Gladly hitchance is basically always 95%, it would blow badly if we had to deal with constant 30-70% hitchances. It wouldn't be that bad for burst, but for single shot guns it'd make combat random as hell.
Lolwhat, it will affect both bursts and single shots equally, may be even bursts more, just imagine you survived 30 bursts from avenger minigun in point blank, only because 1st or 2nd or 3rd bullet of 40 rolled <70? ;p Avenger minigun will to in point blank damage to bluesuiter equal from 8 to 440 without perks and ammo adj.
Situation 1:
Bluesuiter was hit for 8 damage being bursted from avenger mini in point blank!
Situation 2:
Bluesuiter was hit for 440 damage being bursted from avenger mini in point blank!
It wouldn't be that bad for burst
right. Not much difference. Stable constant damage. Try to burst with AR with low SG skill but with 60-70% to hit in point blank, the damage will be totally chaotic, from "miss" and "10 damage" to "200-300 damage"
Crits are just over the top when it comes to effects and random encounters are nothing but a nuisance.
So you don't like randomness because of overpowered crits? So why not to suggest to make them less powerful or ability to resist them, etc. No, you want to make combat plain, without random factors, just:
You were hit for 20 damage.
You were hit in the head for 40 damage. (x2 damage mult for example)
You again were hit in the head for 40 damage.
Damn, you again were hit in the head for 40 damage.
And again were hit in the head for 40 damage.
And again.
And now you, at last, died.
2 guys meet in the wasteland.
1 has 100 HP, second 50 HP, both deal 20 damage per shot.
80 / 30
60 / 10
40 / death.
They meet again.
40 / death.
40 / death.
40 / death.
About encounters, Badger made a suggestion here long time ago level scaling of course isn't good, one of reasons why FOnline is great MMO is because it doesn't have that silly thing.
If not a suggestion above, then atleast make encounters hard to escape by some other way, so you can't just leave it by running on grid, and of course make them less frequent than now, or atleast some seconds CD between encounters, so you won't get 10 encounters in one square. It'll produce more taxi alts to make trips safers, so it'll require changing it skill. Right now party outdoorsman skill equals to highest outdoorsman skill from all members, while it can be changed to lowest one, so outdoorsman will be individual skill for you and OD-alts will die. It'll make cars useful, but it's ok, as they consume resources, require maintenance and you need to buy/steal it first.
And your complains has nothing to do with "random" and "constant" things.