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"Wasteland is harsh"
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Author Topic: Making the game a bit more challanging and harsher  (Read 11400 times)

Making the game a bit more challanging and harsher
« on: May 27, 2011, 10:56:42 am »

Right now there are some powerbuilds that make the game easy for fights this suggestion is a bit against powerbuilds but it also to have greater consequences of actions and a bit more harshness

First thing is a change to ST stat right now if a gun need 5 ST for use with 4 the player gets only -20% to skill this should be made -100% a dude who can't support the gun should be messed up. On the other hand if a gun needs 5 ST and someone has 6 then he should get bonus to it since he can aim better if his hands won't shake lets say 10% to the skill. Other thing that should be removed is weapon handling if a char has 1 ST then he should be a wimp forever without drugs. Also ST should determine the strength of the bones too a 10 ST char should have less chance to broke his arm or leg while a 1 ST should broke his/her even when he /she hits someone.

About EN well right now if players get -20 they die lets say it should apply for default player with 5 EN so for each EN a player has he can survive 4 hp as an unconscious dude making it that with 10 en its -40 when they die. It should apply to all critter not just human like ones.

Next one a little rep change according to CH. Each killed critter gives a minus 100/ch reputation toward the faction the NPC belongs and the positive rep we get is 5*CH. Also rep shouldn't change in times only way should be by doing good or bad deeds toward a faction nothing like I don't fight them for two days or so.

Another it would feel more challenging if drugs would have multiple side effects that wears off only when player is logged in so no more I play with other char till addiction goes away. So for each addiction there should be a -1 AP so if I get addicted to nuka cola and jet I will have -2 AP not 1 like now.

About luck well I'm happy the way it is right now though I would add one more to LK 1 chars (I have chars like this) they should have no critical hits at all.

About IN if a char goes with 1 IN that player shouldn't be able to use cars or any kind of computers. For IN<4 chars bartering should be that way that the trader gives less caps to them and sells all for double price too.

Make the remants of the Master's army hostile toward every player and give em more hp.


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Re: Making the game a bit more challanging and harsher
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2011, 11:14:06 am »

About drugs: addictions are cumulative so when you are addicted to two type of drugs you have -2 AP.

About EN: Its stupid to live when you are alrdy dead.

About ST: After wipe there will be Iron Man perk wich will work like stonewall but against cripplers.

About CH: I can see TRolls with 2k or more Karma in every Towns with players.

About 1LK: 1% is 1 shots per 100 = almost none crits.

Summary: Your suggestion arent worth thinking.
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Re: Making the game a bit more challanging and harsher
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2011, 11:17:32 am »

The drugs are ok as they are now.
Only pure combat toons with top toys can beat supermutant armies so why make it a bad-luck-you-die deathtrap for 'normal' players (if we ever get them)? It's like putting mines on the world map -click, boom, respawn.

Yes for the rest.


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Re: Making the game a bit more challanging and harsher
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2011, 01:33:15 pm »

Make the remants of the Master's army hostile toward every player and give em more hp.

This will be the case - though the seriously armed mutants will go for a little bit of a wander and be in a different area on the WM.

Enclave will also be hostile and I guess we will need to do something for BoS too - something like increase the area around them where they won't let you come.

Also, these guys should be enjoying the new perks too - the whole reason the anti arm cripple perk exists is to make it impossible to just cripple the arms of these "tough" critters and farm them easily.
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Re: Making the game a bit more challanging and harsher
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2011, 01:36:55 pm »

will we get that perk 2  ;D and i think its already hard enough for some people
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Re: Making the game a bit more challanging and harsher
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2011, 05:01:19 pm »

powerbuilts are good as they are, and make more dangerous the big guys sounds nice
I like to say to Solar that we need a separate system for combat and "all the other", it would be nice to get a crafter,non-combat-skill perk every 4lvls from lvl 2. and a combat perk each 4lvls from the 4lvl. this way we can make powerbuilts equal to crafters, and everyone will be both at the same time, no more alts, no more double-logging, and it still being very personalizable.
i like the idea of Sneakeater-BG-Crafters or Repair-Marksman-Armorer, etc.
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Sorry for my bad english
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Re: Making the game a bit more challanging and harsher
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2011, 09:59:12 pm »

will we get that perk 2  ;D and i think its already hard enough for some people


@Rein, some people mistakenly think there will be split perks similar to that, because it was an early version. It will work a little differently to that in practise, but you can get lots of non combat perks.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
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Re: Making the game a bit more challanging and harsher
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2011, 12:26:15 am »

BoS needs to hold their ammo in their off-hand, by the way.  Sick of hearing about how much can be stolen.

