1. More TC windows.
Yeah, that's a necessary addition.
2. Overlapping windows, 2 (or more) towns at once?
Yes, for reasons mentioned above.
3. Bonus for members who have remained on the map for the entire capture time
Not really sure, but I'm leaning towards no - more doesn't really mean "better" and it could introduce the "let's have a proxy gang for TC" factor I mentioned above (it really would be "proper play" in that situation and the only thing that'd keep it from becoming reality would be the potential laziness of players).
4. Lower / Keep the countdown time
Keep it, countdown time = combat time.
5. NPC "Mercs" for TC (from the other thread)
Depends. If you want to have a long TC window for all towns, than yes, if 3 - very limited, if 2 - disabled. The number of "TC rounds" (ie. times the TC windows start) could also be taken into account to a lesser extent. The idea behind the militia or "mercs" was that they'd give the faction some time to react in a situation when every town can be attacked at any time, this rationale isn't really there when you know which town gets attacked because of the "attack window".
6. Unique "points" which can be used to trade from more unique items (I guess this will be combined with allying to NPC factions)
I'm really excited about this, seems to be an awesome idea.
7. XP for TC?
Wouldn't matter much since TC is basically 21 lvl char thingie and like Kilgore said it seems a bit exploitable.
8. Removal of other NPC's during TC hour?
If 9 can't be done, yes.
9. Town reputation not affecting players in TC hour, obviously not needed if 8 happened
Yeah, but only if the reaction to being hit by a stray bullet wouldn't be the entire town becoming hell bent on taking your head. Karma could be lost by such individuals, which would be enough of a punishment for not checking your fire.
10. NPC "Raiders" attacking controlling factions?
No. Exploitable by the attackers.
Other things?
Kilgore said to have a cooldown on preview during TC window, I'd go a step further. Keep the preview as it is, but when the town becomes open for TC, simply disable it. It's not even that gamey if you think in terms of "something's hanging in the air, so we're searching for those bastards with binoculars right now"