Hey guys,
I've been playing FOnline for about a week now, love it of course (massive fan of the original two games) and I would like to thank the Dev's for their hard work thats gone into the project, however during my journeys/adventures in the wasteland i've thought of a few ideas that could potentially improve the playing experience for everyone. These arejust small simple ideas that I have come up with, they are of course open to debate and change.
1. Improved Banking System - Allow banks for the time being to 'create' money (until the debt the banks currently have is repaid fully) this will allow people to safely store caps and withdraw them, I would also like to suggest that people should be able to access their accounts from ANY bank in the game (but something in place where by it will take 48RL hours for the account information to reach the other banks in wastes if you like.)
2. Interest Accounts - Reinstate interest accounts (alongside standard saving accounts) HOWEVER put in 'conditions' where-by players will have to pay in so much money into an account for it to actually pay interest and then cap it once it reaches a certain amount (say 5000caps) You could even go further and make it so players cant access their money once it's in these accounts until the first set of interest is paid (saves on abuse and having mega rich players)
3. Improved Railway System - The current system from what i've seen is a little... unreliable... Thus almost making the system un-useable, nice simple solution to this however is have a train enter the station every 5 or 10 RL minutes (much like the old SW:Gakaxies Shuttle system.) People can then time trains, get on with whatever buisiness they have in the city and get home in time for tea.
4. Something thats been suggested in the past but allow players to build houses in the desert once they have bought plans or schematics, the tent is a good little starter home but the lack of containers is frustrating... I'm determined to build a few example homes in the mapper once I manage to get it up and running.
5. Traders/Merchants should refresh their inventory quickly and stock useful items, items which have a duration over 55% should be destroyed upon being sold and not displayed in the barter screen. Merchants at this point are useless in my opinion (or close to useless atleast) as none seem to stock useful items and I have to scroll through dozens of junk 10mm pistols and BB Guns. Ammunition for example SHOULD be available at merchants alot more then it actually is, just because people CAN craft doesnt mean they should be forced to...
Hope you like some of the suggestions on offer, these are only rough examples but they are open to debate, let me know what you think.