Before saying that something "is the best" or something "is shitty" you could at least try it yourself.TS overlay plugin and every its part is fully configurable, I don't get what difference is between mumble and TS overlay, overlay is mainly used just to show who's speaking. Still, you can do more with TS overlay than just looking at it or switching it off.TS can keep useful files and manage file transfers easily, you have much more options for ACL (mumble usergroup's management is poor when compared to that)
You can't even change volume for every mumble user while in TS you can do it via right-click (and the lack of this is very annoying in mumble as you don't need to tell someone to change his mic volume, you just do it yourself in your TS client if you can't hear someone)..
You can set a priority speaker for channel so commander will be always heard by everyoneAlso I don't remember if there was anything in mumble like poke or mass poke in TS which is very handy (well, there were some "announcements" in mumble but too simple)
The choice is yours and I'm not going to argue more about it because bitching about who is using better or worse VoIP tool looks as childish as some boring TC talk...
TS3 (with some useful plugis) for fonline purposes, beats all other communcators
What "good options" have you in TS3? You mean file transfering? And overlay (still as plugin and TS3 developers didn't created it, it's just plugin) still looks shitty and is not so functional.Compare this: this: overlay with changed position ;P and fully mumble overlay, which in you can do almost everything what you can do directly on client)Users can be display in many ways... Even like on this movie (which is my config, best for wide screens )
You are making it wrong.Compare this screen (TS3) and this (mumble).
I recognize it's good to avoid being scouted by ennemy teams. Mumble doesn't have such features. But well, if there weren't metagaming and were some fair play, this would not be a problem
Mumble has this feature without any plugin, it's just one line in config:Code:allowping=FalseOf course you can't do it if you buy virtual server from some hostings... Or you can, if they have AllowPing in their PHP/Django (ICE ;P) API (look for example at MAP - Mumb1e Admin Plugin)
Professionals use TeamSpeak 3.
mumble ftw, nuff said.
Except when they use mumble.