also new animations for the crouch and crawl stances
I would prefere FTOnline intead of FOnline engine/graphics etc. but since its FOnline its better to leave things where they belong and where they should be. ...and imo, FT Deathclaws looks way better.
Well they aren't same species if you compare them but I was thinking of FT Deathclaws as an improvement of thier look/conception.But I agree with additional middle horn, it looks a bit lame.
Also, throw stones at me, but I don't think it should be done, we already have a lot of problems with combat balance and I personally don't think that adding a new combat related feature would do any help to a game which is already too inclined to combat anyway, and lacking other elements.
I dont understand, why they cannot just use fallout tactics models for just that.Or the game in general, instead of developing totally new models. As I understand other projects are able to do this.