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Author Topic: Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.  (Read 58130 times)


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Changelog 06/01/2012 with Server Wipe.
« on: January 06, 2012, 09:19:00 pm »

Changelog as of 06-Jan-2012

- Hatchet now hopefully finally fixed.
- Slaves are working again in the Junktown Quarry.
- The Train Ticket has no weight anymore.
- Various quest fixes.
- Map fixes.
- Dialog fixes.
- OOC messages said by knocked/dead characters are displayed above the head only.
- Activated flares are removed after some time.
- Junktown mine now considered a townlike area, like other mines.
- And many others.
- See the this thread and this section for a more detailed list.

- New Reno casinos are now protected by guards.
- New client commands:
  • ~combatmode, see the wiki article.
  • ~factioninfo, shows informations related to factions system.
  • ~influence, displays your factions influence in the town.
  • ~myinfo, added displaying of tent coordinates.
  • ~partypoints, displays current/max 'party points' that are used by new follower system(see below)
  • ~freefactionnames, sends you back the list of names that are not yet taken
- New follower system, uses party points which are based on both speech and charisma, instead of just charisma:
  • You can meet and befriend companions that will stick with you until they leave you or you leave them. They'll respawn in your tent/hotel or base.
  • Followers can be told to run away in combat.
  • 'Regroup' available in follower menu (Alt+click on hex) which makes followers return to master and 'Flee' which makes them flee to the nearest exit grid and enter worldmap.
  • Each type of follower takes up a certain number of points, this list is available here.
  • Followers will demand certain things from its master to belong loyal, for slaves it's drugs, mercs want their paycheck and companions want food/drinks, failure to nurture them results in lower loyality, meaning they'll flee in combat faster. Read more on the wiki on how it works.
- Configurable (via 2238 config) key binds now include using items and reloading weapons.
- Followers will say a short message when they reach a new level.
- The NCR Residental Area has been opened for public use.
- New single- and group-quests added to the game. Explore!
- Added BoS bunker in NCR and Den.
- Containers (sometimes locked, sometimes trapped, sometimes empty) are randomly placed on some of the encounter maps.
- Doors and lockers are making sounds.
- Apple trees for gathering mutated fruits.
- First aid kits, lockpicks, doctor bags, tool kits and such provide bonus to a related skill whenever applied. The bonus is displayed in the item's description.
- Added LogfileName and ScreenshotName configuration options, see wiki article
- Ability to maintain the list of known factions at terminal; for all those factions players with rank 4 and 5 can change status of every member at once
- Ability to throw items on a hex. Hold the ` key and select a hex to throw the item in your active slot there. AP cost and maximum distance are based on the item's weight. Grenades thrown in this manner will explode with 1 second delay.
- Added a third arena at Hinkley.
- Added new items for the Hinkley outfitter.
- Using some skills/items results in visible information, check new configuration options.

