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Author Topic: Bounty System  (Read 1659 times)

Bounty System
« on: April 11, 2010, 03:59:25 am »

I know the Big box words is scary ( like box cherry O's) but please read whole thing post what think about the idea.
I like to see someone post what they think on it special see what dev or gm thought of my idea.
If your read whole thing understand it please use the polls.

(sorry I don't have best grammar or spelling, ask me if something does make sense or reads right)

Basically there be terminal in towns. You talk to this and it give you some options. You could post a bounty/ look up bounties posted/ or collect a bounty. When you post a bounty you enter their name and pay amount of caps you want. Probably have minimum of like 200 caps or more to prevent spamming/1 cap bounties. Then you enter info which is a text you type up anything you want. This could be use type up what he did to earn this or/and info about him (were he hangs out, how powerful he is, what he uses). When some one looks up bounties they can see who posted it,who they want you to kill, how much the reward is, and the info they put in. You could make feature were you could down load the bounty post or list to a holo-disk. Then when a person kills someone they drop a head of the kill (with there name/ date  of kill / time of kill /the head has base cap value of 0/ maybe 0 weight or very light). The head is what you take to the terminal and collect your reward.You could not collect bounty with head that predates the bounty post. This prevent people from collecting heads for bounties before they exist. This also prevents someone from creating a bounty and having a friend turn it in because they have someones head already.(reason is because bounties will effect on person you kill, explain further down). When someone has already collected the reward it will be listed on the terminal as collected.This also tells who collected it. So people know that some one already got that bounty. I would add a feature that when some collects bounty on you something happens to you. The reason is to cause some pain to them and to prevent people from wanting to collecting their own bounties with help of friend. It could be increase cool down time for everything/ reduce max life / weaken state/ reduce xp gain/ or combination of things but only last for so long.  The bounty effect wouldn't go away only if the person was log on for so long . But also this would add duration immune to bounty afterwords to prevent ruining game for some one. Also stop spamming bounty effect on someone. This might be great feature to have when you enable tracking. I just hope tracking is balance don't ruin the game or let people in to your base or tents. But you could have it now and it still be fun to have.

Post what you think about it
« Last Edit: April 11, 2010, 07:03:26 am by Cheezy »


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Re: Bounty System
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2010, 10:49:06 am »

We have a bounty hunter system already. You can talk to the sheriff in Redding or Hub, name a player and set a bounty. But this system isn't good, as it can be abused very easy. Just check the set bounty, if your name is on the list, put away all your items, let a friend kill you and collect the bounty. You respawn and get your items back, then make 50:50 with the reward.

If you could affect other people in a negative way, just with placing a bounty, other people who have a lot money, could abuse this as well.

In the end it comes down, that these kind of bounty hunter mechanic doesn't work in a MMO. It's better to leave it up to players.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2010, 10:50:43 am by Lexx »


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Re: Bounty System
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2010, 10:30:44 pm »

I tested it a while ago, the system doesn't work anyway, dialogues are done but it's like feature is not fully implemented.

In the end it comes down, that these kind of bounty hunter mechanic doesn't work in a MMO. It's better to leave it up to players.

It's really possible that it doesn't work in FOnline. I mean, if someone sets a bounty on me, I eventually get killed... So what ? I will respawn a few minutes later, and will only have lost my current gear. No big deal, and each days, dozens of players are killed by player killers for the exact same result.

Why would you pay for something others can do for free, unknowingly ? =p

That being said, if it was proved to work in FOnline, I'm pretty sure it could work if it was set up by serious players on some website.
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"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
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Re: Bounty System
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2010, 11:01:03 pm »

It's really possible that it doesn't work in FOnline. I mean, if someone sets a bounty on me, I eventually get killed... So what ? I will respawn a few minutes later, and will only have lost my current gear. No big deal, and each days, dozens of players are killed by player killers for the exact same result.
What about paying X caps on someone's head, and this person will have unavoidable encounter (or may be they will come even in city, probably, only unguarded) of Bounty Hunters (NPCs). Thier strength (NPCs+equipment) will be totally equal to X caps. I mean it'll be the same if you hire merc and buy a weapon for them.

