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Author Topic: Reward from devs to long time playing factions  (Read 10008 times)

Re: Reward from devs to long time playing factions
« Reply #15 on: July 26, 2011, 07:29:59 pm »

Active gangs should indeed have a part in 2238 geopolitics and history, but giving them items? They are already many times more powerfull than the newer gangs, they sure dont need any help.



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Re: Reward from devs to long time playing factions
« Reply #16 on: July 26, 2011, 07:39:39 pm »


About 4. - Surf got from little to almost nothing to do with NCR Army project, sorry to dissapoint you :) Oh, but yesssss.... he did have character in it, logged once or even (!) twice I think.

About suggestion itself - I don't really think that developers even more encouraging elitism (like game ain't full of it already) is good idea. So in other words I don't think that special gifts for chosen gangs will do the trick to keep people. More features and activites for all gangs that do or not control cities are good idea (however this topic ain't about it).

P.S.: Didn't you leave already, Lordus? Or you are about to leave? Or you did leave and came back again? I am getting all confused here all the time. One day I read about someone leaving forever the next day he's back. You could make up your mind - would be easier for such a simpleton like me to comprehend it. Oh, humanity...
« Last Edit: July 26, 2011, 07:41:42 pm by RJ »
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Re: Reward from devs to long time playing factions
« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2011, 07:40:06 pm »

2) I think that we know famous gang names, that were playing atleast for 2 eras.


3) If you dont know, surf, there are gang their members created many themes, graphics, comix, movies about Fonline 2238 content.. They already started their own roleplay project in 2238, it fails, because lack of fonline possobilities, enemy swarm and no help from developers.

And? We now have to give everyone a goldmedal because he drew some cool picture? We now have to interfer in favor of some gang which created some cool pictures and "crush the swarms"? And "possibilities" don't fly out of the blue sky, you know, they have to actually get developed.  ::)

But time is changins. We are waiting one year for wipe. Next era, with current logic, would be longer than this one (2 years?). This is last time, that devs could reward their most longer playing players and gangs by some kind of cooperation. On Requiem, there is a very close cooperation among players and devs.

We already established that you won't get any extra treatment just because you happen to be longer registred than other gangs. Requiem has nothing to do with 2238.

I just dont know, why developers dont want to develop other part of fonline, other than 3D graphics and faction scenarios.

Read my last posts.

4) Surf, i seriously think that something wrong is with you. I remember your "roleplay project" if NCR army: You dreamed your own gang with kind of roleplay element (but seriously, without any concrete idea what to do), you implement special NCR military base. After that, you tried to gather players on NCR. You forgot that every players, who wants  (knows, hot to play,..)to PvP are already in gangs.. so it ends by fiasko..

Nice to see that there actually seems to be something wrong with you as you like to talk about things you don't know anything about? Nice that you call the NCR army "my" project! I was 2 times involved in any action there - for sure I must be the leader and creative mind behind that!!11


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Re: Reward from devs to long time playing factions
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2011, 07:59:46 pm »

NCR army project.. ok, if it was not your project, than i apologize you, but that idea background was wrong from reasons i said before.

 Without small exceptions (5 pvp actions), i did not played 2238 since autumn. Is that long enough for you? I tried Requiem server and i realized, that you could combine all of your Fonline ideas, with more cooperation with current gangs.

 2238 is not Requiem. But Requiem is Fonline mod, with many entertaining ideas. Mines, remote detonators, sand bags.. Itemas that devs of 2238 are afraid of, works there good without any restrictions. Gangs are occupying cities because their underground bases, and cities lives! Because raiding gangs are afraid of attacking those places. Players could craft items with their labels and they are proud of it. Bases, that could be robbed, if you forget to turn off your radio, so you have to protect it by mines.. It works on other servers well. It would be compatible with with current state.

 But it is not Surfs idea. It is not idea of any dev or GM who played PvP, because those GMs are not recruted from that community.

And? We now have to give everyone a goldmedal because he drew some cool picture?

 Can you find difference between some picture and whole roleplay project supported by graphics, with political systems, PLAYERS participated in? Oh come on, dont be so pathethic you are right now..
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Re: Reward from devs to long time playing factions
« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2011, 09:09:55 pm »

Im thinking the same as Crazy, having references about events that happened seasons ago would be really nice. PvE events held by GMs, massive PvP fights, funny situations á la Xoen, anything that is worthy to be remembered. But on the other hand, I agree that these details shouldnt interfere with important stuff that is being developed and thus, they should  be on the bottom of the TODO list.
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Re: Reward from devs to long time playing factions
« Reply #20 on: July 26, 2011, 10:02:15 pm »

And Sarakin, what time consuimg is on graffiti of Vault Silene Brahminy that could be sprayed i.e. in redding city wall on main street. Or Broken Hills Hunters, or Modoc Militia, Or TTTLA, or BBS, or anyone else who participated in Fonline project one full era or more, who was active in TC or in kind of roleplay.

 Those gangs whould have to create those graphics themselfs.. only devs would need to replace one object in city editor.

 I would like to see dynamic graphics during or after town control.. like more time you hold the city, more new city owners graffiti on the walls.. (like dynamic infestation in Natural Selection 2). But everybody knows that maps could not been dynamic, so this would be at least compromise.

 It would illustrate the history and current status of those cities. We are gangs, gangs are making their own graffiti.

