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Frozen Mind:
I have few interesting things:

1. I had two slaves with 158 health points until they died in fight against SF caravan while guarding Fargo transport.
2. There are ladies in metal skin (it's differ than standard metal armor) that are able to enslave. Unfortunately they are weak.
3. Today died possibility to get combat slave with a rope - if bug has been really fixed. Combat slaves are not so combat. There are much better NPC units you can enslave.

gawd, gettind a couple of guys called Holy People (lonely wanderers) would be sweet just because of the banter when you meet them.

i got one of them as slave (one of the holly people or it was lone wanderer not remember now) and he use ripper and that is sweet so they are not useless like they write in wiki ;D

Out of curiousity, do any towns shoot you on sight just for being a slaver?

Sorry, to clarify: After your reputation has gone back to neutral.

as for me no only some carawans guards atack me and rangers from NCR shot my ass when they see me too  >:(  but normal in city is no problem. But is just me :P


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