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Author Topic: Reward from devs to long time playing factions  (Read 10012 times)


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Reward from devs to long time playing factions
« on: July 26, 2011, 01:17:07 pm »

Possibility of ingame reward from devs to long time playing factions (gangs).

 On other servers, like Requiem, long existing gangs are rewarded in way, that they were able to create their own bases, locaten near, under or even in public cities. There is condition of some roleplay.

 I know that 2238 wants achieve the same aim, but the way (TC) they choose would never work, if faction could loose their town because of horde of enemy.

 So why not this aproach. There are few factions existing from first era, PK or not PK, and only reward was ability to create and choose their name (but this is for everyone, not for long time existing gangs).

 Maybe you will doubt the reason we have to be rewarded.

 1) if not, there is a lot of chance that we could leave this server forever, or our activity would be minimal. The community of fonline players is limited. Part of community test it and leave it forever, part of them would test start of new era, for weeks, months, then they would left again. Part of them, mostly PvP players, are playing until there is some fun. Part of players plays continuously, and they would stay.

 Look at current statistics (cca 100 active players). Part of them are long time playing players, mostly PvP. Rest of them are newbies and single players. I.e. VSB gang is not mostly active on 2238, but we play on other server. There is a chance, we would not massively return, because the aproach to players on different servers to players is very different.

 2) i can speak only about VSB, but since 2238 started, VSB gang thru site brings hundreds of players ingame. Part of them (more than one hundred) were or they are members. Dozens were active for more than one era, and helped many of newbies to understand how to survice in 2238 universe. Help via forum, mumble, ingame help, ... .

I think that this is kind of reason why to reward factions.

 3) Reward in some good packet could more enrich the game.

 What rewards?

 Well, just use imagination.. Bases, special weapons, or at least graffiti of most popular gangs in northern cities, that could replace existing graffiti.
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Re: Reward from devs to long time playing factions
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2011, 02:10:06 pm »

Yey... no :P
This will just get a way to moar whine and cry+rage for other gangs .Devs will have spam about "my gangs is 2 month here i wanna APA gimmmeh naow!"


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Re: Reward from devs to long time playing factions
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2011, 02:30:53 pm »

Lordus! You are still alive!

Erm, anyway - why not? As long as it's not about "teh itanz" (as Pertekst mentioned), I'm all for it - building in town available only for members or base map made by certain gang and added as one and only on whole server could tide people to their barbarian horde a lot, and make joining such unique factions a noble goal.

Special items - negative, there are already Enclave and BoS factions, with hundreds of "members", that sit in their hideouts and craft cool stuff.
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Re: Reward from devs to long time playing factions
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2011, 02:36:30 pm »

What about this..

 Graffiti on buildings in TC cities.. Those gangs fought many battles for that cities, they deserves piece of art on walls near them they died.

 Of course, players from that gangs have to create own texture that would be implemented into the game. This would mainly reduce the number of whinners, because you have to create own graphics.

 It would be only cosmetic changes, but it would delight those gang players. Maybe new name of streets (locations) in those cities.. For 2 years those faction players supercedes a lack of content.
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Re: Reward from devs to long time playing factions
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2011, 02:55:03 pm »

Adding text/logo/graffiti on wall isn't that simple, my dear. You need to make new graphic items, add them to mapper, make sure they will work and fit, then redone whole city map, just to add "BLu3suiT PwnZ0rs are here" on the wall.

Dunno about changing streets/locations names, should be easier.
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Re: Reward from devs to long time playing factions
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2011, 03:08:29 pm »

I know little about mapper, but few of our mates are making whole new maps, including new graphics. So it is possible.
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Re: Reward from devs to long time playing factions
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2011, 04:14:15 pm »

Re: Reward from devs to long time playing factions
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2011, 05:50:29 pm »

then redone whole city map
No, just create unlootable item / critter / whatever object that can be spawned by GM, and make it look like graffiti, then let GM spawn in on some wall, you will even be able to use binoculars on that graffiti and read whatever description it has.

It can be done very easy, if gang member(s) will make those graffiti themselves and make sure it suited for a wall where they want to put it (just make 4 types of the same graffiti from NW to SE and from SW to NE, low and high), then just ask a GM/dev to put it there, and it can be removed/moved at any time when any admin online, it won't require server restart or anything, the only problem is:
He did it even without explaination!
« Last Edit: July 26, 2011, 06:05:26 pm by RavenousRat »


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Re: Reward from devs to long time playing factions
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2011, 06:26:00 pm »


Everything have been said here I think. I would love to see the developpers close their community, talking with big gangs, creating new locations made by players in relation to their RP, giving skins to whole RP factions, giving special items to support these RP....

But here we are.


Well, from the team, he is probably the one who despite most the players factions, especially big gangs presents since a long time, but it is a good example of how this work on FOnline:2238.



Still, Lordus, it's not even for a "reward". It would just add more interest, more life, more RP to the wasteland.
But well, anyway we are the plague of the server, it should be made for loner and NPCs factions only, gangs can die in their shit.
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Re: Reward from devs to long time playing factions
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2011, 06:36:11 pm »

It doesn't matter if it is big gang x or gang y, it is just unfair that gang x can have a "reward" (for what?) for just staying a bit longer on here than gang that arrived 2 months later. Where to draw the line? You're  making yourself more important than you are. Sure it's cool that your gang has a long history on this server, but so what? This is not a reason to "reward" anything. It may be surprising for you, but even if you "leave" because of the lack of "rewards" for you, the world keeps on turning,  you know.


