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Gathering? Waiting?
I thought about it just a minute ago:
Now lets assume that there are regions with some cars or other trash. Using repair on a car would yeld us a pipe which could be used as a barrel for the gun. The rest could be simillary found, even in the same location. Why not simply find the stuff? Digging the materials for the weapons would be obolete. The ammo could be a problem.
--- Quote from: Wichura on August 17, 2011, 09:21:05 pm ---..Toxic Caves are one of my favourite places - few geckos than can be killed by any weapon (even a spear)..
--- End quote ---
I though you say better even unarmed.. Just 2 or 3 hits to eyes and boom Golden Gecko owned.
I understand that people have fun fighting each other to gain items and i like it too.
But we gotta have a rebound for the people who rather like to explore (alone or with buddys) all those forgotten and forsaken places to gather materials and maybe some "treasure" not only using weapons but also non-combat skills and items i.e. lockpicking/repair/speech/science (lockpick-tools/tools etc) to aquire items, than to fight with other players.
I would love such things like Lordus idea in the game, maybe not explicit for gathering but for general PvE activities.
please, no cooldowns.. Cooldown is something that does not belong into developed game project. I understand it, that in first eras, there was something needed to limit stuff inflation, but there are many other ways, how to eliminate stuff inflation. The way i suggested is good IMO. Tier 0 stuff = no limit. Other tiers = need of investment of tier -1 stuff. So in fact, cooldowns are replaced by time you need to get minor tier stuff. But in entertaining way.
I just dont understand players, why are they so obsesed with cooldowns like now. Different are developers, they have to spend their own time, so i understand when they implements cooldown as an easiest solution.
But current game parts and mechanics allows to create better ways. Maps for dungeons are done. Just replace purpose of boring mines: hostile beasts, enviroment,... that would need unique stuff to kill or disarm them. Guns are here too, perks too, only imagination and minor scripting is needed.
Another examples of mines with wanamingos with their knockback vulnerability?
Spore plants in outside mines (maps are already done) .. you need flamethrowers (tier 1 stuff that you can get in mines) and good antidote (tier 0 stuff, but need to kill scorpions), because sporeplants poison should be lethal.
Or mines with very fast reswapning group of rats (10).. respawn time = 5 seconds => you have to make collateral damage (nades, RL), to eliminate them, then run. Or they will encircle you and you would be traped until death..
Dog shepherd with 8 dogs.. 1) Kill all dogs and shepherd, or 2) kill shepherd and dogs will run away..
Fire geckons in close range location = threat even for lvl 21 psycho powerbuild with combat armor..
There are plenty of ways how to make every mining/scavenging place (or PvE) more chalenging, more uniqe than current way (do 5 quests, that use RL to kill centaurs until lvl 21). Look at glow.. you need to prepare yourself (anti rad drugs) if you dont want to die there, than use your non combat skills and finaly, brain, or you are trapped there and you die there.
Why there every beast have to be killable? More entertaining would be, if there would be way how to disarm it, but still, it would be dangerous critter.
(i.e.: snipe spore plants poison vac..)
Talking about 5 sec., 5 minutes, whatever cooldowns as major game mechanism is... obsolete.
Why in year 2011 the game from 1998 has to be same, even during game developement years, most mechanics are overcome. (Spore plant = plant --> no way how to eliminate plant with pistol.. but with flame, yes.. lets set up basic dmg resistance to 95 percent, flame to 0 percent and you have unique enemy with unique way how to kill it.. unique gameplay). Seriously, i dont think that ability that you can kill every beast with every weapon is the original Fallout spirit. I know that my post is not only anout gathering stuff, but i think that scavenging(mining) should be more unique and entertaining, not currently pain in the ass..
i liked the CD that the game had 2 wipes ago, I think the CD was better to trade between players
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