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Author Topic: Questions and Answers #5  (Read 330446 times)


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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #540 on: March 23, 2012, 05:17:34 pm »

likeyo is correct: Outpost gardens had fruit last season, but have tobacco plants this season instead. And the tobacco does not grow back - most of us are hoping this is a bug.
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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #541 on: March 24, 2012, 02:19:27 am »

Hi all...

My wife an I are both new to the game. Really difficult but we love the challenge. We are just getting on our feet now and are about to put down a tent. I have a question though about something not made entirely obvious on the wiki...

If I put down a tent and have my wife tagging me and stood next to me during creation, we both then get access to the tent...this much I understand, however, If my wife then puts down a tent somewhere else with me next to her and tagging her etc - Will we both have access to each others tents?

From the Wiki : "If player X creates a tent, and player Y has access to it, Y can still create a tent and have access to both, however, X won't be able to create another tent without deleting his first one. Y can also have access to an infinite amount of tents, as long as he is not their founder."

Thanks in advance!

New to the game and already separate tents-marriage isn't going well?


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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #542 on: March 24, 2012, 02:57:26 am »

Regardless if you have a tent or not, you can tag someone when they build a tent and see it too. Each character can only own one tent though so if he builds a 2nd tent, the first gets deleted and nobody sees it anymore. Each tent has only one owner regardless of how many people see it.

There is some huge limit to how many players can share a tent but i think it is hundreds. It is based on the number of hexes within the tagging distance limit. (maybe it's 10 hexes? can someone remind me?) So if you tag someone to share a tent, make sure you're not standing too far away when they Science those hides - don't run off to a corner to gather flint lol.

IMPORTANT: If two players log in using the same connection, i bet this will look like multi-logging to a GM, so you might want to clear that first with the staff. Come to IRC and ask for a GM i think is best way. I am told that the staff is somewhat allowing certain cases of multi-logging but strictly speaking, it's still a violation according to the rules.

Also, don't settle for a mere tent for very long - go for a base! Get 10k caps and buy a construction site. You can place the site almost anywhere on the map. You get a worker guy who stands there waiting for you to gather all of the materials to turn your site into a base, and once you've dropped enough stuff on the site, you tell him to complete the base and BINGO - it's much better than a tent. Then whoever is "leader" of that base (which is really a faction***), can buy additional sites for 10k each. Each base location can be easily set as viewable for other members or friends.

***Be prepared in advance with a faction name, and a name of the base, so you have an answer ready when prompted for names. Especially, you need to choose a faction name in advance before you take 10k in caps to buy that first base. You need 3 or 4 characters present to buy the first base - don't trust anyone lol.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2012, 10:25:39 pm by Marko »
Be patient with me. I'm from the USA so my English isn't very good.
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #543 on: March 24, 2012, 10:39:17 pm »

Is there any way to upgrade tent ? I mean, fireplace, workbench etc.
How ?


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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #544 on: March 24, 2012, 11:53:49 pm »

Is there any way to upgrade tent ? I mean, fireplace, workbench etc.
How ?
For a fireplace you need to use wood on the little firepit.
For a workbench, you need the ranger perk, and that gives you a house.
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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #545 on: March 25, 2012, 01:57:14 pm »

New to the game and already separate tents-marriage isn't going well? it was just for info really...nice to know we aren't stuck in a particular part of the map.

IMPORTANT: If two players log in using the same connection, i bet this will look like multi-logging to a GM, so you might want to clear that first with the staff. Come to IRC and ask for a GM i think is best way. I am told that the staff is somewhat allowing certain cases of multi-logging but strictly speaking, it's still a violation according to the rules.

EDIT - I'm in an IRC and awaiting a response from JovankaB...thanks for the info.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2012, 02:12:48 pm by klax »


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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #546 on: March 25, 2012, 02:07:32 pm »

Regarding the multilogging, Surely looking at the data they can see that no one person could control two players as well as...well...two separate people could do??

You generally won't get a character outright banned without so much as a question.  Think of cops making drunk people do stupid human tricks.  Look up, touch your nose, walk on this line, stand on one foot, do the hokey pokey, etc.

