources that spawn, wasteland is hello kitty online again, that was nice when you got all resources from dismantling only, mines are breaking whole game. If NPCs are killing you only because you're unlucky and appeared too close it's ok! Anyway it's the only aim of that feature - to kill players for fun sometimes, because there's no other explanation to this, if they wanted to do something with stealing, then it would trigger when you use steal on them, if against point blank bursting, then it wouldn't trigger if you're unarmed, if against dynamites, then they would act like guards, etc. But they make that you can't even FA them and sometimes they run to you themselves when using their "snipe tactic" when fighting with someone and shouting on you to keep distance, or, like you said, you can just appear in encounter near them. And I'm not talking about TB, they can walk to you in TB, you can appear near them in TB, and you can't do anything with this. Take it easy, imagine that all these caravans and patrols are evil PKs who always trying to find a reason to kill you, nothing bad in this.


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Re: Changelog 10/01/2012
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2012, 10:41:15 am »

if they wanted to do something with stealing, then it would trigger when you use steal on them,
if against point blank bursting, then it wouldn't trigger if you're unarmed,
if against dynamites, then they would act like guards

This is actually a very good solution.
Would open up a possibility for (doctor) chars to level and earn rep.
If your hands are empty - all good. If you pull a weapon/use steal on them they instantly attack you.


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Re: Changelog 10/01/2012
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2012, 11:53:32 am »

This is actually a very good solution.
Would open up a possibility for (doctor) chars to level and earn rep.
If your hands are empty - all good. If you pull a weapon/use steal on them they instantly attack you.
the rat knows what to say

it is a good ideea, not 5hex warning, for accidents still happen


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Re: Changelog 10/01/2012
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2012, 12:03:16 pm »

(...) If NPCs are killing you only because you're unlucky and appeared too close it's ok! (...)

Twisted Logic Award for him please!

Andr3aZ is right in here... i'd also rise karma for FAing NPC to 25-50 (like a reverse points for attacking NPCs)

craft, Craft, CRAFT! (armors)
sometimes repair dismantle stuff
...and most of all; DEATH TO NERFING!!!


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Re: Changelog 10/01/2012
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2012, 12:03:36 pm »

Weapon handling still not available for EW ?
The sanctity of this forum has been fouled

[19:41:06] <@JovankaB> einstein said we dont need name colorizing


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Re: Changelog 10/01/2012
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2012, 12:21:49 pm »

Take it easy, imagine that all these caravans and patrols are evil PKs who always trying to find a reason to kill you, nothing bad in this.

No, no, no, VC guards are doing good to the wasteland, I could not kill them  ;D
Re: Changelog 10/01/2012
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2012, 01:34:18 pm »

Disable that at all... you cannot even use first aid on them if you want to (for some karma rise)

Thanks for fixing BROF and BHTHA
Yea! Thx for fixing Brof. 4-th day after wipe and i need to delete my char and create another. Becouse of changing conditions of few percs. Why all cant be in same conditions?  I have no butthert, if namecolorizing will works, now i must  to remember all players, that i tagged red. And as i think, it will be continue. CBT was for fun only? And for teaching CS how to play after wipe? I think, perks must be not changeble.
Caravans........ Now i need to kill em, before looting  corpses. Carma down, not able to create 1 char without support. Nice RP.  :(


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Re: Changelog 10/01/2012
« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2012, 01:37:12 pm »

We could reintroduce the bug if that would make you happy?  ???
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.


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Re: Changelog 10/01/2012
« Reply #13 on: January 10, 2012, 01:44:07 pm »

I got question.

When you update game/fix bugs, do it always need to be update with updater.exe?
Or only then when you write bottom of changelog (You need update etc..)?


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Re: Changelog 10/01/2012
« Reply #14 on: January 10, 2012, 01:46:00 pm »

when you write bottom of changelog (You need update etc..)
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
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