Hi, I'm new here and would like to provide some feedback from the freshman's point of view.
Seeing how most of the problems discussed here are the ones made by players (abuse, PvP stuff, grind, spreadsheet characters, gathering materials), I'd like to point out "this other stuff" being broken Perks, lack of Quests etc.
First of all - Perks useless in RT mode. Bonus Move should make characters having it actually run faster, while Earlier Sequence could randomly regenerate 2 AP instead of 1, say with a 10% chance.
Second thing - Broken Perks/Stats or ones that do not give any "special ability" only some +Skills bonus. That is Living Anatomy, Ranger's encounters evasion bonus and Perception's encounter placement bonus. Since many Stats/Skills provide such Perks - builds centered around them are highly unfavourable when compared with tested battle Perks. I would suggest tweaking certain Perks in a way that fits Fonline. For example Mr.Fixit could give 50% chance (or 100% like Crazy Bomber with Traps) to negate failed maintenance durability drop. Near-useless 4-8 extra healed HP from Healer could be switched to upping Luck for the purpose of FA checks or just lower the cooldowns on FA/Doctor.
Quests - they provide shitty exp, pityfull rewards and hours of runing errands all around the world usually give about as much as 5 minutes of farming junk for Brass Knuckles. That certainly needs to change. Low level chars would die a couple times in the process while higher levels just won't bother. A shining exaple are some quests that need say level 10 to initiate but give 200-500 xp at best.
Companions/Slaves/Mercs - They're TOO DAMN EXPENSIVE, especially the basic ones! Seriously, how come a shitty mixed-breed dog found everywhere in the Wasteland is worth a couple guns!? This and lack of actual Fallout NPC "reactions" (yeah, Fallout 2 was crap at that too) completely kills the fun of starting with good Charisma so no wonder most people go with 3 or even 1 if they're joining Player-made faction. Perhaps also make Animal Fiend an ability to catch Geckos of various kind? That and ability to revive fallen companions would be great additions.
I'll add more as I explore the world of Fonline2238 a bit more.
Best Regards,
doc Clumsy