Hi, I'm giving FOnline a try again after a looong while and I can see that a lot has changed (for better I guess), I've searched/wikied as much as I could but some things seem outdated and I still got a dozen of questions (for now

1) are fighter characters (i.e. no crafting skills) useful economically for a fraction - i.e. are you considered a leech or can you easily find/buy/get good quality equipment?
2) did I got that right - as a crafter, no only it takes ages to mine/find resources, you get easily buttraped by thieves or PKers, you suck against other players and now you also need to find blueprints (for which you potentially need a new blueprints finder alt)?
3) are big and energy weapons still hard to get (besides crafting)? what's their effectiveness? I've read that AP's got tweaked...
4) is a guarded area a thief heaven (as in: he can steal, you can't fight back)?
5) is there any difference between barter 10% and 30% (or similarly with speech) - due to the minimum time set for bartering/chatting that are currently in place?
6) do people still got a few dozen of alts? A PVP char, supported by a medic and crafter, which in turn is supported by a thief, blueprint finder, high charisma trader and so on...
7) cooldowns - did I get that right, are the gathering and crafting cooldowns out of the game?
8 ) which skills (besides combat and sneak) are worth getting over 100% and why? which are not worth getting even up to 100?
9) there's a lot of addition for charisma - have it really change the gameplay or are most people 1-3 charisma only anyway?
10) is there any use for explosives besides suicide runs? do those happen often?
11) are big guns/energy crafter professions 3 in the game or just on wiki? can you have all profession or is the 3lvl limitation still in place?
12) Do people play turn-based these days?
That's it for now