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Author Topic: Gathering? Waiting?  (Read 36156 times)


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Re: Gathering? Waiting?
« Reply #105 on: August 23, 2011, 09:59:16 pm »

Scrap gathering. STOP. Scrap timeouts. STOP. Scrap crafting ores into materials. STOP. Get scaveging. STOP. Give limits to traders. STOP. Have fun. STOP.
The whole thread was made to ask players for ideas on how to go with gathering and timeouts. Right now we arent giving much feedback :'(

I agree with you. STOP. But we are used to this kind of alternate debate. STOP. :D . STOP


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Re: Gathering? Waiting?
« Reply #106 on: August 23, 2011, 10:11:55 pm »

What about just raising the amount of skillpoints one can get drastically? Means more points players can put in other things except their main gunskill (for pvp players) etc?


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Re: Gathering? Waiting?
« Reply #107 on: August 23, 2011, 11:09:59 pm »

We need 3 skill groups : Combat, Supportive (FA, Doc, Outdoorsman, Sneak) and Other skills ( the rest ) where you can put your SP, into each group separately.
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Re: Gathering? Waiting?
« Reply #108 on: August 23, 2011, 11:13:24 pm »

This would only overcomplicate it. A simple "buff" to the skillpoint pool would be the easiest solution.


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Re: Gathering? Waiting?
« Reply #109 on: August 23, 2011, 11:16:23 pm »

Another alternative is to change the spread of skill points. You know how an unarmed fighter doesn't really need more than about 145% unarmed to get 95% hit on everything - therefore leaving many spare points to put on other things?

Well, if the cap was brought down similarly on the other skills i.e. 200% or 150% is maximum, there'd be a lot more spare points to spread around and therefore the potential for more balanced characters - or in other words, most characters are able to do most things to a very basic level, or to specialise in several instead of just one.

Would need quite a lot of further changes, i.e. how effective certain numbers were - so 100% lockpick would need to be able to do unlock almost anything, 100% sneak would need to be pretty sneaky, 100% small guns would need to be pretty accurate etc.
awesome +1
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Re: Gathering? Waiting?
« Reply #110 on: August 23, 2011, 11:17:44 pm »

This would only overcomplicate it. A simple "buff" to the skillpoint pool would be the easiest solution.
But then, people would only reduce INT, because they have enough SP for combat skills => make better powerbuilds. Also people would rather invest SP into mandatory skills ( gun skill, maybe two, fa, doc, od ) and still make an alt.
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Re: Gathering? Waiting?
« Reply #111 on: August 23, 2011, 11:57:49 pm »

But then, people would only reduce INT, because they have enough SP for combat skills => make better powerbuilds. Also people would rather invest SP into mandatory skills ( gun skill, maybe two, fa, doc, od ) and still make an alt.
Yeah, but this is still a very good idea. You don't have to make barter alt, medic alt and repair alt separately, if you can get all these on one character and he won't be lame barter, hopeless medic and dull maintenance guy. And if current low cooldowns would stay or even gonna be removed at all, mining alts would also become past. This how it should be, I guess.

And about powerbuilds - they remain, whatever system, mechanic or improvements would be. It's still the same for everyone, so everyone can make "teh ape to pwn n00bz", isn't it?
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Re: Gathering? Waiting?
« Reply #112 on: August 24, 2011, 10:52:10 pm »

This dangerously is going off-topic. Take care.


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Re: Gathering? Waiting?
« Reply #113 on: August 26, 2011, 01:39:24 pm »

But then, people would only reduce INT, because they have enough SP for combat skills => make better powerbuilds. Also people would rather invest SP into mandatory skills ( gun skill, maybe two, fa, doc, od ) and still make an alt.

Not true... mostly that is, You still need high INT for BROF (as of now... I hope there are more fighting perks in the future that require INT) So you will still be pretty much tied to get a decent amount of Int just to make your APE efficient.

