Title is pretty self-explanatory.
I suggest repeatable quests related to Raider NPC faction, as obviously, raiding settlements, caravans, etc.
How it will be formed:
there will be 5 levels of difficulty missions.
Completing 3-5 of each level unlocks the next.
Ex. *does level 1 repeatable quest, Raiding tribal village, succeeds, 4 more times till he can raid homesteader settlements*
I would think it very similar to slave runs repeatable quests, except no survivors, and the focus is on looting the place not capturing slaves, though i would give the decision for any surviving stragglers to be a choice between executing or press-ganging them. (You can choose between them becoming your follower or simply sending them with the raider npcs as new recruit for extra reputation and caps)
Levels detail:
1. Tribal Village (Once every 2 hours)
2. Homesteader settlement (Once every 4 hours)
3. Regular Caravan (Once every 6 hours)
4. Gun Runner Caravan (Once every 10 hours)
5. Small Weapon depot, faction in control can vary, though i imagine NCR more often then not. (Once a day)
I still debate whether 4 should be 5... seeing as gunrunners would naturally have much more high-tech equipment compared to some army depot with very large amounts of grunt equipment.
I might start trying to map some of these, as I've finally gotten it working thanks to a special someone.
1. Knives, healing powders, spears, gecko pelts, (Pres-ganged npcs if any survive though not at all necessary for good quest completion unlike slavers.) Caps being mandatory after reporting back for raid success.
2. Shotguns, pipe rifles, hunting rifles, beer, brahmin hides, small amounts of caps (plus mandatory report caps), Etc etc
3. Hunting rifles, assault rifles, Combat shotguns, various equipment inside caravan cart (You can use speech skill to convince raider npcs around to let you take cart or let him take all the press-ganged survivors in return for the cart, he will give you key whichever you choose. I suggest putting a few full water bags in trunk along with other equipment such as ammo, nuka cola, caps, deteriorated, low tier Armors). Mandatory caps.
4. Deteriorated pancor jackhammers, assault rifles, Flamers, miniguns, ammo in specific bulks, 1-20% Deteriorated weapons in caravan cart, same deal as caravan carts with #3 with VERY FEW IF ONLY 1 CA slightly deteriorated or more highly deteriorated. You can't press-gang gunrunners as they are very loyal to their organization, so they fight to the death) mandatory caps.
5. Deteriorated assault rifles, sniper rifles, (2 at least) Combat Armors, Stimpaks, 2 super stimpaks, Scout, (The car), Decent amount of .223, 5mm, flamer fuel, must either blow up or unlock door to depot building. (I expect good player teamwork for this specific quest) You can press-gang grunt survivors (I expect VERY few grunt survivors if any on rare occassion, combat slave skin, 100 HP, 150% SG Skill and 95% FA, they are slightly trained afterall, who surrender from beginning knowing (thinking) they can't possibly win. Mandatory caps.
Ah well I'm done developing arthritis for the day, discuss
