Dude, that Surf guy is the worst person to try to reason with ever. Seeing him completely misunderstand everything almost seemingly on purpose was frustrating to just READ, I can't imagine being on the other side...
Anyway, I think this is a pretty good idea. What Surf and Reiniat fail to realize is this isn't changing the WHOLE game, completely nerfing it and the like. One thing. Not even a very big thing, just the smallest push to convince more people to stay. That's the whole reason for this anyway, to get more people online! So what's the big deal? Is this hurting someone somehow? I've only ever seen maybe 25 people in one place at one time, and I constantly just run into the same people.
So I don't know what the hell everyone's talking about saying this will make the game too easy. Not really, I mean it's not that hard anymore for me, but for newbies it is. You can be killed and lose everything at anytime. Unless you're in a guarded town, which they don't even know the difference. They'll figure it out eventually, just like we did. But obviously it's not accessible enough to make people want to stay long enough to do so. That's all this is trying to do. I can't reiterate enough, I don't want to be blatantly misunderstood, over and over...so if you want new people, and want this game to grow and develop for many more years to come vote yes. If you like MMO to stand for Minimal Multiplaying Online, and can't wait for the point when this game is totally full of only max level characters, those player's alts, and finally for this game to wither away and die please vote no and take to the nearest Vault to prepare for the end.