- Level cap increased to 24.
- New traits
- Divided the perks into two groups: Level Perks and Support Perks. Level Perks can be obtained as usual. To obtain a Support Perk, one must either complete a quest or talk to an appropriate NPC. Perks might be subject to changes and new support perks might be added.
- Professions moved to be support perks, limited at 2 ranks (levels) and the total number of profession levels capped at 3.
- Added helmets to the game. They are used instead of normal armour for shots targetted at head or eyes.
- Added anti-critical contermeasures for pieces of armour: modifier for a critical hit severity roll and modifier for a critical hit chance.
- Altered weapons stats.
- Changed the way how repair and deterioration work:
  • There is item's condition instead of deterioration, 0% condition corresponds to 100% deterioration and vice versa.
  • In order to repair an item, it has to be combined with an item of the same type. The latter item is removed, and some fraction of its condition is added to repaired item's condition.
  • To repair the item, use Repair on the item and then select an item you wish to use.
  • You can use repair tools instead of the skill.
  • Each repair have a chance to decrease item's maximum condition.
  • MrFixit perk greatly increases item's salvage factor.
- Changed the way dismantling works: in case of craftable weapons or armours, a fraction of materials used in the crafting is returned.
- Altered the critical hit tables.
- Reverted deathclaw, rat and ant 3D models to 2D for now.
- Yakuza encounter mobs now use the Wakizashi blade again.
- Armor Class rework:
  • Base Armor Class value is now 3*Agility.
  • Armor Class is applied only when running. For critters without running animation, this is relaxed to just moving.
  • In turn based, critter is assumed to be running when: 1. this is not the first turn of combat; 2. distance between the hex on which the critter stood in the beginning of its previous turn and the hex on which it ended its previous turn, increased by Action Points left from that turn, is at least half as big as maximum Action Points of the critter.
  • Armor Class of all armours is now 0 or negative (this is to say that the "deflection" quality of armours is now covered by its other statistics).
- Awareness:
  • If character have any tatoo or crippled limb, information is added to long description. You can obtain a tatoo in San Fransisco and New Reno.
  • Ammunition amount and type no longer displayed.
  • Extended information about player character, basing on various statistics.
- Tweaks in town reinforcements.
- NCR rail line quest now only possible to do with level 4+ characters.
- Changed music in some maps.
- Vault 13 now starts invisible on the worldmap.
- The Gun Runners factory can only be visited by liked characters.
- Followers can only stay by themselves at certain places.
- Death types that would completely deteriorate armors now only apply 75% damage.
- Changed the Sneak/FoV mechanics:
  • Observer's maximum sight range is reduced, based on opponent's relative direction: 0%, 20%, 40% and 60% (for front, front-side, back-side and back respectively). For sneakers, the following algorithm decides the visibility:
  • First, raw Sneak skill value of the opponent is taken. Then the following boni are applied:
    • For being next to a wall (1 hex, or 5 with Ghost perk): +30.
    • For being hidden behind an object (there is an unpassable scenery between the opponent and the target no more than 2 hexes from the opponent): +60.
    • For using Stealth Boy: +60.
  • At this point of calculations, Sneak is capped at 300. Then the following penalties are applied:
    • For opponent's relative direction: -72, -36, -12, 0.
    • For wielding weapons: -36 for two handed rifle in active slot, -72 for heavy weapons in active slot.
    • For wearing armours: -36 for Combat Armor and variants, -72 for Metal Armor and variants.
    • For running: -60, unless with Silent Running perk.
  • The opponent is invisible whenever its distance from the observer increased by final Sneak/6 is larger than observer's FRONT sight range (regardless of the actual direction).
  • Everything said when sneaked is downgraded to whisper.
  • Active Motion Sensor reveals all critters in 15 hexes radius (whether behind a wall or not). It consumes Small Energy Cells and Micro Fusion Cells. Use Science on it to see remaining charges.
  • Stealth Boy disappears on use and grants a 20 minutes long Sneak bonus. Consuming more resets the timer to 20 minutes.
- Added blueprints item that have to be comsumed before being able to craft certain items.
- Increased base worldmap speed from 2.5 to 6.0 pixels per second. Slightly decreased the outdoorsman bonus.
- Minor changes to parameters of some cars. Rule of the thumb are: smaller fuel consumption and deterioration rates; increased speed and rough terrain penalties for most cars; Hummer's capacity increased to 10 critters.
- Gangs can now posses multiple bases; access is resolved per-rank(members) or per-status(non members).
- No timeout for gathering - resources are now slowly regenerating over time.
- It is impossible to run having an M60 in either hand slot.
- All humanoids (players and NPCs alike) gain a +40 HP boost.
- HP gain per level decreased by 2 for all critters (players and NPCs alike).
- Regeneration now occurs every minute and restores (Healing Rate)% of the total health, rounded down, but no less than 3 points. Exception: if the Healing Rate is not positive (e.g. as a result of radiation), its value is added tothe HP.
- Healing Rate starting value is now 7 + Endurance/2, rounded down.
- Reworked the train schedules and added two more trains.
- Shouting limited to 100 hexes.
- Stills (rotgut, beer brewing device, nukacola machine) have working time (2 minutes). Process is started by using science, after all ingredients are ready (inserted like in normal containers). It's possible to insert multiple amounts of required ingredients, the output will be adjusted accordingly, up to 10.
- Default font changed to more readable version (modification thread).
- Amount of stackable items in hand slots is now visible in main interface and inventory screen.
- Traders are not accepting items off-their lists, and have their caps limits decreased.
- Character age is now synchronized with in-game calendar.
- Town Control overhauled, see wiki article for more info

