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Author Topic: toned down crafting system  (Read 5431 times)

jonny rust

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toned down crafting system
« on: August 19, 2011, 11:36:03 pm »

Here's my two cents on the current crafting situation, I'm hoping it will;

A) cap the ridiculously massive amount of crafted items that are currently raping our economy,
B) discourage alting and dual/fast logging as emphasis will be taken off of mining and moved to scavenging.
C) put poor/lone/new players on more equal footing in your average encounter with old players since high tier items will not be as commonly used around the waste. My hope is that high tier items become more precious as a result.
D) encourage player cooperation and GET PEOPLE OUT OF THEIR CAVES!

First of all since scavenging does not require great stamina as much as it requires patients there should be either a far shorter cooldown or the cooldown should be completely avoidable by eating food (as per scypiors post), mining can stay as is but will no longer be as important.
Crafting of weapons should mostly be limited to modifications, i.e. you can't make a FAL but if you get one you can modify it's magazine capacity etc. This way you don't need to horde materials as you will only need them when you find or purchase an item that can be upgraded.

The ONLY weapons that should be totally craftable imo are improvised weapons such as the pipe-rifles, zip guns, flamer, laser pistol, molotovs, spears, and knives. Spiked knuckles can be fashioned from brass knuckles witch perhaps should be craftable too.Everything else is factory made and factory made things aren't created at a workbench in a cave!

As for armor, I think that leather jackets should be purchasable, they are cheap anyway and I don't know anyone who actually makes them (ok, maybe they are craftable but i still think most people will opt to buy them instead considering it can be a pain in the ass to find fibre, unless you don't have a knife with you, then you see it everywhere ;)). Then you should be able to upgrade it to a combat leather jacket, which can be upgraded to leather armor, which can then be upgraded to leather armor MK2 with an increasing requisite of repair for each stage.

Metal armor is also only purchasable but can be modified into metal armor MK2 with enough repair AND/OR science skill which can then be modified into tesla armor with high enough science skill.

Combat armor is only purchasable, however it can be upgraded to MK2 with high enough repair AND/OR science skill.

BA is only obtainable from the brotherhood (if they are willing to sell it at all).

PA of course is very rare if it's even obtainable at all. However if it is obtainable then I don't see why it shouldn't/couldn't be hardened by players with enough science.

some of you are going to hate this and some will love it, I guess its just that kind of suggestion :)


  • Desert Ranger
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Re: toned down crafting system
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2011, 12:11:53 am »

Well, i dont like the "upgrade only" system you are proposing, even if it makes sense. However i should remind you that half of the weapons in circulation, statin' to Fallout lore, are crafted after the apocalypse, sometimes by reverse engineering/finding blueprints.
I agree with armors being purchasable-only, as after all, while one can make a gun in the desert, making a Combat Armor is something more difficult, otherwise almost all the guys in Fallout 1&2 would have Combat Armor. However, apart from the skill requirement, i also suggest implementing a requirement in materials, cause you cannot go from a combat armor to a combat armor mark 2 by just "repairing" or "using science" on it.
And i agree with Power Armor being obtainable.
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jonny rust

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Re: toned down crafting system
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2011, 12:21:04 am »

I realize I didn't mention mats anywhere but I intended for them to be requisites as well, hence the scavenging, I don't have time to revise it just now but I will later on!

as for guns and reverse engineering, I think that crafting complex weapons should be reserved by people like the gun runners, NCR, BOS, enclave etc. In other words, people with the facilities.

Perhaps if players want to craft any non-improvised weapons they will need to go to mariposa which will make it potentially dangerous to craft high tier weapons? just a thought!


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Re: toned down crafting system
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2011, 12:24:20 am »

Well, maybe Mariposa could be one of he "free" places, otherwise they could pay a fee to one of the bigger faction with facilities (Enclave, Gun Runner, BoS) to use one of their weapon production facilities, and make their own weapons. What do ya think 'bout this, mon?
Quote from: Grommok
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jonny rust

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Re: toned down crafting system
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2011, 12:32:03 am »

I think that NPC factions with weapon making facilities would guard them preciously, BOS and Enclave will be far more secretive next test as we know, and I think gun runners would not want people to use their facilities since it's their lively hood and they would rather sell weapons to players.

If players join the BOS thats another story, however I'm against that as it would encourage alting since players would need to stay with the faction in order to craft... one of the down sides I s'pose.


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Re: toned down crafting system
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2011, 12:38:22 am »

Well, for the enclave i suppose you are right... BoS have membership, i forgot that ;D,... but Gun Runners are still merchants, and money is money mon! Maybe they could set up some "Public Gunsman Workbench", that can be used for a quite high fee (up to 1k-1.5k caps) so that they might be a problem for low level, loners, and poor players, but will be no problem for skilled merchants (maybe also a barter check to reduce price a little?).
Main downside: more PK traps around the Boneyard, due to it being a forced place to craft.
Quote from: Grommok
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Re: toned down crafting system
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2011, 01:24:50 am »

Everything else is factory made and factory made things aren't created at a workbench in a cave!
A video proof you clearly don't know what are you talking about. Making guns is even simplier than making bows because wood needs seasoning, and metal doesn't.

What you suggested won't take people out of their tents or caves but will do the opposite. If you want people to go out and do something instead of being afraid of their stuff you need to let them accumulate it. If I have spare armors and guns at my place I have no problem with losing one (which is EXTREMALY EASY) because I have spares. Upgrading jackets, making them only purchasable etc. is even worse, at some point some people will be able to buy out every single one of them, other players won't get any armor. Just like with caps, it's a frequent problem that vendors have no caps. As for "omg super rare items plx" - been there, done that. Already tested out with Combat Armors and so they ended up as base decoration.