I however prefer having the whole skillpoint idea divided into at least 2 paths, Crafting and Fighting, forcing you to have balanced characters instead of extreme power build APES, and it also goes in along with more SP per level, so as wichura said, we can always have PVP characters that can pass as decent doctors or mechanics.. or crafting apes that and will fight back in PVP, just not as good

Yes this could simplify what little roleplaying there is in this game, but considering just how many people just complain about how boring is to ABSOLUTELY need alts,  and as we all know alting means waiting, then this just might as well cut it for now

And Scypior, If this thread goes a little off topic, then let it be if it is for a good reason, but you got a point so lets try to keep this thread about gathering cooldowns... and for that I say scrap em, actually there is this thing I learned about while getting back to RO (another mmorpg) called the endless tower, an event that can only be entered once a week, filled to the brim with the toughest mobs in the game, but also with sure to get sick loot, and it needs you to bring a really good and balanced team to get the most out of it... I loved that idea and something like that could be implemented here, its always fun to have a huge challenge once a week
I think it's much better now. It's strange to see how everyone is a millionare in a wasteland..
Re: Gathering? Waiting?
« Reply #114 on: August 26, 2011, 09:06:14 pm »

For those who think gathering cooldowns should dissapear: WTF?!? imagine its the start of a new server and there is no would take less than a day for everyone to run around with BA and Miniguns. Economy would be completly ruined, no one would buy anything to other players or vendors, they could just make it all themselves. If there is to be any sort of interaction between players cooldowns HAVE to stay.

To those who say SP should be raised and split in dif categories: WTF!?! How lame would it be for everyone to be able to do everything? What would be the point of making a crafter if everyone is a crafter? Once again that would limit the interactions between players to a never seen before level. (and its already pretty low) Divide skills points into dif categories? Why? cant you decide by yourself where you want your points to be placed?

Feedback for the Devs: In my opinion gathering and crafting cooldowns were perfect the way they used to be. It gave a good balance to the economy, and added a degree of realism to it all. I mean, crafting a minigun starting with the basic materials HAS to take time. I know clicking the FIX button dosent take time...but you gotta imagine the time it would actually take to craft the gun. Also improved interactions between players; if you wanted to be able to mine more ore, then youd have to bring some friends with you. (or PK miners depending on your style) It made buying stuff from other players worth it, and overall balanced the whole game.


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Re: Gathering? Waiting?
« Reply #115 on: August 26, 2011, 09:21:22 pm »

it would take less than a day for everyone to run around with BA and Miniguns.

Happens even with cooldowns. Get cooldown on one char, just relog to another char. So basically cooldown for anything is only as long as your relog time is.

Economy would be completly ruined

It has always broken. In every wipe.

Feedback for the Devs: In my opinion gathering and crafting cooldowns were perfect the way they used to be.

Personal opinion.

It gave a good balance to the economy, and added a degree of realism to it all.

It only promoted cheaters.
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Re: Gathering? Waiting?
« Reply #116 on: August 26, 2011, 09:21:46 pm »

For those who think gathering cooldowns should dissapear: WTF?!? imagine its the start of a new server and there is no would take less than a day for everyone to run around with BA and Miniguns. Economy would be completly ruined, no one would buy anything to other players or vendors, they could just make it all themselves. If there is to be any sort of interaction between players cooldowns HAVE to stay.

To those who say SP should be raised and split in dif categories: WTF!?! How lame would it be for everyone to be able to do everything? What would be the point of making a crafter if everyone is a crafter? Once again that would limit the interactions between players to a never seen before level. (and its already pretty low) Divide skills points into dif categories? Why? cant you decide by yourself where you want your points to be placed?

Feedback for the Devs: In my opinion gathering and crafting cooldowns were perfect the way they used to be. It gave a good balance to the economy, and added a degree of realism to it all. I mean, crafting a minigun starting with the basic materials HAS to take time. I know clicking the FIX button dosent take time...but you gotta imagine the time it would actually take to craft the gun. Also improved interactions between players; if you wanted to be able to mine more ore, then youd have to bring some friends with you. (or PK miners depending on your style) It made buying stuff from other players worth it, and overall balanced the whole game.
1. There is no economy to begin with.
2. Unless you call dual-logging and alting "economy".
3. Everyone gets his hand on top tier gear sooner or later so why be a jackass and restrict them with cooldowns?
4. Fun > realism.
5. I like bacon.
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Re: Gathering? Waiting?
« Reply #117 on: August 26, 2011, 09:22:17 pm »

For those who think gathering cooldowns should dissapear: WTF?!? imagine its the start of a new server and there is no would take less than a day for everyone to run around with BA and Miniguns. Economy would be completly ruined, no one would buy anything to other players or vendors, they could just make it all themselves. If there is to be any sort of interaction between players cooldowns HAVE to stay.