- Have fun.

- Datafiles are now stored in data/ directory. After updating the client, you can safely remove these which will left in root client folder.
- Logins are case-sensitive now.

- Run the updater to obtain the new files.
- Changed the way of loading master.dat/critter.dat. The paths must now be set via FO2238Config tool.
- There is another version of client that uses OpenGL. It's in early stage, so it might not be working. FOConfig tool writes to FOnline.cfg, which is used by FOnline.exe (D3D version).
« Last Edit: January 07, 2012, 01:49:17 am by Nexxos »
Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2012, 09:21:38 pm »

No wipe?


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Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2012, 09:23:17 pm »

I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.


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Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2012, 09:27:20 pm »

“And we passed through the cavern of rats.

And we passed through the path of streaming flamethrowers.

And we passed through the faction of the blind.

And we passed through the slough of swarm.

And we passed through the vale of tears.

And we came, finally, to the ice caverns.


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Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2012, 09:30:03 pm »

- Added a third arena at Hinkley.
- Added new items for the Hinkley outfitter.

Manero approved ;)


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Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2012, 09:34:21 pm »

Great and long changelog :)
Many new features and many changes.

Thank you Devs :)
Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2012, 09:37:03 pm »

Connecting to the update server...
No update needed.
My character name is Pugilist


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Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2012, 09:47:52 pm »

Finally, thanks for all the hard work devs. So many new features, feels like being a new player trying to figure out the game again.

@Nikkex: The server hasn't gone down yet.
Error while opening cfg file: spawnnpc.cfg
Shit! Damn admins! Always ruining my fun! I guess I'll talk to them. WITH MY FISTS!!!! No seriously, I will write them a nice email or make a thread on the forums or something. Thanks!


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Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2012, 09:55:55 pm »

Not mention anything about TC rework, or altered weapon stats?
When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk

Member of the Most Hated Faction
TTTLA, for Great Justice !
Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2012, 10:15:01 pm »

Was waiting for this for a loooong time.... as all of you were:)

Congratulations to everyone!
Opex, the one and the only!
Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2012, 10:20:54 pm »

Brilliant changelog! :o

Can't wait!

... oh, and thank you guys for great work. ;)
Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
« Reply #11 on: January 06, 2012, 10:22:20 pm »

so does this "- Professions moved to be support perks, limited at 2 ranks (levels) and the total number of profession levels capped at 3." mean im no more able to get 2 professions on max because i'm limited on 3 levels for them all... like armorer 2 and small guns 1? maybe i'm not getting it for my english is not that good


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Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2012, 10:31:55 pm »

so does this "- Professions moved to be support perks, limited at 2 ranks (levels) and the total number of profession levels capped at 3." mean im no more able to get 2 professions on max because i'm limited on 3 levels for them all... like armorer 2 and small guns 1? maybe i'm not getting it for my english is not that good
You wasn't. Limit of professions was 4. Like Armorer 3 + small guns 1.
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Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
« Reply #13 on: January 06, 2012, 10:34:19 pm »

Not mention anything about TC rework, or altered weapon stats?

Changelog was bugged! Fixed, thanks:)
Re: Changelog 06/01/2012
« Reply #14 on: January 06, 2012, 10:39:52 pm »

Well thanks for the reply... my fault that i did not notice a limit already existed. i dont play this for long and did not read this in the wiki...  :-[
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