And one more thing: Fun > realism. I'm fine with making armors out of junk as long as it's fun and doesn't include boring cooldowns.
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Re: toned down crafting system
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2011, 01:40:40 am »

That guys is in Pakistan, in a weapon market. Not in a Gas Station that had been abadoned for over 200 years, that has seen nuclear holocaust, raiders, and who knows what other shit.
You are basically suggesting making Gauss Pistols with junk.
Quote from: Grommok
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Re: toned down crafting system
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2011, 03:21:06 pm »

That guys is in Pakistan, in a weapon market. Not in a Gas Station that had been abadoned for over 200 years, that has seen nuclear holocaust, raiders, and who knows what other shit.
You are basically suggesting making Gauss Pistols with junk.
No, he's suggesting making assault rifles out of junk. It doesn't take much to do it; just some machining skill and a lathe is about all you'd need. Apparently the only piece of machinery you can't make with a lathe is a bigger lathe, but I'm not speaking from experience here.

As an example, partisans in the second world war were churning out STENs by the bucketload. Admittedly, it wasn't a very complex design, but still. It's not really a matter of skill, just patience and having an example of the design to use as a base. I came across a PDF once of a 9mm submachinegun from some sort of "anarchists cookbook" type work; didn't save it, but it wasn't that complicated.

In other news:

Now, as for me, I haven't really got a stake either way, although if this gets implemented, it'd be important to make weapons easier to fix. As it is, you get a gun, wear it out in less than two or three levels, throw it away, and buy a new one. As far as I can tell, the ingame economy's pretty much built around disposable firearms.


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Re: toned down crafting system
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2011, 08:06:22 pm »

A) cap the ridiculously massive amount of crafted items that are currently raping our economy,
Economy does not exist, so leave it. Caping anything in this game causes only more and more specialized alts.
B) discourage alting and dual/fast logging as emphasis will be taken off of mining and moved to scavenging.
Alting and logging stuff won't be necessary if cooldowns gonna be removed. Get rid off reasons to make alts, so alts will die by themselves.
C) put poor/lone/new players on more equal footing in your average encounter with old players since high tier items will not be as commonly used around the waste. My hope is that high tier items become more precious as a result.
More precious = more time required to get it, right? So this means no one would risk losing such precious thingie by wearing/using it.
D) encourage player cooperation and GET PEOPLE OUT OF THEIR CAVES!
Sure, but not by increasing butthurt and boredom.
As for armor, I think that leather jackets should be purchasable, they are cheap anyway and I don't know anyone who actually makes them (ok, maybe they are craftable but i still think most people will opt to buy them instead considering it can be a pain in the ass to find fibre
So now you know one.
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Re: toned down crafting system
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2011, 10:34:06 pm »

Totally agree with wichura.

D) is totally nescessary to make game look alive. I think that the bes way would be  introducing some game mechanisms which would encourage crafting and trading in cities and high level stuff oriented repeatable quests.
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Re: toned down crafting system
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2011, 03:57:39 am »

D) encourage player cooperation and GET PEOPLE OUT OF THEIR CAVES!
But this is like saying "make the game better".
It's very tricky to make it working, without killing fun for PKers, with making sure game is original, requiring huge updates to UI, etc.
I hope it's something we'll hear more about in future, as it's to be honest the most important stuff for the game.

It's irrelevant how powerful plasma rifle is, or how long it takes to make combat armor, if there is no player cooperation in MULTIPLAYER game.
TC was probably a success, but outside of it, game is still lacking quite a lot.

Remmember this is not just about making some flashy fancy stuff, adding friend lists or whatever, players should still care about IFF status, and should still be able to hurt their friends intentionally or not. That's just this game.
But on top of this, they should be able to benefit from having friends, they should be able to play with friends without being interrupted by design flaws (eg. clicking "follow" a bit late or whatever similar).
I really look forward for any improvement. Though there will surely be a lot of problems and strife before it's done.
Just have a look - game is English, but you can type name in cyrillic. Naturally, big part of community will not be able to even read your name.
Should you be able to have that kind of name? Is it fair to just ban language?

Yeah game development is so interesting.
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Re: toned down crafting system
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2011, 06:22:46 am »

i like this suggestion.
At some point in the beta the craft system was like this, no gathering cooldowns, resources findable in encounters, only a small amount of weapons where available to craft and some upgrades for the other weapons. And i really enjoyed this game in that era.
Ofcourse there was a lot of improvement at this point, but still dont like the actual craft system.
"Is it possible for man to conquer his own Karma!? Unless we can find a way to defeat the cycles of time, there is no future for mankind!"
-Desty Nova.

jonny rust

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Re: toned down crafting system
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2011, 04:41:25 am »

Economy does not exist, so leave it.
now you know one.

I didn't know we were giving up on the economy
Caping anything in this game causes only more and more specialized altsnow you know one.

But this cap will apply to any character and part of this idea is actually lowering skill requirements since modifications are simpler than building entire weapons.

More precious = more time required to get it, right? So this means no one would risk losing such precious thingie by wearing/using it now you know one.

Not more time to get it, just less chance. High tier weapons will be fought for instead of simply crafted. And yes, people will need to be more selective of when they do and don't use their best equipment, hopefully promoting more of a mix of equipment in regular PvP.

Re: toned down crafting system
« Reply #14 on: August 25, 2011, 10:26:39 am »

Loooks like something like "I`m wanna be the only one to wear that Bozar/Gauss/YK/SniperRifle/Pankor/Whichever else "best" weapon"
If it`s obtainable by some certian way everyone will have it like they do now.
Else it`s not about a fair game
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