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"Wasteland is harsh"
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Author Topic: Improving the playing experience for the new players  (Read 5375 times)


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Re: Improving the playing experience for the new players
« Reply #30 on: April 21, 2011, 10:14:51 pm »

Interesting, by what standards?
By the standards of modern games? It doesn't matter that Fonline is based on the 13-year old game. It should follow some basic rules, set by the industry, to be successful.

P.S. Surf, what's the problem with you? You aren't satisfied with the real life? Why you should put your word in EVERY SINGLE TOPIC, especially if you are NOT playing this game as a normal player, without of using a GM account? Which means, that you can't soberly assess the situation.


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Re: Improving the playing experience for the new players
« Reply #31 on: April 21, 2011, 10:19:48 pm »

And I have played fo2, beat it, was realy fun but I got a bit utterly confused at times :P.

Fallout 2 is the only roleplaying game on the world? Why am I not surprised at the bold part. Spares me energy though, having not to bother talking with you about RPGs anymore.

Ohoho, personal insults now...

Calling someone a teenager or part of a younger generation is now an insult? Must've missed something. It's a fact that modern games get catered for exact this audience, with said shorter attention spans.

anyways,  fo2 did have a subtle tutorial, although it didn't hold your hand though it.

Black Isle was forced by the Publisher to implement such a tutorial in last minute. It was not the developers will to include it.

By the standards of modern games? It doesn't matter that Fonline is based on the 13-year old game. It should follow some basic rules, set by the industry, to be successful.

I didn't know that we are trying to sell the game. As for the utterly inane mentioning of "industry standards" - I already wrote above which audience these are catered to.


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Re: Improving the playing experience for the new players
« Reply #32 on: April 21, 2011, 10:27:25 pm »

I didn't know that we are trying to sell the game. As for the utterly inane mentioning of "industry standards" - I already wrote above which audience these are catered to.
Did I said "sell" somewhere? No I didn't, because I know that it's an indie game, which wasn't made with aim to sell it. Nevertheless, it should somehow obey industry standards.

Now, let's stop this useless discussion, because anyway everyone will stay with its opinion. Let our dear developers decide whether we need such feature or not.


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Re: Improving the playing experience for the new players
« Reply #33 on: April 21, 2011, 10:35:17 pm »

Now, let's stop this useless discussion, because anyway everyone will stay with its opinion. Let our dear developers decide whether we need such feature or not.
Yeah, lets just drop it before we end up taking up 2 more pages...
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.


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Re: Improving the playing experience for the new players
« Reply #34 on: April 22, 2011, 10:13:41 am »

But anyway, this topic should stay open, in case if someone who's playing for not so long wants to share its opinion.


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Re: Improving the playing experience for the new players
« Reply #35 on: April 22, 2011, 02:56:45 pm »

There is no handholding.
So players are leaving, not only because of anonymous "morons", boredom or whatever. Guess how many people told me they would leave after day or so, if we never met? Self proclaimed Mother Theresa of Wastes had spoken.
If you'd read the manual then you'd have known that there are hotel rooms.
Manual is outdated and will be removed (as Lexx said somewhere). But I can agree, reading didn't kill anyone yet.
I already said that this will be a non-issue after the update.
Awesome, but for now you can't tell newbies to rent these rooms. Argument busted.
P.S. Surf, what's the problem with you? You aren't satisfied with the real life? Why you should put your word in EVERY SINGLE TOPIC, especially if you are NOT playing this game as a normal player, without of using a GM account? Which means, that you can't soberly assess the situation.
I'd like to know the answer too.
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Re: Improving the playing experience for the new players
« Reply #36 on: April 22, 2011, 05:19:03 pm »

why the last option says n00bs, is supposed to be newbies

and i think that newbies only deserve suffering, why? because all the games are very friendly aand everyone can play it, but this game no, so if youre a newbie and have a brave heart (lol) you will deserve to grow up and become powerful, if not then just stop of play.
You must win play fonline,
thats what i think

Praise Dagonn and Chtulhuu The wastelands worst enemie.
Re: Improving the playing experience for the new players
« Reply #37 on: April 24, 2011, 03:31:33 pm »

Even in Real Life most of us have a short tutorial at the beginning.
We are learning how to walk, learning how to eat, how to say "mother" and so on. Usually you have linear beginning where you making closer to game mechanics.
There should be some temple-like where to learn how to shoot, how to fight, how to steal, how to heal.
Also the longe the starting the less it encourages alting. Also It is the right place to show what is Enclave (shooting someone or something)

Not bad at all.
Re: Improving the playing experience for the new players
« Reply #38 on: April 24, 2011, 10:33:40 pm »

why the last option says n00bs, is supposed to be newbies

and i think that newbies only deserve suffering, why? because all the games are very friendly aand everyone can play it, but this game no, so if youre a newbie and have a brave heart (lol) you will deserve to grow up and become powerful, if not then just stop of play.
You must win play fonline,
thats what i think

So everyone should get mutie artillery/grid camp for da lulz right otherwise they shouldn't play Fonline?  We should make the game even more harsh so only those who can beat others cheaply by camping or swarming a lone player, can play right?  If this game represents Reinats kind of thinking, we might as well say Fonline is only for griefers and trolls.

