I think he is saying it's stupid to kill people just because they killed/kill other people. It's not about the action in this case, but the reason for the action that really steams him up, and I have to agree.
But whatever. People will do as they please if they want/can
That is my point exactly.
But you know at least the anti-pk blacklisting isn't as bad as the other fonline game, in this game you well get shot by anti-pk factions if they hold a town or if you enter the town while they are there. Or if you are unlikely running into them in an encounter or they enter yours. In games like requiem and life aftermk2 they can find you in any encounter you are in and kill you and make your gaming experience a living hell, and whats even worse PKers have the same ability so its x10 worse so just be glad that anti-pk isn't that bad in 2238.
I know that's what he meant. And that's what I find ridiculous. Why is it stupid to kill for a reason but it's ok to kill for no reason? It seems to me that there is a segment of PK's who love to yell "WASTELAND IS HARSH" when someone complains about being killed as a bluesuit but then bitch & moan whenever there's consequences for their actions.
Because its a game with the freedom to do so and the death animations are funny. Its not so much not accepting the consequences, sure there is consequences to everything in life, its hypocritical and the idea of some person behind a computer who probably doesn't even hold an authoritative position in real life trying to say they are the authority and I am here to make you pay for your consequences is just plain stupid. I mean the guys who do this stuff go around and shoot people all day long for pvp action and gear but its righteous because they role play authority or because they are role playing the "good guys".
I'm helpful to people in this game I try to answer people questions when they are new, I generally don't shoot random people in broken hills and make it a safe place to go to for crafters. But to say that they should be the authority and that I must suffer the consequences for shooting somebody who they shoot also is righteous? Its hypocritical, they are allowed to shoot other people and take their towns, but when I do it I must pay the consequences its hypocritical.
And as for people who kill noobs, the new guy always gets the most shit, private in the military gets treated like shit, you are the new guy at work they make you do the most work just how the world can be some times, in other instances killing noobs is more so bullying, some leader of the pack says lets go kill some noobs and people follow because they don't want to be bullied themselves for not joining in.
I don't really kill random people for no reason I do not know why you guys tend to think that of me, I mostly play for pvp, and I prefer to fight other people who are fully leveled. And you know, when you are in an area and you are ready to fight and some guy with a name you don't recognize comes in it is assumed it is proxy scout and sometimes it happens to be a random guy who isn't a proxy scout.
And you know what I'm part of a faction that is against killing random people unless it is a known enemy and help keep one of the mining towns safe how about that? But other factions who call themselves anti-pk come in ransack the place kill us kill the random people who enter and I guess that's justified as justice and suffering the consequences of being in another faction that is not there's. But you know what I am not crying about it, its how this game is its how its suppose to be and its fun to engage in epic battles, but anti-pk and being good guys should not be a term used for these type of players. It should be PvP faction nothing more nothing less no stupid black demon pk and white knight anti-pk thinking just PvP or town control faction.
And you know when I first played this game people would enter my encounters and I would try to talk them be nice try to meet some people make a friend and they end up shooting me, so now I just take the precaution of just shooting them when they enter my encounter when I am leveling a new character.
I am not saying its morally right to kill random people, I just think anti-pk is the stupidest term in the game as associating it as being good a white night, or being wasteland messiahs (that would be a cool faction name). I mean grow up we are not playing cops and robbers on the playground, we are playing where we shoot each other with characters we create, and I think every anti-pk faction or a pk faction should just be called a pvp faction nothing more, there is no morality behind any of it, and people need to stop thinking in terms of black and white.
If somebody has fun killing people then saying yo momma after they kill your level 1 character then so be it they have the freedom to so, sure it can make you mad, its not a very nice thing to do but the game has that option to.
I'm just sick of the term anti-pk its stupid term and the people who claim themselves to be anti-pk as doing no wrong we are the good guys, we are your saviors is just stupid thinking I'm sick of it and needs to stop being used.