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Re: Reward from devs to long time playing factions
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2011, 06:42:11 pm »

When Surf Solar says no, I believe its just his personal opinion, hes not a dev, no offense. We got used to his denial of anything new and unfalloutish, but that doesnt mean that devs wont like it. On the other hand, gangs should earn those items, playing for a longer period isnt enough. In my opinion, first step could be a billboard somewhere, that after examining would tell you something about certain gangs.
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Re: Reward from devs to long time playing factions
« Reply #11 on: July 26, 2011, 06:47:25 pm »

When Surf Solar says no, I believe its just his personal opinion, hes not a dev, no offense.

Yep, exactly. I thought that this was pretty clear but thanks for pointing it out. ;)
It's not that I don't like the idea of rewarding someone with some small stuff like a graffiti, but by no means is "lol I'm registred longer than you here!" a reason to reward anything. I could imagine doing some WWP (I hope this was the right term?) related graphics, a small poster or something in Redding or so, because that was one of the few things which actually worked, people had fun etc. THAT'S a reason to give a reward, not  the longest activity/logged in time.

On this "dev stuff", you gotta realize that it's a hard job doing content, quests, dialogs etc. for the content makers and I can only speak for myself (know similar mindsets from the others though) that it's already tedious to quests, then you want to make good ones, and ones rooted in the Fallout universe, with its npc factions, towns, history etc. There is not much place for newly created playergangs, other than maybe one reference or two somewhere. I hope you understand that this is nothing personal, just the way people creating content prefer it.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2011, 06:50:58 pm by Surf »


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Re: Reward from devs to long time playing factions
« Reply #12 on: July 26, 2011, 07:02:33 pm »

I could imagine doing some WWP (I hope this was the right term?) related graphics, a small poster or something in Redding or so, because that was one of the few things which actually worked, people had fun etc. THAT'S a reason to give a reward, not  the longest activity/logged in time.

Well I surely agree with that, like said, the point is not really a "reward", but more the scars that we, players, factions, leaves on wasteland. For example: WWP project. But there are much more things which could be encouraged, and adding a location/NPC/special item/whatever related to gang X because the players from this gang have done some good RP, or fought during a long time in many battles, and created a map ready to use related to this RP. As well as giving skins/items/whatever to RP players/faction.

Example: the biggest PvP battle yet at BH, a hundred players fighting for a town, half of them or more dead (+mercs). Why not add some skulls here and there, tombs, or a little pile of rocks asking The Master to save the souls of those who died here?
Or a tag WWP on walls of Redding.
Or a special item "Law Book" given to the Lawyers...

So much possibilities, and yet, nothing...
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Re: Reward from devs to long time playing factions
« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2011, 07:16:41 pm »

So much possibilities, and yet, nothing...

Read the second paragraph in my previous post, there I explained it a bit.
As for that WWP tag, I see what I can do maybe.


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Re: Reward from devs to long time playing factions
« Reply #14 on: July 26, 2011, 07:21:02 pm »

It doesn't matter if it is big gang x or gang y, it is just unfair that gang x can have a "reward" (for what?) for just staying a bit longer on here than gang that arrived 2 months later. Where to draw the line? You're  making yourself more important than you are. Sure it's cool that your gang has a long history on this server, but so what? This is not a reason to "reward" anything. It may be surprising for you, but even if you "leave" because of the lack of "rewards" for you, the world keeps on turning,  you know.

1) Well, first i have to say something about you personaly, surf. You should change your nick into new one: "Surf The Everytime Objector," because you disagree or at least you have some point against every idea posted here. No offense, but this is fact.

2) I think that we know famous gang names, that were playing atleast for 2 eras.

3) If you dont know, surf, there are gang their members created many themes, graphics, comix, movies about Fonline 2238 content.. They already started their own roleplay project in 2238, it fails, because lack of fonline possobilities, enemy swarm and no help from developers.

 But time is changins. We are waiting one year for wipe. Next era, with current logic, would be longer than this one (2 years?). This is last time, that devs could reward their most longer playing players and gangs by some kind of cooperation. On Requiem, there is a very close cooperation among players and devs. I just dont know, why developers dont want to develop other part of fonline, other than 3D graphics and faction scenarios.

4) Surf, i seriously think that something wrong is with you. I remember your "roleplay project" if NCR army: You dreamed your own gang with kind of roleplay element (but seriously, without any concrete idea what to do), you implement special NCR military base. After that, you tried to gather players on NCR. You forgot that every players, who wants  (knows, hot to play,..)to PvP are already in gangs.. so it ends by fiasko..

 On other side, here are existing gangs with players playing togheter sometimes more than 2 years, with desire to continue playing, to play some roleplay. They already tried it severeal times, but it fails mostly because rolepleying town in town that could be attacked every time with no penalty for attackers is impossible.

 So here is a conflict.. your idea fails, because you did not socialized with other players to hold your idea alive, our ideas survives for months maybe years only in our heads, because we dont have so many influence to devs like you have.

5) No reason refuse of replacing "empty graffiti" by graffiti created by gangs, this refuse is pathetic, Surf.

6) Surf, be constructive now, and tell me, what ideas of support for (long) existing gangs you suggest? Dont you think that hold as many players, but even gangs (gang as an a society), in game and online is good idea?

7) My suggestion was not about reward for me, Surf, but for you. Reward (in any form) for players and gangs => more players would stay => more god power you will have! ;)
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