Don't delete your character. Being addicted to the game drugs is not a big deal - just find sources for those drugs and don't use character if he's suffering too much, but don't delete him. when his wife goes to read a magazine about curtains or something, or look at puppies. She could be buying shoes, who knows what she's doing when that test starts. Or it could be him - she might have him run to the store to pick up new curtain accessories, or have him moving furniture. Who knows what she'll make him do. So by approaching the staff on their own, they can make sure they are both present, in-game and ready. After that, either of them and go take a break, try on new shoes or adjust the curtains however they want. Y'know?
bring your alts to the place log them all out and then fast log them all back in. even thou they are in loged out status as long as they are taged to guy buying base all will be good and it will work or at least for me it did. also you could just dual log no gm will punish you for this.
How do I dual log?
He said Fast-Relog (FR). Is that what you mean? To FR, just log out of one guy and log into another. If they are in the same place, the 2nd one will see the 1st one standing there in a logged off state. Tags between them will be active and will allow you to buy a base, for example, on your own.
I was on Shady Sands, I had neutral karma and the last message i saw was:--------------------------------------------------You see Seymour, the traveling merchantwhat you inspected?: PKS ARE THE BESTshout out by playerYou were critically hit by 224 hit points and were killedkilled by playerCop missedcop missed killer--------------------------------------------------I lost a lot of stuff...What the hell was that?
why cant i edit namecolorising.txt to get PK names in red? i dont have time to tag them red,especialy when im deadwhen did they change i need some kind of editor for this or?
is there any point in raising unarmed above 175%?