 On other side, if Surfs feel inferior, you can create your own statue with descrition.. I promise i would put there flower every day i will play..
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Re: Reward from devs to long time playing factions
« Reply #21 on: July 26, 2011, 10:50:08 pm »

Yep, exactly. I thought that this was pretty clear but thanks for pointing it out. ;)
It's not that I don't like the idea of rewarding someone with some small stuff like a graffiti, but by no means is "lol I'm registred longer than you here!" a reason to reward anything. I could imagine doing some WWP (I hope this was the right term?) related graphics, a small poster or something in Redding or so, because that was one of the few things which actually worked, people had fun etc. THAT'S a reason to give a reward, not  the longest activity/logged in time.
Weren't you rewarded with moderator function thanks to your long experience both here and on NMA forums? Or as you call it "lol I'm registred longer than you here!"? If it's too personal you don't have to answer.
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Re: Reward from devs to long time playing factions
« Reply #22 on: July 26, 2011, 10:54:15 pm »

This is one thing you got to ask the ones who asked me doing this, not myself. If here would be a bit more of a friendly atmosphere I'd have shared a funny anecdote regarding this, but I think I pass on this one. :)
Also way to go comparing some very tiresome "job" with ingame benefits.

@ Lordus - you keep flinging stuff back and forth - just read what was written here. No one wants to repeat stuff thousands of times. "Rewards" for actual ingame projects, like the WWP thing is welcome. I don't see a reason whey there shouldn't be some poster or wallpaper on reddings walls with their logo on.
Rewarding someone just for the sake of longevity - no. Not sure what's so hard to understand there, but people always find reasons to troll/whine for.


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Re: Reward from devs to long time playing factions
« Reply #23 on: July 26, 2011, 11:08:34 pm »

I agree both with Lordus and Surf.

A gang shouldn't get his rewards just for being a big one or a old one. Projects like WWP and gangs who really gave their countribute to the game in some way (Members active in forum, supporting of projects or involved in activities that can keep the game alive) should deserve those.
Re: Reward from devs to long time playing factions
« Reply #24 on: July 26, 2011, 11:32:17 pm »

I agree both with Lordus and Surf.

A gang shouldn't get his rewards just for being a big one or a old one. Projects like WWP and gangs who really gave their countribute to the game in some way (Members active in forum, supporting of projects or involved in activities that can keep the game alive) should deserve those.

So, gangs composed of bandits would get nothing? I'm sad, I always dreamed of "BBS" poster in the north :(

Ok now seriously: this game needs more cooperation between gangs (it was said many times that it's FOnline FACTION mod) and developers. Too bad that developers seem to be a bit busy/tired of reading constant bitching about everything, so considering all current circumstances, I find it very unlikely to happen.

As this thread is not "Hey, let's talk about Surf", I don't understand why you keep harassing him, Lordus. The topic is not about something that Surf decides and I guess that everyone can have his own opinion about it.


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Re: Reward from devs to long time playing factions
« Reply #25 on: July 26, 2011, 11:46:15 pm »

Would be nice to give a personal graffiti to the best tc gang of the town (more time controlled in the last season) for every town, so this would give another reason to fight for pvp apes (as Wichura love call them), the graffiti should be designed by the gang and approved (not offensive, merging with fallout background etc..)

I cannot see nothing offensive or to much elitist in this, I know that my little gang never would have this honor, but I would love to see who was the more persistent gang in the town the last season, out of curiousity, and I cannot see nothing wrong when the pc choice can change a little bit the surrounding


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Re: Reward from devs to long time playing factions
« Reply #26 on: July 26, 2011, 11:55:49 pm »

I fail to understand why being a "long time player" is a reason to get any kind of advantage. Even with a simple graffiti.

Doesn't the server go back to the year 2238 after every wipe? if so, then after every wipe, factions somehow "rewrite history", and the gangs who dominated in one era might not be important in another one.

this game needs more cooperation between gangs and developers.

This might be true, but I don't think we should say "it's the devs' fault" like it's usually said. I don't know what the exact opinion of every single dev might be, but I was a dev myself, I wouldn't bother trying to work on a factions-developers cooperation, when the playerbase tends to be so childish. The biggest and most obvious example that comes to my mind right now is when Redding was filled with mercenaries, using proxy and all that (please understand that this is not a post against the Chosen Soldiers), or when people gridcamp, etc. We can't really expect developers to pay attention to players when that is the dominant image the players offer.

Also, the fact that you talk about gangs and not about players sounds kinda weird to me. Of course, I am in a gang myself, etc. But being part of a faction and fighting in TC is not the only way you can play this game.
Re: Reward from devs to long time playing factions
« Reply #27 on: July 27, 2011, 12:03:03 am »

but I was a dev myself, I wouldn't bother trying to work on a factions-developers cooperation, when the playerbase tends to be so childish.
Then why to work on a server at all? Put any words instead of "a factions-developers cooperation".

Also, the fact that you talk about gangs and not about players sounds kinda weird to me.
It was mentioned many times that it's FACTION mod (especially when a single player cried about how difficult is the game). So, why weird? And moreover, what impact on the server can an individual cause?


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Re: Reward from devs to long time playing factions
« Reply #28 on: July 27, 2011, 12:10:31 am »

It was mentioned many times that it's FACTION mod (especially when a single player cried about how difficult is the game).

This was the initial title because the faction system was the first change made on the original client/server system and it evolved from that point. ;) I agree with the rest of your points though. A bit interaction between playerbase/development is needed and we are a bit weak on that aspect. Not trying to pull a strawman here, but there is also to blame that a big part of the actual community in question is very "difficult" to communicate with to stay within the realms of diplomacy.


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Re: Reward from devs to long time playing factions
« Reply #29 on: July 27, 2011, 12:31:26 am »

Then why to work on a server at all? Put any words instead of "a factions-developers cooperation".

I honestly don't know, Kilgore. You do make a point, I have no answer for that question. Maybe the game the devs have in mind (and which they are trying to turn 2238 into) would have mechanics that could encourage players to "behave". In my particular case, I enjoy the game without doing stupid things and for that I am glad the devs keep working on this.
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