Other > Survival Guides / Game Help
yeah, the ranger garage in NCR is KoS for slavers, the rest of the city is safe
--- Quote from: naskiel32 on February 06, 2010, 07:30:26 pm ---look at http://www.fo2238.fodev.net/wiki/Slavers for list npc u can enslave there are errors in "Weapons handled" area
--- End quote ---
Which ? Please report ;) That wiki page can become very useful and avoid a lot of questions.
well first of all wiki says its 5 char min for enslave ..and this CH/2 -1 would one read that min char is 4 ... but people here stated at 3 they can enslave ... so how many slaves / merc you can have at 5 char ? 2 ? then at 9 you can have 5 ? same at 10 ?
as for slaves - the bottlegger female refuses to use pistols , but used shotguns . also it seems that the list is not compleate ...
i say tis quie annoying to try one by one to see what weapons your slave can use.. as well as lose rope when you try to experiment who you can enslave ...
I see. I'll check it out myself, however if you have precise informations, I'd be glad to be aware of it.
Frozen Mind:
I can write article about NPCs that can be enslaved with short characteristic.
Also... There need to be written what kind of weapons they CAN use.
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