Edit: they will hunt him till he die in THIER encounter by them, if he escape an encounter, they will meet him again after some time, till he die by thier hand, or, atleast, in encounter with them.
Re: Bounty System
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2010, 11:23:11 pm »

What about paying X caps on someone's head, and this person will have unavoidable encounter (or may be they will come even in city, probably, only unguarded) of Bounty Hunters (NPCs). Thier strength (NPCs+equipment) will be totally equal to X caps. I mean it'll be the same if you hire merc and buy a weapon for them.

Edit: they will hunt him till he die in THIER encounter by them, if he escape an encounter, they will meet him again after some time, till he die by thier hand, or, atleast, in encounter with them.

I guess this is the best way it could work. But I think, to make it worth the money, stronger bounty hunters keep coming after them until the guy has actually been killed. One bounty hunter gets killed, so what? That doesn't mean the bounty is off. Other, meaner, hairier bounty hunters are still going to be happy to hunt that target down.


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Re: Bounty System
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2010, 11:29:38 pm »

Yes, this is a good idea, but which contains some problems :

- It's not player-driven at all. You pay, NPC work for you. This is bad, but at least, it's better than no bounty hunting system at all.

- Players could abuse this easily, because we know big factions got hundreds of thousands of caps. In my opinion, it can be fixed by setting a maximum price you can pay for someone's head*.

* You pay for two things : The Bounty Hunters' strenght AND the amount of encounters the hunted dude will meet. For example, 5000 caps for raiders-like bounty hunters and 5 encounters. All these parameters, at the maximum, should not go above 10k caps (for example), and you can't set more than one bounty over someone's head. This way, a character, even hated by everyone, can only have one bounty of maximum 10k worth over his head.
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"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
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Re: Bounty System
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2010, 11:35:54 pm »

Also some time lock to prevent putting bounty on someones head over and over again.
But this is still somehow wrong. You can't set bounty on anyones head just because you have cash. Since when is Redding sheriff badass raider who gives a fuck about people? When the bounty is set there should be some check to find out if the one who is about to get hunted really is a bad guy. I mean that should deped on the city where you are setting the bounty. If you go to raiders/slavers and set a bounty there then they will attack anybody even some of their own just to get paid. But "lawful" bounty hunters should be restricted not to kill "good players".


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Re: Bounty System
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2010, 11:40:37 pm »

Also some time lock to prevent putting bounty on someones head over and over again.

Point. Some kind of cooldown. And cheapest option should be tough too, to prevent someone to set a cheap bounty on himself just to crash the bounty hunters and to rest while there is the cooldown.

Since when is Redding sheriff badass raider who gives a fuck about people?
Point again ! It should be some kind of new organization, like Slavers or Far-Go traders or Gunrunners. But making the bounty hunter strenght depending on the town would be complicated to implement and to balance. Plus, some towns would be used more often than others. I prefer the idea to set one little organization for the whole thing. Also, everyone should be huntable, I mean even evil guys can hire killers. And in FOnline, how to say if someone is good or evil ?
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"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer
Re: Bounty System
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2010, 03:22:08 am »

Well It be nice have some sort bounty system in the game. I like system that cant be abuse, is player driven,fun , and balance. I'm sure you can make an idea. You just might have to think outside the box to do it. Maybe look at idea how to make better ones or how to improve that one. I think this something that should be brain storm together to help create ideal system.
I'll post more ideas as they come to me.
Re: Bounty System
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2010, 08:44:25 pm »

What about paying X caps on someone's head, and this person will have unavoidable encounter (or may be they will come even in city, probably, only unguarded) of Bounty Hunters (NPCs). Thier strength (NPCs+equipment) will be totally equal to X caps. I mean it'll be the same if you hire merc and buy a weapon for them.

Edit: they will hunt him till he die in THIER encounter by them, if he escape an encounter, they will meet him again after some time, till he die by thier hand, or, atleast, in encounter with them.

Good idea but one crucial thing to keep in mind: make those bounty hunters unlootable and make the encounter only appear when the hunted person is carrying a gun. Unarmed fighters have it hard anyway so let's leave them :p
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