I made video : 100 Merc Killshttp://www.youtube.com/user/Dequz?feature=mhee#p/a/u/0/TifuBRT1Y5Ythanks for all victims
Well, in that video u can see what im talking about the merc. That thing is more than a BUG i think. I HOPE devs change that thing, otherwise all server may be forced to play mercs leader for his imbalanced attacks.
And it's no different from TB camps where 5 players with TB builds bum-fuck a RT player(s) that got pulled in, however I never see any posts complaining about that.
Because it takes 5 players...
The fact that it takes time to get 5 (or 6 if you include yourself) people together and to wait, camping an encounter. And at least one of these 5 people need to be alert to see if a person enters the encounter.With mercs, the problem is that it can just be one person that can alt-tab, do whatever, then click back into the game when they hear a gunshot. They don't even need to be actively playing the game, is my point. It usually is RT so the person that just spawned cannot even react. With people, you at least have the chance to run away because humans don't have split second reactions to immediately start combat. And, I'd much rather be killed by 5 people who took the time to get together than one guy who decides to stand around with insta-death computers by his side.
Mercs are imba thats for sure. But they are expensive so they should stay imba. I like imba things. The only real problem is loading screen glitch where you can be attacked before you are really ingame. Could be solved by temporary invulnerability/invisiblity (like in eve) for 10 seconds or until character makes some action.
Mercs are imba thats for sure. But they are expensive so they should stay imba. I like imba things.
Shitty talking Micheal in TB u have always chance In rt merc trap u have no chance. In TB u can always call for help because u have time compare to RT u dont have because u are splatted before ur screen is loaded.Merc fighting is just shitty way to think u are cool nothing more.Me with Rascal always go into TB traps and most times we win vs much more people, its just tactic playing. Compare to merc trap u dont have way to win by tactic. U need to gather moar people just... how pitty
Shitty talking Micheal in TB u have always chance