if you ask me, you should have 200%BG... every next bulled in burst have lower chance to hit, and minigun spawns 40 of em
besides dont mix crafter and pve, so dont need for repair
Each bullet has the same chance to hit as the 1st one. 95%, in case if you have enough skill points.
Simply, the chance that all 40 bullets will hit equals to 0.95^40=0.1285 = 12.85%.
The skill you need to have 95% to 0 AC (standing) target equals to:
Hexes between you and your target = +4 per hex to skill.
95% chance to hit = +95 to skill.
ST lack (if any) = +20 per ST to skill.
You PE = (PE-2)*8 negate from skill for minigun and other bursting BG.
(PE-2)*16 for rocket launcher.
Accurate perk, if you're going for minigun = -20 to skill.
You want to hit target on ~30 hexes with enough ST, and have ~6 PE you need:
120+95-20-32=163 BG skill.