Graphics will always be a part of the attraction.  Since we know the game is graphically inferior, then it needs something else to draw in players.  UPVP was tried with Ultima Online, a game that had graphics and the playerbase STILL TANKED.  Its clear the "harshness", more than anything else, drives players away from the game.  Do folks realy want the Fonline playerbase to comprise entirely of Reinats?

The hardcoreness comes from the playerbase primarily made up of griefers and trolls.  A game that caters to sociopath type behaviors will attract?  Sociopaths.  

« Last Edit: April 25, 2011, 05:43:30 am by Keldorn »


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Re: Improving the playing experience for the new players
« Reply #39 on: April 25, 2011, 05:09:57 am »

The hardcoreness comes from the playerbase primarily made up of griefers and trolls.  A game that caters to sociopath type behaviors will attract?  Sociopaths. 

Speaking of which, this might be a bit offtopic but I want to share an anecdote: some time ago I decided to give TLA a try. So I create a character, head to Bartergrounds or whatever, say hi to some Russians and asked them to please give me some small advice about what to do in that server, the answer I get is "fuck you damn french, get back to 2238", which I respond with "i'm not french, i'm argentinean" which made one of them say "argentineans are pussies, were raped in the falklands war". Uff, tough one. I actually never got such a strong one here in 2238. Anyway, after being called "emperialist" more than once, I run around getting my eyes hurt with my poor looking Van Buren model until I go into one of the tents. When I want to get out, a character in shining power armor is blocking the entrance and shouting "suffer! suffer emperialist!".

So yeah, the "hardcoreness" comes from a poor player base. But it's not hardcoreness, it's just lulzy nonsense.


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Re: Improving the playing experience for the new players
« Reply #40 on: April 25, 2011, 11:53:05 pm »

When I want to get out, a character in shining power armor is blocking the entrance and shouting "suffer! suffer emperialist!".

Priceless ;D

Also yeah, as you said this game is so harsh because players make it harsh, not mechanics. Not sure there's anything wrong with that though.
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"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer


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Re: Improving the playing experience for the new players
« Reply #41 on: April 26, 2011, 03:32:03 am »

Also yeah, as you said this game is so harsh because players make it harsh, not mechanics. Not sure there's anything wrong with that though.

Not it's not bad really but imo if the player base sucks, the harshness will suck as well. Because like I said it is trolol and not harshness.

Wasteland is trolulzy.


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Re: Improving the playing experience for the new players
« Reply #42 on: April 26, 2011, 09:40:18 am »

just give train access to newcomers ...problem solved
Aku Soku Zan


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Re: Improving the playing experience for the new players
« Reply #43 on: April 27, 2011, 01:55:27 am »

Long time ago i make post with suggestion about 'quick caravans response against aggressor'

When u landing in enco with random caravans and some player come's an he will open fire to you(team mates,cow etc.) Caravan's should response automatically against of aggression becouse they may feel threatened.

This will not solve the problem completely, but much can make life easier a new player at low levels.

P.S Your idea Graf is totally hit. Make a newbie's life easier!


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Re: Improving the playing experience for the new players
« Reply #44 on: April 27, 2011, 11:35:43 am »

Dude, that Surf guy is the worst person to try to reason with ever. Seeing him completely misunderstand everything almost seemingly on purpose was frustrating to just READ, I can't imagine being on the other side...

Anyway, I think this is a pretty good idea. What Surf and Reiniat fail to realize is this isn't changing the WHOLE game, completely nerfing it and the like. One thing. Not even a very big thing, just the smallest push to convince more people to stay. That's the whole reason for this anyway, to get more people online! So what's the big deal? Is this hurting someone somehow? I've only ever seen maybe 25 people in one place at one time, and I constantly just run into the same people.

So I don't know what the hell everyone's talking about saying this will make the game too easy. Not really, I mean it's not that hard anymore for me, but for newbies it is. You can be killed and lose everything at anytime. Unless you're in a guarded town, which they don't even know the difference. They'll figure it out eventually, just like we did. But obviously it's not accessible enough to make people want to stay long enough to do so. That's all this is trying to do. I can't reiterate enough, I don't want to be blatantly misunderstood, over and if you want new people, and want this game to grow and develop for many more years to come vote yes. If you like MMO to stand for Minimal Multiplaying Online, and can't wait for the point when this game is totally full of only max level characters, those player's alts, and finally for this game to wither away and die please vote no and take to the nearest Vault to prepare for the end.
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