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Gathering? Waiting?

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--- Quote from: Sarakin on August 19, 2011, 06:45:03 pm ---Its easier for a group of players to hoard items or generaly do everything easier, we all tend to agree with that. So if anyone has the privilege to form or join a gang to have life easier, why the hell is everybody whining how hard is to play solo ? Why choosing the hard way ?
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Because like I said: solo doesn't mean singleplayer. Interacting soloists contribute to the server.
Since there is no goal, you can't say something is hard. Some players enjoy standing in ncr and being poor.
Certain players will play solo no matter what and most players will start the game that way. It's good because they learn the strings by themselves and learn to be self-sufficient, like real wastelanders.
If items are easier or funnier to get, soloists are simply seen interacting more. If items are hard to get, soloists will stay solo but will not emerge to interact.

--- Quote ---Anyway, randomness is the way. Once, it can be easy, other time, it can get really hard, what it does mean is that you cant prepare for it and moreover, it wont get so boring that fast.
Last, but not least is variability. Every player can choose his way to obtain resources, be it through scavenging, fighting or mining.
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Here I can fully agree.


--- Quote from: avv on August 19, 2011, 06:56:50 pm ---If items are easier or funnier to get, soloists are simply seen interacting more. If items are hard to get, soloists will stay solo but will not emerge to interact.

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i takes me everyday 8min to make a LaserPistol and 50 SEC, also it takes me around 25min to make Plasma Pistols (movilizing many alts of course), so the actual sistem is nice to me, i always visit NCR for troll, or go fight at Hinkley, or hunt random guys trough the whole wasteland, i interact a lot with other players and not only by killing them. And im soloist

--- Quote from: Sarakin on August 19, 2011, 06:45:03 pm ---Its easier for a group of players to hoard items or generaly do everything easier, we all tend to agree with that. So if anyone has the privilege to form or join a gang to have life easier, why the hell is everybody whining how hard is to play solo ? Why choosing the hard way ?

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1.-It makes you feel something in your heart when you kill groups of players with a simple laser pistol.
2.- Im in a gang but i almost always be alone in the desert, i take resources from my gang base, but really too little.

--- Quote from: avv on August 19, 2011, 05:57:44 pm ---Not true, I know many powergaming solo players who have ridiculous ammounts of stuff. Last wipe I was playing solo and had my base full of top tier stuff. But I was super careful and avoided other players like they were infected.

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That's the point. I never have fear of lose my stuff, so i always fight even if im going to lose, that's what this game needs: people that dont cares about lose items and dont cry about get killed. We need a game full of fighters not of pussy cowards


--- Quote from: scypior on August 17, 2011, 01:30:48 pm ---But to be precise, I was wondering if people relog because of crafting timeout (to make yet another portion of items), not for gathering.

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Hammer Time by me

Part 1, HQ stuff:
- go to tent near VC, left anything except jacket and hammer there, go to Gecko mine, dig, run, log out, wait 3 minutes, log into medic alt living in this tent, grab hammer, go to Gecko mine, dig, run, wait. Loop.

Part 2, LQ stuff:
- log into miner alt #1, go to NCR mine (I have base quite close), dig, go back, unload, log out, wait, log into miner alt #2, dig, go, unload, log out, wait, repeat process for alts #3 and #4. Loop.

Part 3, crafting:
- log into main character, craft fancy clothes. Log out, wait 3 minutes, log into miner alt #whatever, he has Armorer profession level 1st, craft fancy clothes. Loop till running out of hides and skins.
- log into BG/SG crafting alt, craft fancy bullets. Log out, wait, log into SEC crafting alt, craft as hell, log out. Log into Energy Expert alt, craft, log out. I wish to perform all these actions on main character, not "toilet-like" characters - use, flush, forget.

And so the story goes. I had a screenshot somewhere, from making a miners tent near some mine. 5 miner alts and "main" character to grab what they digged.

Since crafting cooldowns were cut down, I have so much precioussss itanz I can use, that I started to afraid death of my character rather than losing items carried on him. It's not a bad way to go I guess.

--- Quote from: Reiniat on August 19, 2011, 04:58:35 pm -----People playing alone NEVER, and i mean NEVER:
-have a lot of stuff in his bases
-craftmore more than one or two items per day
Lone players play the game from day to day, as example my typycally day in Fonline includes craft plsma or laser pistols and ammo for the desired day.
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How many loners, except yourself, do you know?


--- Quote from: Reiniat on August 19, 2011, 07:27:28 pm ---That's the point. I never have fear of lose my stuff, so i always fight even if im going to lose, that's what this game needs: people that dont cares about lose items and dont cry about get killed. We need a game full of fighters not of pussy cowards

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But the problem is: the only way soloist can get lots of gear is either cheating or being super careful. I don't think soloists suddenly change their mood to: "hehe I lost all the gear I worked my ass off for hours for the 5th time in row but least we had fun, I guess".

I use relog to circumvent the gathering timer, and only to mine HQ iron ores. Crafting timers are okay for me, but it's just more efficient to relog to another char to get more HQ ore.


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