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People suggesting skills & stats reducing cooldowns must keep in mind it will only lead to minmaxed alts.

--- Quote from: Lordus on August 18, 2011, 03:46:05 pm ---please, no cooldowns
--- End quote ---

I liked for example the way to get rid of spore plants with flamer. But remember, small gunners can't use flamers and the game shouldn't encourage making sporeplant killer-alts like that.
About those killable critters guarding materials: it's good idea that we'd have to fight for the mats and there's a risk and reward. However the risk and challenge should be varying and even random and so should the reward. I bet everyone just hates those ants in bh and the alien in redding mine.
"Oh not again this alien, i've killed it 258 times already"

Still I think fixed locations for mats would be funniest. I remember when players made caravan cart encounters all over the world in material locations. All players could see them and used those material sources. Sometimes you met players there and had interaction. And because they mainly came gathering they weren't armed to teeth, maybe had some low tier for quick self defense. It was no sense to camp those areas because they were so many, but player contact still happened and it was cool. Funniest thing was that the whole system was an accident, not planned feature.

Lol those guys are losing brain mass in more and more imaginative stuff.
I became bored after 3 pages so here is my point about people playing alone:

--People playing alone NEVER, and i mean NEVER:
-have a lot of stuff in his bases
-craftmore more than one or two items per day
Lone players play the game from day to day, as example my typycally day in Fonline includes craft plsma or laser pistols and ammo for the desired day.

So if you are making a system to create stuff more slower, but without cooldown you will fuck up all the lone players (and alt users) in the game.

Its a MMO, loners should stop playing singleplayer and find a decent group/gang.


--- Quote from: Reiniat on August 19, 2011, 04:58:35 pm -----People playing alone NEVER, and i mean NEVER:
-have a lot of stuff in his bases
-craftmore more than one or two items per day
--- End quote ---

Not true, I know many powergaming solo players who have ridiculous ammounts of stuff. Last wipe I was playing solo and had my base full of top tier stuff. But I was super careful and avoided other players like they were infected.

--- Quote ---So if you are making a system to create stuff more slower, but without cooldown you will fuck up all the lone players (and alt users) in the game.
--- End quote ---

However I agree here, everyone should have a chance to get good and effective gear relatively easily and go use it without having to worry too much. If stuff is hugely rare it results in zealous hoarding and makes lots of players simply hunker in their bunkers and never show their face to the public.

--- Quote from: Sarakin on August 19, 2011, 05:35:50 pm ---Its a MMO, loners should stop playing singleplayer and find a decent group/gang.
--- End quote ---

Yes but even if someone is playing solo it doesn't mean he doesn't meet other players and interact with them. Solo players just lose items easier than gang players because there's nobody to secure their stuff. In addition they get stuff slower than gang players, so they just interact less because they spend more time in getting the items. If getting items was easier, solo players might show their face more often.

Its easier for a group of players to hoard items or generaly do everything easier, we all tend to agree with that. So if anyone has the privilege to form or join a gang to have life easier, why the hell is everybody whining how hard is to play solo ? Why choosing the hard way ?

Anyway, randomness is the way. Once, it can be easy, other time, it can get really hard, what it does mean is that you cant prepare for it and moreover, it wont get so boring that fast.
Last, but not least is variability. Every player can choose his way to obtain resources, be it through scavenging, fighting or mining.


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