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Author Topic: Questions and Answers #5  (Read 332476 times)


  • just some canadian guy
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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #780 on: June 22, 2012, 02:27:26 am »

Alright... Next not-so important question: Where can I get hundreds and millions of brahmin shit?
many ways. place dual log alts at all brahmin pens and start picking up shit is the best but you could also try making a outpost and take the shit the brahmins poop out in the pen in outpost.
Roaming the waste again.
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #781 on: June 24, 2012, 07:22:19 pm »

Alright, next question about a subject I know nothing of it:

What would be the best build for Unity and VC patrol hunts? I know it's an EW spammer but something tells me I did something wrong with the build I have planned:

No drugs btw, seems like too much work for just 1 shot.
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #782 on: June 25, 2012, 01:13:23 am »

Alright, next question about a subject I know nothing of it:

What would be the best build for Unity and VC patrol hunts? I know it's an EW spammer but something tells me I did something wrong with the build I have planned:

No drugs btw, seems like too much work for just 1 shot.

I haven't tried a spammer yet, though I do know that laser pistols and rifles kind of suck against combat armor--doing 15-20 damage a hit (and a targeted critical hit might be 200+ damage). I'd say the main thing though would be either to hunt in a team, or maybe get slaves for even more HP soak.


  • just some canadian guy
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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #783 on: June 25, 2012, 01:16:58 am »

against vc partols lazer spammer sucks now sense they got a big buff. at start spammer was good against them now not so much.
against unity spammer is great. it rapes them with ease. best thing to do against vs thou if you want there armors in good det is to hunt in a group all spammers.
Roaming the waste again.
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #784 on: June 25, 2012, 10:53:54 am »


Forget about having one combat skill use more then one type of weapons. 5 ST is more then enough you don't need 7. Don't take Small frame it makes you loose carry weight which means that you can't take all gears. Forget about toughness and even toughness also about adrenalin rush you don't need those perks. Take Bonus Move and Strong Back. Have a higher IN for more skill points. With 10 EN you can take only 1 Lifegiver and choose some other perk. Having 120 first aid and 150 Od is too much you will be fine with way less.
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #785 on: June 25, 2012, 11:03:17 am »

whats the difference between cheaper bg mutant merc and this most expensive?


  • just some canadian guy
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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #786 on: June 25, 2012, 02:54:35 pm »

whats the difference between cheaper bg mutant merc and this most expensive?
1 uses a  rl and the other uses a mini gun.
also one has about 30 more bg skill points. well thats if they are still like this.
Roaming the waste again.


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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #787 on: June 26, 2012, 06:12:30 am »

Hi, I'm new to fallout 2238 and the forum. I wanted to ask a few questions.

1. What do lockers that contain blueprints look like exactly?
2. How do you capture brahmin? I tried it once with rope and it didn't work.

Thanks. :)
Here, I'll watch from a safe distance.
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #788 on: June 26, 2012, 06:38:26 am »

1- Like grey chests.

2- I don't remember exacly... But try one of these:

   -Click on brahmn and select the backpack icon, then the rope.
   -Put rope on hand, select "use on" and click on brahmin.


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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #789 on: June 26, 2012, 08:01:07 am »

I have been searching for some explanation why these server crashes occurs, but I could not find any, so I ask.
Please, tell me (us) why did these server crashes start to occur and is there any chance they will be fixed?
Thank you.
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #790 on: June 26, 2012, 08:46:34 am »

I am also concern about rollbacks so the question is:

If community of players would donate 100-200$ would it change something? Just spent 60bucks for sh##y diablo3 so I can sell it and donate you 20$ monthly, I am sure that others also would donate, as soon as we get feedback like "yes, donate 200$, we change server for more stable, and fo2238 get its second live"

I am eagerly awaiting for the answer.

And second question:
I understand that devs are only humans, gamers, fans; its not uncommon that some morning you wake up and think "s##t I dont want care anymore about fo2238, im bored of it" thats ok, but for community its not that easy, the game is our way to rest after hard day at work, for you it is just hard work. So if it happened that you are got bored, have you consider to put all responsibility for servers, game and so one in someone others  hands? Maby to someone from forum here, who looks like serious, responsible person? Who would care for long long time, who has his own well maintained servers

Thanks for readin, thanks for answers
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #791 on: June 26, 2012, 09:04:42 am »

Donation is donation, it's not a payment :D
Donation is for hosting server for us, that's why they don't use their own money. Donate not enough - they warn about it. Donate enough - they host it. Donate more than enough - they host it and won't warn for some time after.

And it's their project, you're just helping them to test it, I don't think they really care about community because they shouldn't, as they're doing it for themselves, not for you. If some of them care about community then it's just a sympathy to fallout fans and they're happy to see them enjoying their game. But they will never give it to someone, as they're making their game.

Btw there's an SDK available, of course it's based on less successful server, but still that
who looks like serious, responsible person
can do it himself even right now. Then host it and make everyone happy.


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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #792 on: June 26, 2012, 09:39:01 am » they're doing it for themselves, not for you...
Are you serious? Why would I spend time developing MMORPG just for myself?

And I would not ask my question if I didnt see that some of the devs are answering from time to time (Lexx, Wipe). I would really like to know what is causing the crashes.
If the problem is that there isis not enough donations, they could just say it and I bet the problem could be solved very quickly.
If there is some problem, that they dont know about, they could just say what we as beta testers should do, so they can solve the issue.
If there is some problem, that they know about, they could just say it, so we as beta testers and users of their product just know what is going on.
I think this is just basic how to make a good relationship, not only dev-tester but person-person in general.
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #793 on: June 26, 2012, 12:37:49 pm »

Are you serious? Why would I spend time developing MMORPG just for myself?

And I would not ask my question if I didnt see that some of the devs are answering from time to time (Lexx, Wipe). I would really like to know what is causing the crashes.
If the problem is that there isis not enough donations, they could just say it and I bet the problem could be solved very quickly.
If there is some problem, that they dont know about, they could just say what we as beta testers should do, so they can solve the issue.
If there is some problem, that they know about, they could just say it, so we as beta testers and users of their product just know what is going on.
I think this is just basic how to make a good relationship, not only dev-tester but person-person in general.

I think you are right.
The problem is, that with the game, devs created whole community some people are less other more engaged in game but it do exist.
And now very important thing is communication and feedback. Its like parents having sex for pleasure, but in consequences they have kids, and they have to give them some attention.

OK, so my another question is: where can i find counter saying how many $ is actually donated for devs/servers like Wikipedia has every year when collecting theirs donation.
It would be wise having one like that.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2012, 12:40:11 pm by Prze-Huy »


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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #794 on: June 26, 2012, 03:47:08 pm »

Q: Will this game ever be fun to play ?

Probably an admin/dev answer is: nope, go play something else. We are doing this game in our free time bla bla
we're not real coders bla bla we are prostitutes.
Just some nab created account to write more about his butthurt? So cool.
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