Hello wastelanders, devs.
Is it possible to integrate
permanent inflation into game economy system? If i remember correctly, there exists mathematic formula based on barter skill, specific price level for each npc trader,.. . My idea: prices of every stuff traded by npc traders would slowly raise over the time (another multiplier into price formula). This effect would slowly lower the real value of every player and gang caps savings and it would, if not clear, at least reduce the gap among longer and shorter playing players.
So after one ingame year, same rifle should cost 2000 instead of 1000 caps (only example).
I understand, that caps generating (spawning) ratio by NPC traders (simply, caps in their inventories) needs to be somehow related to inflation ratio.
a) if the ratio would be same (inflation multiplier = npc caps generating multiplier), it would have only effects on gang and players caps savings. Your saved money would lower their value, you would be able to buy less stuff. So this would eliminate the gameplay problem, that after few weeks or months, players have enough caps to buy everything and their effort is undermined.
I know that you can argue, that players could very early craft or buy huge amount of stuff, so they can later change it for actual amount of caps, but this argument will be obsolete next era. There will be need to maintain your weapons and armors using the very same stuff you want to maintain => no more zilions pieces of unused stuff on ground => no "stuff deposites for later time". Theoreticaly! I agree, that there would be some stuff, you dont need to use in PvP, PvE, crafting, maintaining whatever, and players would be able to early obtain that stuff for preserve value purpose only.
=> But this situation could be nothing less that good gameplay part of Fonline! Players who likes to trade would have another attribute in their gameplay (so second benefit of this idea).
b) Now imagine situation, that caps spawning ratio by NPC traders would be quite lower than inflation ratio. At the early beginning of era, there would not be a problem to get caps by selling stuff. (example: 1 armor = 25O caps, npc trader spawns 500 caps (per hour,..) => you can sell 2 armors per hour (for caps)). After some time, caps price of stuff would raise (by inflation), but the amount of caps generated by NPC traders would not (or only slower than inflation). (1 armor = 500 caps, npc trader spawns 500 caps per hour => you can sell only 1 armor per hour. ).
This would result into situation, that caps are loosing their value (everything is more expensive) AND (cumulative) caps are getting rare (de facto raising its value)

=> Even you have "stuff deposites for later time" (or by crafting), you would not be able to obtain EASILY caps from npc traders (they will slowly lack of caps, because players will get more caps in exchange of constant amount of stuff). Also even you have huge amount of caps, you will loose its value, because of inflation (more caps needed to buy same stuff).
What are the effects of this idea:
- Players would be forced to travel to distant locations to get caps. After beggining of the era because of numerous players on the server (like every post wipe period). Weeks or months after wipe (when many players will left, as usual (no whine, just fact)) because of inflation and shortage of caps amount in NPCs inventories.
- Players would be forced to more trade among them. Imagine situation: VSB gang has 100 000 caps. We collected that amount of caps, when 1 armor costed 10 000 caps (npc trader) => 100 k caps = 10 armors. But now, one armor costs 20 000 caps (npc traders). So we can afford only 5 armors. There is a new player (Wichura

), who needs to buy base, but he cannot collect enough caps (traders dont have caps). We contact him and offer him a trade: 50 000 caps for 5 armors (10 000 caps per armor, same amount like before destructive force of inflation). He is accepts the offer, because he knows, that he would need much longer time to obtain caps from npc traders. Clear?
- Players would be forced to barter (stuff for stuff, not for caps) not only with npc traders, but among players.
- The merchant gameplay of fonline would evolve.
Q: So if everything would be more expensive, i would need to spend f....g more time to obtain PvP stuff?
A: No, inflation will not have any direct impact on crafting, mining, scavenging. It will only force players to improvize, if they want to get stuff by other ways. And if you are clever, you can spend even less time to obtain PvP stuff!
Q: Will be there enough caps to obtain neccesary things in future?
A: Yes, you can do quests, TC, sell stuff to player or npc traders, hire your services to players and other, but it will not be as easy, as it was.
Q: I think it will not work, i can bring zillions of hunting rifles looted in "Vs. encounters" and barter it for Combat Armor MK2 from NPC trader.
A: Of course you can barter stuff for stuff. Their caps price will raise simultaneously (because of inflation). But things that could be bought only in exchange for caps (bases, cars, train tickets

, mercs, ....) will become difficult to obtain (slowly). But there will still exists ways. Also no more trade behaviour with npcs: "I have zilion of caps and i take all your stuff".
Q: Would this be hard to implement?
A: I dont know. But it is not new map, new quest, new script. It is only rework of existing mechanism. If it does not work properly, it can be changed during era. (By changing inflation ratio, changing caps spawning ratio, reimplementing bank interrests...).
Q: Inflation will crash server, because you will get zilions of caps per brahmin hides.
A: No, because there will not be zilions of caps