Also, perhaps, some higher factions can use their influence to harass their enemies through their proxies.
-People who bother BoS now have enemies among SF and/or NCR or other factions, like randomly hostile encounters. ("Oops, finger slipped" random NCR Ranger/Patrolman)
-Same goes for Enclave, they could influence their black market ties (Reno rep/factions) or Raiders/bounty hunters.

Another randomized idea.
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Re: Making the game a bit more challanging and harsher
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2011, 12:28:02 am »

BoS needs to hold their ammo in their off-hand, by the way.  Sick of hearing about how much can be stolen.

Also, perhaps, some higher factions can use their influence to harass their enemies through their proxies.
-People who bother BoS now have enemies among SF and/or NCR or other factions, like randomly hostile encounters. ("Oops, finger slipped" random NCR Ranger/Patrolman)
-Same goes for Enclave, they could influence their black market ties (Reno rep/factions) or Raiders/bounty hunters.

Another randomized idea.

I think that's a great idea and it will actually make actions have a more resounding impact on the player.


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Re: Making the game a bit more challanging and harsher
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2011, 09:55:25 am »

BoS needs to hold their ammo in their off-hand, by the way.  Sick of hearing about how much can be stolen.

Yes, its safe to assume this won't be possible post wipe.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Making the game a bit more challanging and harsher
« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2011, 11:06:24 am »

correct me if i m wrong...
6 hq gp is quite easy to get.(slaves at mines)
dynamite - abit hard to make.
people from same faction can steal off dynamite to BoS or Enclave and get miniguns and gatling.
maybe BoS isnt so good for farm minigun...
but mutants from unity is quite easy to farm anyway.
same with farming lsw, glow runs and other hq stuff. (high ap+time before combat) (fixed time for generator in glow)
ca in shop easy to get. (just by spawn time)
tons of drugs around waste - 2 hours run: stuff that poor doctor can make for few days.
same with big quantiny of easy to get stuff from vs encounters.
alot hq stuff stay at merchants at night time (+0+3 gmt)
and exploits with merchants (dont know bug, but stuff often go away from merchant and lootable npc killed nearby traders places) ((cant prove))
easy to get exp (vs encounters) (bg uberbuilds) (npc bugs) (npc bugs with map bugs)
easy slave/merc leveling at place with respawning npc's.
half easy exp by first aid. (very easy with huge hp friend)
easy to get gauss - big gangs farming gauss at themepark.
easy reputation  lost/recieve system - traders (sell buy items), or easy penalty for kill npc in wastes (low rep lost).
easy to get idolized for npc by faction quests (BoS) - just farm stuff at BoS bunker, any kind of. (like 2500+ rep or more)
to easy way to get cars.

i bet most of this under work, but maybe my info can be helpfull.
sorry if not.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2011, 11:23:22 am by Who Killed Bambi »

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Re: Making the game a bit more challanging and harsher
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2011, 12:45:47 pm »

Well, thats a long list, so I'll pick a couple.

BoS/Enclave/Unity will all be made so they are harder to farm - BoS need a bigger exclusion zone, Enclave/Unity will be hostile. All encounter NPCs need better stats, so they aren't so easy (we have a new proto system to allow us to control these better). Then higher stuff will be put into harder encounters - so it will be more of a challenge than now.

Traders will be different too. You won't be able to use crap to trade for higher items, so the mass of stuff flowing in from encounters won't be transformed into top gear so much.

Slaves won't be able to mine HQ materials, as they will only be left on private mines.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
Re: Making the game a bit more challanging and harsher
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2011, 01:39:49 pm »

Slaves won't be able to mine HQ materials, as they will only be left on private mines.

So no more slaves in public mines?
I think it was a good feature to use slaves as miners, it brings some diversity in mines and was a good point of using slaves (not only for combat or money)
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Re: Making the game a bit more challanging and harsher
« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2011, 02:06:32 pm »

Slaves won't be able to mine HQ materials, as they will only be left on private mines.

So bad, gaining HQ minerals by protecting your slaves in a unguarded mine, always ending in attack on you and the slaughter of your slaves was cool, surely cooler than a regular mining party.
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Re: Making the game a bit more challanging and harsher
« Reply #14 on: May 28, 2011, 03:07:47 pm »

So bad, gaining HQ minerals by protecting your slaves in a unguarded mine, always ending in attack on you and the slaughter of your slaves was cool, surely cooler than a regular mining party.

I mean they won't be able to be left there. If you are on the map with them it'd still work.

Having said that, I have never looked at how quickly they mine - so there may or may not need to be some adjusting of that rate.
Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
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