avv: i disagree. I think that devs should create "scenario" ("script"), full it with obstacles and force players to adopt to that situations. Apopt by raising special skills, preparing and acquiring needed requirement.
I like idea that was implemented in single player Fallout mod, Fallout Of Nevada (
There are locations of abandoned cities, full of deserted buildings, but doors are locked. So you need lockpick to enter, or to open chest inside. Some of the locations are full of radioactivity, so you need rad x and rad away = investition. I suggest to use little rework geiger computer.. he should show another info. The amount of rad. per. sec. (not the maximum dose you get), so you would see if current place is worthy.
Avv, I think that you look on chars customization in bad way. Of course, they would have to invest some points into neccesary skills, bud they dont need to raise it over 150 or over 100.. This number depends on devs.
You know, at this moment, you are still forced to raise some neccesary skills to survive against beasts and players (any firearm skill is needed, or combo of sneak and throwing, ..). Your hypothetical char with tagged speech, gambling and traps is useless now. Why? Because there are not any obstacles you have to overcome with those skills.
IF this game would be very balanced, i believe that every possible char would have its own way how to survive and live in fonline wasteland. But this is an ilusion, because well known facts (less time of devs, hard to realize, bad form betatesting from players,..). So i would rather see entertaining way, the way i need to adopt to the wasteland condition (well, so surprising that i have to adopt to post nuclear world?) if any new kind of gameplay is granted.
Newbies or other players would still have their own ways.. tier 0 (it could be very wide scale of stuff), trading, .... .
Scypior: I see the fear of alting in devs eyes. Alts were not your original idea. But after two years, there was a lot of time that you could realize that there is nothing to do with and you should change your view of this phenomen. Instead of negative, look at it as an chalenge and positive thing. Again, constructing, developing, testing and using new types of chars are for faction players one of the main reasons why to play fonline.
One example: I like to play SG Sniper. Here is evolution of developement in current era only:
1) post wipe basic sniper without drugs, 10 PE, cca 167 HP, 10 LC, weapon handling, max sniper perks
2) then faction get acces to drugs, so sniper char with buffout, nuka and cig. (more perception because of sharpshooter perk thats replace weapon handling,..). = Best classical sniper char with maximized snipers skill (luck and pe, snipers perks). 12 PE, 1677 HP, 10 LC.
3) When large alliances fought between themselfs, it was obvious that new type of sniper char is needed. Because of huge amount of players in each team durign the fight, sniper char dont need as much to protect himself, rather than focus on damage. So builds with 11 PE, 149(or 14x) HP, 6, 7 luck and "almost dualshot" ability were very popular in those huge battles.
4) After many players left fonline, there were small battles (in New Reno,..) rather than huge ones. So player who wants to enjoy this fights, needs to create char with higher HP to stay as long as possible. So snipers with 220 or 240 HP, with lower luck and PE was designed.
This is simple review of developement of SG sniper build in last era. It would not be possible without alting (creating and using more than one alt per person). It was chalenging, it was reaction on situation. And i unfortunately have to tell you, that i dont think that many devs even know about this. This is reason, why i personaly "little dislike" surf in his game position, because he should be connection between playeres and devs and he should report about this to devs. Devs reactions are: "alts are bad, we need something to do agaisnt them, but we dont know what." But i (faction player) want to see "alts give additional gameplay, we need to support alting in some way".
Sorry for little OT post, but its core is related with gathering