To those who say SP should be raised and split in dif categories: WTF!?! How lame would it be for everyone to be able to do everything? What would be the point of making a crafter if everyone is a crafter? Once again that would limit the interactions between players to a never seen before level. (and its already pretty low) Divide skills points into dif categories? Why? cant you decide by yourself where you want your points to be placed?

Feedback for the Devs: In my opinion gathering and crafting cooldowns were perfect the way they used to be. It gave a good balance to the economy, and added a degree of realism to it all. I mean, crafting a minigun starting with the basic materials HAS to take time. I know clicking the FIX button dosent take time...but you gotta imagine the time it would actually take to craft the gun. Also improved interactions between players; if you wanted to be able to mine more ore, then youd have to bring some friends with you. (or PK miners depending on your style) It made buying stuff from other players worth it, and overall balanced the whole game.

Right now we have a situation where:
- cooldowns are going around with miner alts and proxy connections, also always, sooner or later, everyone has at least few BA
- people are self-sufficient anyway, due to having specialized alts in their bases, question is how many alts you require to be satisfied and "be able to do everything"
- interaction means "look, a noob! shoot!" *pew pew*
- economy does not exist

How long do you play this, mister? A month?
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Re: Gathering? Waiting?
« Reply #118 on: August 27, 2011, 01:55:06 am »

Hi, I'm new here and would like to provide some feedback from the freshman's point of view.

Seeing how most of the problems discussed here are the ones made by players (abuse, PvP stuff, grind, spreadsheet characters, gathering materials), I'd like to point out "this other stuff" being broken Perks, lack of Quests etc.

First of all - Perks useless in RT mode. Bonus Move should make characters having it actually run faster, while Earlier Sequence could randomly regenerate 2 AP instead of 1, say with a 10% chance.

Second thing - Broken Perks/Stats or ones that do not give any "special ability" only some +Skills bonus. That is Living Anatomy, Ranger's encounters evasion bonus and Perception's encounter placement bonus. Since many Stats/Skills provide such Perks  - builds centered around them are highly unfavourable when compared with tested battle Perks. I would suggest tweaking certain Perks in a way that fits Fonline. For example Mr.Fixit could give 50% chance (or 100% like Crazy Bomber with Traps) to negate failed maintenance durability drop. Near-useless 4-8 extra healed HP from Healer could be switched to upping Luck for the purpose of FA checks or just lower the cooldowns on FA/Doctor.

Quests - they provide shitty exp, pityfull rewards and hours of runing errands all around the world usually give about as much as 5 minutes of farming junk for Brass Knuckles. That certainly needs to change. Low level chars would die a couple times in the process while higher levels just won't bother. A shining exaple are some quests that need say level 10 to initiate but give 200-500 xp at best.

Companions/Slaves/Mercs - They're TOO DAMN EXPENSIVE, especially the basic ones! Seriously, how come a shitty mixed-breed dog found everywhere in the Wasteland is worth a couple guns!? This and lack of actual Fallout NPC "reactions" (yeah, Fallout 2 was crap at that too) completely kills the fun of starting with good Charisma so no wonder most people go with 3 or even 1 if they're joining Player-made faction. Perhaps also make Animal Fiend an ability to catch Geckos of various kind? That and ability to revive fallen companions would be great additions.

I'll add more as I explore the world of Fonline2238 a bit more.

Best Regards,
doc Clumsy


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Re: Gathering? Waiting?
« Reply #119 on: August 27, 2011, 02:18:31 am »

Well, i was about to suggest some new skills, and one of those was Gathering (Or Scavenging)
Basically gathering cooldown limit would be dependant on that skill, and maybe it could also reduce alittle Crafting cooldown. You think is wrong?
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