Most likely, if it were to be an issue, a GM would pull you both aside and it would get sorted out.  I wouldn't worry about it so much, as anymore dual logging isn't really an issue unless you're using it in PvP to gain an advantage.  As far as I know, 99% of the rest of the game isn't much of a concern.  Hunting, crafting, making tents, doing quests, etc.  You'll most likely be okay.  And even if you do get pulled aside for stupid human tricks, simply being reasonable, and not a dick, will undoubtedly yield good results.



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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #547 on: March 25, 2012, 07:19:00 pm »

Is it possible for me to buy a base just for me and my alts?
or do I need other players to follow me? maybe even dual log?
Or can I tell friend to buy base and then kick him out so just me and alts?
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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #548 on: March 25, 2012, 07:52:58 pm »

Is it possible for me to buy a base just for me and my alts?
or do I need other players to follow me? maybe even dual log?
Or can I tell friend to buy base and then kick him out so just me and alts?
bring your alts to the place log them all out and then fast log them all back in. even thou they are in loged out status as long as they are taged to guy buying base all will be good and it will work or at least for me it did. also you could just dual log no gm will punish you for this.
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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #549 on: March 25, 2012, 08:13:47 pm »

This comes from a RL friend of mine who was "caught" while multi-logging during the previous season. He got his sister to play and would often go to her house so they could talk while he helped her learn the game. They would go mining together so this looked like one player power-mining with multiple alts:

He was "taken to jail" by game staff, and given a series of tests. The tests were designed to make it clear to the staff member if the two characters were being controlled by two different RL people, or if it was a case of multi-logging and thus only one person cheating.

He was able to pass the test but he was glad she was there in the room at that moment. She had taken a short break right before they were arrested. She came back and got control of the 2nd character fast enough that the staff was satisfied.

So i'm saying that a husband/wife team would be better off initiating such a test when they are ready, on their own terms, and not wait for staff to start a test at a bad time, like when his wife goes to read a magazine about curtains or something, or look at puppies. She could be buying shoes, who knows what she's doing when that test starts. Or it could be him - she might have him run to the store to pick up new curtain accessories, or have him moving furniture. Who knows what she'll make him do. So by approaching the staff on their own, they can make sure they are both present, in-game and ready. After that, either of them and go take a break, try on new shoes or adjust the curtains however they want. Y'know?
« Last Edit: March 25, 2012, 08:32:51 pm by Marko »
Be patient with me. I'm from the USA so my English isn't very good.


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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #550 on: March 25, 2012, 09:12:14 pm »

The difference between this season and last in terms of dual-log, is that last season it was explicitly a no-no.  This season they've relaxed on the issue, and have stated that it's not a problem unless you're doing it to gain an advantage during PvP, etc.  Mundane tasks are good to go, of which in this game there are many.

I highly doubt anyone will catch flak for simply being logged into two characters from the same IP anymore.  At least that is what has been conveyed to us regarding the issue.
Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #551 on: March 25, 2012, 09:47:31 pm »

Hi i got a fast question. I have a bg character with chem reliant that a long ago( after the server moved to germany) got addicted to mentats. And he is still addic, the addicion is forever? i thought that only jet adicion was forever   :'(, i should delete it? (obviusly after some suicide trolling :P)


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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #552 on: March 25, 2012, 09:54:14 pm »

chem reliant= forever addict /or gm abuzz


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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #553 on: March 25, 2012, 10:07:19 pm »

Hi i got a fast question. I have a bg character with chem reliant that a long ago( after the server moved to germany) got addicted to mentats. And he is still addic, the addicion is forever? i thought that only jet adicion was forever   :'(, i should delete it? (obviusly after some suicide trolling :P)
addiction to the mentants will be forever because you have chem reliant. thing with it is its for speical builds that will use same drugs all the time not for random builds that will use drugs once awhile.
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Re: Questions and Answers #5
« Reply #554 on: March 25, 2012, 10:16:01 pm »

Don't delete your character. Being addicted to the game drugs is not a big deal - just find sources for those drugs and don't use character if he's suffering too much, but don't delete him.
Be patient with me. I'm from the USA so my English isn't very good.
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